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Question about Sound Factory!!

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21 ma'am smile.gif


-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

-----"We where somewhere in the desert, near barstow....when the drugs began to kick in" -Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


AIM: fantom0680

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21+ before 4...sometimes Paris takes it a bit easier after 4, but usually w/ peeps she knows. A shitty fake ID should be fine though.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee was and always will be my bitch ...and he'll never forget that...Everyone else, please be real to yourselves before you try to tell others what is right and wrong...and please, please chill the fuck out with the hypocrisy...that kind of behavior makes us "racists" look like Ghandi (no Hindu-bashing implied)...unless you are my bitch nycedee and believe that free thinking=racism...because that makes the most sense of all.

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Thank you!! cwm4.gif

I guess no SF. I'm trying to plan a girl's night out and one of the girls is a baby (only 20).

Any suggestions? cwm1.gif



“Once in a while, in the middle of this thing called life, love throws us a fairy tale.” - Unkown


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hey Blue smile.gif how are ya?

Listen, I know you've tried Exit b4...I hope you liked it...and if you did, I don't think you should have a problem w/ getting one, 20 y.o. girlie in smile.gif Especially, if you have those disco balls...they get you in w/o waiting on line. Hope to see you there smile.gif

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Try going with someone that goes to SF alot that can get you in. I'd do it but I'm not going this week.... Just make sure you look good and tell Paris you know that they aren't 21 but show ID anyhow and see what happens. Usually after 5 or 6 it's easy to get in with out 21+ id I heard.



"I OWN DJ Mike D'R. NOW"


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honestly...get her a semi-decent id~>anyone resembling her in the slightes and u should be straight! or if u r latenighters...go after 4 and i doubt she would have any problems with a 20 yr old id~~>the bar closes at 4 so they usually go a little easy. but sometimes it depends on paris's mood..i've seen her go easy...and i have seen her play people out!! LOL! so if u r still gonna go....dress nice and bring her real and a fake!!! have fun! cwm38.gif


*~*i DOn'T nEeD yOur AttiTudE~~>i BrOuGht My OwN*~*

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Listen, I went two weeks ago and had the same problem because one of my friends brought a girl who wasn't going to be 21 till mid march. The first time we were on line it was about 2:30am and the bouncer said no and told paris she was too young. We had to get off the line and I was pissed. I thought she had ID and I didn't just travel on the LIRR for nothing. So we waited like 10 minutes before getting on line again and I went first seeing as I am over 21 and went straight to paris and was really nice. I looked paris srtaight in the eyes and said I come here all the time,I know she's not 21 but she will be soon. I am not trying to pawn off some fake id for her to get in, it's her real id and she drove my car here (that i did lie about, since we really took the train)paris looked at me for a second then asked to see this girls id..she looked at it and then decided to let her in...KEY HERE IS JUST BE REALLY NICE TO PARIS and you should have no problems. cwm29.gifcwm30.gif

[This message has been edited by princess0621 (edited 02-27-2001).]

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