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What should I do......?????


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Hey people, well, I really need advice on what I should do about my relationship.....sorry if it gets too long....

I've been goin out w/ my b/f for about a year and a 1/2. Well, whenever me and him go out clubbin, we make this little plan that we are allowed to be single for the nite, I dont mean fucking but just hooking up. Well, 2 weeks ago, went out, that nite I met this guy there from my town, who I've always thought was so hot. He was one of those guys all the girls wanted, so I thought "ok, he's got all the girls he wants why would he look at me". Well, we hooked up. He called me a few days later and we talked. The thing was that I could not stop thinking about him. That friday (I know I shouldn't of) I went over his house. I've seen him like 3x after that nite. I told my boyfriend that i have been talking to him and he says I'd better stop. And that if he found out that I did anything he'd never talk to me again. I'm so confused. Even though it doesn't seem like it, I really do care about him alot, its just that all of a sudden i dont feel the same way about him like I did. Its like I'd rather be w/ the other guy than w/ my b/f. I dont know if its a phase i'm goin thru or what. About a month ago, he went thru the same thing , but then he realized that it was me he wanted to be with. I know that this may sound like such a strange relationship, but we really do care alot about eachother, ever though it doesn't look like it. DO you think that maybe I need a little break or something??? has anyone ever gone thru something like this b4? Please any advice would be so helpful!!!!!








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why don't you tell your boyfriend that you'd like to take some time to see other people since you kind of are doing that anyway. if it's meant to be it's meant to be. if not well then.......i know that when i'm in love with someone no-one else exists to me. i don't know how old you are but if you're young, meaning early twenties, there's no reason for you to be tied to just one person. if you're afraid your bf will say it's all or nothing then that's a mature decision you have to make, but for god's sake don't cheat on him b/c there's nothing worse. seriously, i'm a firm believer in things working out if they are meant to! maybe before you make your decsion you should feel him out by asking him how he'd feel if you were both to see others....oh, and remember, to this hottie you may just be the flavor of the moment. you may sacrifice what you have with your bf for someone who ends up being a total dickhead and you may end up with nothing so think hard about this if you really love your bf....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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I totally agree with the above post. Make sure that the other guy is just as much interested in you as u are in him. <-- I think your excitment about this guy will go away just give it another week or two. think hard! good luck smile.gif



"Luna, thank you so much!"

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Hmm.. I don't really agree with what nicki said above.. Of course in the ideal world it would be easy to tell someone that you wanna take time off, and then after a short time, when you realize that you wanna go back to that person, go back to them. Realistically, it's not that easy. Once you "break up" even for a short time, it will always stay in his head that this happened. It's impossible to forget that. You say that he was in the same situation about a month ago but he realized that it was you he wanted. That's great and all but how many times do you guys have to go through this before you realize that you wanna be together or you wanna see other ppl? I'm not trying to lecture you but I guess I'm just amazed at how lightly some ppl take relationships. It's all fun and games at first but make sure you don't end up losing someone important over some fling.. I guess what I'm saying is just think ahead a little bit, and don't do anything impulsive no matter how much you're attracted to the other guy..

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Originally posted by romy20:

Hey people, well, I really need advice on what I should do about my relationship.....sorry if it gets too long....

I've been goin out w/ my b/f for about a year and a 1/2. Well, whenever me and him go out clubbin, we make this little plan that we are allowed to be single for the nite, I dont mean fucking but just hooking up. Well, 2 weeks ago, went out, that nite I met this guy there from my town, who I've always thought was so hot. He was one of those guys all the girls wanted, so I thought "ok, he's got all the girls he wants why would he look at me". Well, we hooked up. He called me a few days later and we talked. The thing was that I could not stop thinking about him. That friday (I know I shouldn't of) I went over his house. I've seen him like 3x after that nite. I told my boyfriend that i have been talking to him and he says I'd better stop. And that if he found out that I did anything he'd never talk to me again. I'm so confused. Even though it doesn't seem like it, I really do care about him alot, its just that all of a sudden i dont feel the same way about him like I did. Its like I'd rather be w/ the other guy than w/ my b/f. I dont know if its a phase i'm goin thru or what. About a month ago, he went thru the same thing , but then he realized that it was me he wanted to be with. I know that this may sound like such a strange relationship, but we really do care alot about eachother, ever though it doesn't look like it. DO you think that maybe I need a little break or something??? has anyone ever gone thru something like this b4? Please any advice would be so helpful!!!!!



Oh please! Stop complaining and acting confused. You know You want to fuck the other guy so go for it. Why not? He's hot, he's available, he could be yours!

So anyway..if you're meant to be, you'll come back to your other guy and you two will be fine.

And honesty is the best policy...so just face it, both you and your boyfriend are major sluts. That's all hun.






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Originally posted by iliana:

Oh please! Stop complaining and acting confused. You know You want to fuck the other guy so go for it. Why not? He's hot, he's available, he could be yours!

So anyway..if you're meant to be, you'll come back to your other guy and you two will be fine.

And honesty is the best policy...so just face it, both you and your boyfriend are major sluts. That's all hun.






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I think u guys should stop acting like ur single in clubs..thats the main problem...in clubs u get tempted, lots of cuties, etc...and u and ur b/f should be together in clubs not separate and hook up with other ppl, cause thats messing up ur relatioinship. I mean its nice to be wanted by others then ur b/f...but u really have to realize either be with ur boyfriend and no more hooking up in clubs, or just break up and hook up all u want, thats MO...

u guys will go through confusion and seeing other ppl all the time, i mean u can meet one guy a nite thats cute and then its gonna be the same thing, "hmmm...let me call him, i think hes so cute", and it will just be a cycle with both u guys...


aim: amafrk1


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I say it depends on if you really love your man or not. I mean if you really love him, then leave that other dude alone. Think about if it would really be worth losing your man over. On the other hand if you don't really feel anything for the one your with, then do what you gotta do.



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i agree with foxy... why would you pretend or act single when you went to a club... you aren't and making believe you were just allows problems to occur... it's just not a smart move because now you think you want someone else more then you want your boyfriend and you said he went through the same thing last month... what's the point?? i think you both need to maturely decide whether or not you really want to be together... and if you stay together, end this fake-im-single- club shit...

as for the cutie from the club, i think you just like him because he's new and because you know you can't really have him, so it makes him tempting and 20x hotter...

like orchid said, think hard about what you're doing...

i think iliana and petp laid out the situation quitely nicely actually... biggrin.gif


the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE


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