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does anyone here like x-files...no I'm not talking about the pill...LOL


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I just started watching the show within the past year and now it's a ritual.

But...I hate nothing more than this "to be continued...in 2 weeks" shiot!

I want to know if Mulder is going to live. Does anyone know if he is leaving the show??

I feel like a trekkie cwm32.gif



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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i've been watching the show from episode 1...they haven't said yet if Duchovny is leaving the show or not...but he did say in past interviews he would still do movies if they ever were ever to do so...

comparing x-files fans to trekkies...?!

don't make me get the probe... cwm32.gif


i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing...


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Trekkies to Xfilers? Perish the thought.

Mulder is supposed to be in at least 8 episodes I think. Unless they all become some sorta dream styled episodes, I bet he lives.


Dreams - Action = Fantasy

Dreams + Action = Reality

Fantasy + Reality = Just look at my logo you crackheads...


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Hmmm, if I hadn't met you both I'd swear you were one in the same! You seem to always post around the same time...coincidence?...I think not cwm13.gif That'll be next week's episode cwm32.gif

Sorry about the trekkie/x-file comparison guys...and Frank, please don't tease me with the probe! hehehehehe!

I hope he lives, not in those dreams sequence/vision things though. It wouldn't be the same without him frown.gif



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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parsons, excellent school for art, that's if your name coincides with the school your attending smile.gif

x-files is the bomb, havent watched it in monts though, mulder needs to give up on his sister, she is gone. abducted or not, she is a goner


"a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again"

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Originally posted by djustinh:

parsons, excellent school for art, that's if your name coincides with the school your attending smile.gif

x-files is the bomb, havent watched it in monts though, mulder needs to give up on his sister, she is gone. abducted or not, she is a goner

Errr... you're wrong on every count... but that's understandable.

Mattyparsons is not in parsons... he's in a hole somewhere down yonder trying to validate my existance for why I missed CC/DT.

Hmmm... never mind Mulder's sister... you got find him first. You def. got some catching up to do. The truth is on Channel 5, Sundays at 9 pm.


Dreams - Action = Fantasy

Dreams + Action = Reality

Fantasy + Reality = Just look at my logo you crackheads...


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Originally posted by djustinh:

parsons, excellent school for art, that's if your name coincides with the school your attending smile.gif

god, that's hilarious. i associate art with creativity. i tell you, this guy isn't bursting with creativity juices, if you know the names he uses for other things


"real fucking high"

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Actually, DD just agreed to bump it up to 11 episodes for this season. At least that's what it said in the Daily News last week.

Of course he's not dead. He's only been in what...3 episodes so far. Also, they pulled this once before as a season finale - he'll live and take the aliens down at the same time... wink.gif

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Originally posted by deanna11:

god, that's hilarious. i associate art with creativity. i tell you, this guy isn't bursting with creativity juices, if you know the names he uses for other things

yeah, well you should hear the names i call you and the words i use to describe you. takes a shitload of creativity to come up with them, if you ask me.



"man, i can't believe i spilled my bottle of jd!"

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holy shit people i became an x-files freek when i went to college...but now this whole "no more moulder" thing is really getting me down. i'm not a big fan of agent dogget so i have not been watching it as regligiously as i use to....i think the writing has gotten worse and what's up with computer dorks that work for scully occationally, having their own tv show?? i don't think i like that either...i forget their names but one of them has longish blond hair and black glasses kinda looks like wayne for W&G (garth). man i my housemates and i loved that show but they better do something quick to get my interests peeked again. cwm19.gif

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