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Ever had the "HOTS" for any of the bartenders??

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my friends think i have a serious problem ... i cant get a drink from a pretty girl and not fall in love ... there are 2 girls rigth now i would drop anythign for and both of them are bartenders i know ... the are incredable ... beautiful and they make u drinks !! i always make friends with bartenders everywhere i go ... but i find myself falling in love with some of them ... so far it usually works out in my benefit, either resulting in dats or at least free drinks ... they prepare alcohol and give it to you, throw in a nice smile , how oculd u not love them !


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contact joeydollaz@aol.com

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Ummmm, well I know that I always go up to the hottest (male of course) bartender there is when I am at a bar/club. It's good to get in good with them, especially if ya like to flirt with them too. That makes for possible drinks on the house and also getting served first when there are mad people trying to get drinks. I love hottie bartenders!


bluesbro.gif Please meet Jammin' Jimmy, the Dancin' Machine!! (thanks Daniela)!

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Originally posted by lolly:

Ummmm, well I know that I always go up to the hottest (male of course) bartender there is when I am at a bar/club. It's good to get in good with them, especially if ya like to flirt with them too. That makes for possible drinks on the house and also getting served first when there are mad people trying to get drinks. I love hottie bartenders!

great minds think alike

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Thank god for the hot bartenders! They're like the closest thing we girls have to the scantily clad dancers all the guys get to ogle at!! At least they're required to wear their tight black shirts! cwm12.gifcwm12.gif

[This message has been edited by nessalove (edited 02-25-2001).]

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There's this one bartender at Twilo, I forget his name but he's short-ish, dark hair, thin and RIPPED, and he's got these green, green eyes... I was so twisted I asked him "you're not straight are you... You're too good looking to be straight!" Anyway, it almost makes me wish I was a drinker...

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When I was 18, I had a crush on one of the bartenders from Metro 700 (am I dating myself or what). He told me he wanted to talk with me for a while and to meet him over by the bathrooms. Next thing I knew I was being pulled into a stall in the mens room. I got freaked out and when he tried to kiss me I said "How do you know I don't have a boyfriend!?!" It worked...he backed off. I haven't had the hots for a bartender since. smile.gif



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ok first off all the male bartenders at twilo are gay!!! hehehe, take that girls!!!!

bartenders in general are male sluts...i know cause on of my best friends used to bartend in hoboken...ahh the stories he would tell!!!!

but there are some bartenders that are just too hot looking, but whats the point of hitting on them, you know every guy and their brother has hit on them before you.

ever go to opal on the east side. they have these two blonde women, twins, who are absolutely fookin gorgeous, they should be in playboy or something!!!! cwm12.gif

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Originally posted by boa_boy:

Well if you were hiring staff for a nightclub/bar would you hire anyone that wasn't attractive? cwm13.gif

I work at a club and the cocktail waitresses are all good looking . . . but the bartenders are nothing too special . . .

but i got my job from my looks, my bosses made that pretty clear to all of us waitresses . . . and i would do the same thing - why would you want ugly people serving you drinks? biggrin.gif



theres a pic of me at work - hehehe check out the *cheezy* uniforms . . . i'm on the left smile.gif


"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by playboychick:

When I was 18, I had a crush on one of the bartenders from Metro 700 (am I dating myself or what). He told me he wanted to talk with me for a while and to meet him over by the bathrooms. Next thing I knew I was being pulled into a stall in the mens room. I got freaked out and when he tried to kiss me I said "How do you know I don't have a boyfriend!?!" It worked...he backed off. I haven't had the hots for a bartender since. smile.gif

awwww ... did u got otrixx on sunday nights back in the day ??

=) to see the likes of george lamond etc ...


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contact joeydollaz@aol.com

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

there are 2 girls rigth now i would drop anythign for and both of them are bartenders i know ... the are incredable ... beautiful and they make u drinks !!

The blonde at the bottom bar at LL?




Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

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Originally posted by sniffmyass:

Brandy your boss was drunk when he hired you your NOT HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cwm42.gif

A. my name is spelled B-r-a-n-d-i-e

B. learn how to post ONCE not twice

C. i simply stated that my boss hired me for my Looks, meaning I am not ugly . . . i did not run around saying "i am gods gift to the world" . . . nice try, dear.

D. i posted the pic so everyone could see the uniforms, dumbass, i think i said "check out the cheezy uniforms"

anything else?





"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by fatboy:

Sorry brandie !! I think he's right, don't ever post a picture of yourself too show off.. Just looks like your trying too hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think YOU need to get over yourself. She IS a good looking girl and she's a lot better looking than some of the girls I've seen working in bars/clubs. I think you missed the point of the picture. Showing off? What about all those picture threads? Are people trying to SHOW off? Ummmm, no. Personally, even if she WAS trying to show off, she's got every right to if she wants. If you got it, be proud. There is nothing wrong with that.


bluesbro.gif Please meet Jammin' Jimmy, the Dancin' Machine!! (thanks Daniela)!

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Originally posted by woodu:

The blonde girl upstairs at Exit was hot!!! Very cool too. Gives me a reason to go back...

are you talking about the blonde girl on the 2nd floor bar? If yes...I agree! She is a cool person (don't know her...but I got real good vibe from her this past Sat)...and she is fast too smile.gif !

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Originally posted by fatboy:

Sorry brandie !! I think he's right, don't ever post a picture of yourself too show off.. Just looks like your trying too hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I second that! If SHE was hired for her looks I would hate to see what the rest of the bartenders look like. The chick on the right is a bit scary as well!!!


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