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How religious are you..

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Do you believe in God and Saints? Do you believe that your good deeds will get you into heaven? Sometimes the signs are there if we look hard enough.


The Woods Are Lovely, Dark & Deep

But I Have Promises To Keep And Miles to Go Before I Sleep..

Robert Frost

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well considering i went to catholic school for 9 nine... im definatley not as religious as i should be.. but i believe in god and i know hes watching over me... im still standin and its no thanx to me lol


"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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I believe that life is a big mystery, that no one has all the answers, and that yes--the signs point to something else beyond some empty, meaningless mere existence

other than that, i've kind of given up trying to know all the answers 'cause i never will, choose to live and let it be what it may

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Being that I come from a highly religious background I should be more religious and maybe when I stop clubbing I may be more dedicated to religion that to clubs!! It may it may not happen but I always know God is with me!! I will be more religoius some day!! Time will tell!!

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I am happy with my beliefs...!

I don't believe in GOD but I believe in a creator..(creators to be exact)

I for one believe the Bible is a mistranslation and that the answer to where we come from is going to make a lot of people very surprised when the truth comes out...

I believe in cause and effect and not the fear of damnation to be a good person...

I believe that science has de-mystified many superstitions and will continue to so in the future..

But most importantly I believe in the ELOHIM..those that created us in their images after their likeness and sent all the prophets to earth to spread their message..

Unfortunatewly us humans couldn't possibly consieve who they where so we called them "angels" and Gods and created ass backwards religions..

They did arrive from above..that is writen in every culture and in every riligiouse text..

But WHO they are perhaps can best be understood today that our minds can grasp the concept of Cloning and machines that fly us to other parts of the world..

When they return (as all major religions say they will, and as they have promised) They will come back to earth in their "Chariots of fire" as thay are called in the Bible..

But those that are ready to understand will great them for who they truely are..

Our creators who watch us...

and wait for us to awake...

That day is veeeeeery close..

(If you do the research you might be very surprised at what I'm saying..connect the dots.)



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Originally posted by cubano43:

Do you believe in God and Saints? Do you believe that your good deeds will get you into heaven? Sometimes the signs are there if we look hard enough.

i believe in God, i do not believe in saints. Good Deeds? No....i believe that a good life should be lived, but if you have faith, and you believe that God does exist, and that He is your creator, you have a spot in heaven, no matter what. What good would being a good person be without faith?...you gotta believe.

I'm bornagain christian.....yes i know....im DEF a black sheep smile.gif

Thats all.


-----"Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding, and value of life. A vision, that inspires you to live, and love, on planet earth. Like a priceless jewel, buried in dark layers of soil and stone.... earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home. And experience in this place to visit, and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself...as a Game master.......... Trippintrance64sigcopy.jpglovepeacetwilo.jpg

AIM: fantom0680

A.RRiezgo@verizon.net <----- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!

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I would say more spiritual than religious. there is a difference. some people i know go to church every week, and yet i know their reasons for going are false and it turns out to be a fashion show (ie. just watching who's there, who's not, etc.) i don't go all that often, yet certain things that have occurred in my life, i def. believe in God, i believe in Angels (they're all around us, and often can manifest themselves in our actions) but the key is to live a good life, i believe that if you have a good heart, regardless of your mistakes or misgivings, you will eventually go to a higher existence. no one is perfect, we were given free will for a reason. just my 2 cents' worth.


"And if I Die before i learn to speak...Will money pay for all the days i lived awake but half asleep?"

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Originally posted by majesticmelodi:

well considering i went to catholic school for 9 nine... im definatley not as religious as i should be.. but i believe in god and i know hes watching over me... im still standin and its no thanx to me lol

hehehe same here...

If it was for me, I think I'd be down already! hehehe

Thanx, GOD! hehe cwm7.gif


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!



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I like to think that I am a spiritual person. I would also like to think that if there is a heavan, and if all our sins are forgiven, that we all go to this better place..... I also believe that TWILO, is a little slice of heaven hear on Earth!!! smile.gif


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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ah yes .. the Elohim .. long live DMT

I personally believe the manner in which this question is phrased is flawed. Through school and college, I have developed a theory on theology that basically says in a nutshell that religion is the complete divorce of a believe in god.

Those do not go hand-in-hand, religion is often used purely as a power brokering medium, and even in the cases where they do coexist, as I know I am being extreme here, taking the example only of the religious strife rampant in my country, I must also quickly point out that one does not in any means depend on the other.

I believe very strongly in God, but not as a person like Jesus Christ or an idol like Ganesha. I don`t like that ppl consider others heathens, kill jews, or kill in the name of Allah, and that ultimately boils down to giving the same figurehead, which we can`t describe anyway, different names. I cannot describe what exactly the manner of my belief in God is, or how I perceive IT (God) to be. This is a very hard question.

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"It is not the destinion...but the journey that should concern you." Buddah

Zenism deals with life and living itself. You can keep your gods and saints and worry about getting into heaven or hell after you die...I shall worry about how I live my life here and now...karma shall take care of the rest.


I have never known beauty like yours before...with eyes of the most perfect blue, and a form that speaks of poetry. And now here I hold you in my arms...

...and within that simple kiss did I know my heart. And opening my eyes, feeling the love that surged through my body, that made my heart pound and my head swim...I gave myself to you

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Originally posted by cubano43:

Do you believe in God and Saints?

Depends on my circumstances at that moment. wink.gif

Example:Please God...I know I drank a lot, but please stop me from puking! I'll never drink again if you help me this last time!!!

Originally posted by cubano43:

Do you believe that your good deeds will get you into heaven?

For some reason I never think about if my good deeds will get me into heaven, but I do sometimes wonder if I'll end up in hell for the bad things I've done.



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Religious? Not a bit. If you practice organized religion and it fills something in your life, that's wonderful, as long as you don't try to force feed your beliefs to me. I come from a very religious family and I know too many people who feel that simply by going to church and saying the roasary, they will have a seat waiting for them in heaven.

I also don't believe in God in the Christian sense. I do believe that there are forces out there, just not one creative, unifying force. We all have a soul that will live on after our bodies die, but this soul is more like a form of energy than anything else. When we die, this energy is recycled, and we are reincarnated in some form. In this sense we all have a bit of "god" within us.

This also means that the only way to actually experience heaven or enlightenment is to look to ourselves and do what we can in our short time on earth.


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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I don't believe in any of that. We are only animals, very inteligent animals, but animals just the same. Just because human beings have a self conscience, doesn't mean that there has to be a higher porpose in our lives. This is just my opinion, but if we do have souls, and we are destined for something more, then I'll be pleasently surprised.

Funny thing is, flying_high and I had this conversation on Saturday night. I guess it's a common topic of discussion.



"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it truely is, infinite." -William Blake

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