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Official CoUnTdOWn Review!!!!!!!!

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Yo it was 1 of the hotteset parties I ever been too.....thanks to everyone that was in the crew last night....I had a Fuckin blast....still didn't sleep yet...I'm so lucky I get to work on a sinday afetr a Rave!!!!...oh well....gotta throw shout outs to all my peeps...

Glowsticks<----held shit down As usual kid..cant wait to see u get NASTY again...hopefully its at Josh wink...

Dszorro<---what can I say man ur 1st party and def not ur last.

Exit2heaven<---my glowstickin brother had fun once again cutting wit u son...next time dont catch a CRAMP I thought we were gonna get nasty kid..

Majesticmelodi<---forgive me if I spelt it wrong...but what can I say u kill me kill..didn't know u had it in u to cut Raver style im impressed..guess I'll see u at the next party...TOLD U it WAs Gonna be HOT!!!!yo tell jennifer I said hi for me...what time did u leave?

Foxyroxy20<---babe nice meeting u...smile more!!!!!

2ndtrip<---damn kid u were fucked out of ur skull last night...hahaha

cmb1975<---- we didn't talk much cuz u were in a rush...but good meeting u babe...we gotta chill sometime.

To everyonelse I wish we met up but I guess it was too packed to get into the jungle room...by the time I got there I guess everyone left. I'll catch u guys at the next party. cwm8.gif


" bass in ur f...bass in ur fa...BASS IN UR FACE LONDON "

" Directions DIrections.." - GrOOve



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what time did countdown stop at????


"don't get attached to anything you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat coming around the corner"

Robert Deniro



Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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My 1st party was definitely insane. Venom

ripped shit up.

Majesticmelodi> you're a sweety.

It was a blast chillin with you and your friends.

Tg,Kc. I know I need not tell you cats how

far off the meter that was.

What up everyone.....



peace, love, and double stacked zorros!!

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Originally posted by msoprano13:

what time did countdown stop at????

i heard 6


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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Countdown was not bad at all.....not one of the greatest party to tellu guys the truth....What would u expect with sooo many damn thugs in attendance for no reason but to cause ruckus and bullshit.....What ever happened to the REAL RAVES....i miss those!!! Overall though....i had fun, which is the bottom line. My homey DJ VENOM ripped it up and got zone two pumping....NOSTRUM,,,OMG....his live pa trance killed my stupid ass....he was amazing!!!! To my peeps....Peace Love Unity Respect....and that what its all about!!!


Ravers don't stumble

and fall....


we TRIP and ROLL..

AIM: XxFUEL1xX bongsmi.gif

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Originally posted by clubhead32:

A)Yo it was 1 of the hotteset parties I ever been too.....

B)Exit2heaven<---my glowstickin brother had fun once again cutting wit u son...next time dont catch a CRAMP I thought we were gonna get nasty kid..

A) Lol....Say word... cwm27.gif

B)Bro when i tell you that was the worst calf cramp of my life.....SHIT...it hurt like a motherfucker!!!!!

BTW--->DSZORRO....good looking out brother for taking care of a niggah after the rave!!!!


Ravers don't stumble

and fall....


we TRIP and ROLL..

AIM: XxFUEL1xX bongsmi.gif

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That was definetely an awsome night. They picked a great location for that rave. The lasers were cool, but nothing compared to Friday night at Twilo for Jimmny Van M, Digweed, & Cusick). And yes there was a small fire but they let us back in. What a nutty weekend! Anyway, they should have opened up the entrance/exit to the 2 rooms. It was way too crowded for a 3 foot opening.

Exit2Heaven. Good chillin with you for a few mins. Thanks for everyone else for the light shows.

Nostrum was awesome, X-Dream kicked ass. I was surprised by Venom, didnt know he was such a diverse DJ music wise. Hope to meet more of you next time. AIM: teklord310


"1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ....Mathematics is the language of nature" --BT

AIM: teklord310

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Countdown was off the hook..i had such a blast..i am glad it turned out great..since it was my first rave..hehe..i can't wait 4 the next one.. cwm32.gifcwm32.gifcwm32.gif

It was soooo nice meeting everyone...and putting a face to screenames..;o)

Glowsticks...glad we bumped into each other nice to finally meet u

Dszorro & Exit2heaven...u guys r such sweethearts...

Clubhead32...sorry i dont smile much while dancing...lol

Majesticmelodi...nice seeing u again...and ur cuz Carol.


Tunnel saturdays--->Foxyroxy guestlist


aim: amafrk1


Exit, Tunnel & SoundFactory r the places I choose to set myself free to the music...

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Originally posted by teklord310:

Exit2Heaven. Good chillin with you for a few mins. Thanks for everyone else for the light shows.

Damn say word.....when did we meet brothah???


Ravers don't stumble

and fall....


we TRIP and ROLL..

AIM: XxFUEL1xX bongsmi.gif

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hey everyone....

I tired to meet up with everyone ...and it just didnt work ...and im kinda upset cause i wanted to meet all of u guys. the party was awesomeeeeeeee and of course i had a great time. Nostrum fucking ripped shit up it was amazing...never forget it hehehe...ewll hopefully we will meet again. mwaaaaaaa everyone plur ...and hopefully we'll meet at the next rave =) ..did anyone see a chinese looking kids use the swords ..? I was with that kid most of the night ...if u did see him...whatevea peaceeee


The club is jumpin jumpin.....

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i don't know what party you guys were at and i really wish i could be positive about the one i went to...

but countdown 2001 was a bummer all around for me, except for the people i was with, and i didn't get to meet any of you.

i had to wait on line from 9:30 to midnight, so i missed the first meetup; i spent half an hour looking for a locker for my coat, only to find that there were none left. the music was the same all night long and i didn't really find any of it interesting (sorry to disagree, guys); i must've missed x-dream, 'cause i love him.

but i went to the 2 am meetup and stood by the couches to the right of the dj booth till 2:30, looking expectant in my red tank with glowing white stripes down the side and navy trim. i looked for all y'all who described yourselves and was so disappointed to not find any of you frown.giffrown.giffrown.gif. i really wanted to meet you guys!!!

i was really lucky to be chillin' all night with this great group of kids that i just met in the train station who adopted me for the evening, though smile.gif, and throughout the night i ran into four people that i know, so that made my evening fun.

but the party, no.

any of you going to the party @ limelight on 4/20 w/ space girl & juan atkins or the whatever @ roxy on 4/13 w/ armand van helden & paul johnson?

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ooo -

one more thing - did anybody hear the dopeass jungle dido "thank you" remix in the jungle room? if so, i was in the room then...

and anyway, i hope you guys get to hear it if you haven't, 'cause even i, who don't care for jungle, thought it was beyond kickass.

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My first party...had the time of my life. I didn't move much from the main room so all I can say is Chris Libertor, Chris Liberator, Chris Liberator!!!! oh and Dave the Drummer...God damn they blew my mind...

For those of you who I did get to meet...exit2heaven, foxyroxy, dszorro and clubhead32...nice to meet ya, hope to see ya again!!!!

I wanna go back!!!!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Originally posted by cmb1975:

My first party...had the time of my life. I didn't move much from the main room so all I can say is Chris Libertor, Chris Liberator, Chris Liberator!!!! oh and Dave the Drummer...God damn they blew my mind...

For those of you who I did get to meet...exit2heaven, foxyroxy, dszorro and clubhead32...nice to meet ya, hope to see ya again!!!!

I wanna go back!!!!!!

it was nice meeting u too..;o)

damn i wanna go back too...cant wait for the next one...



Tunnel saturdays--->Foxyroxy guestlist


aim: amafrk1


Exit, Tunnel & SoundFactory r the places I choose to set myself free to the music...

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Originally posted by weyes:

any of you going to the party @ limelight on 4/20 w/ space girl & juan atkins or the whatever @ roxy on 4/13 w/ armand van helden & paul johnson?

Yo me and the crew will be at LL for KIND2 on 4/20/01<---the BLAZEFEST!!!!!!!!!!

hopefully we run into each other then...

To my boys dszorro & exit2heaven I hope u fellas join me when I go to chill wit VENOM in like 3 weeks?????


" bass in ur f...bass in ur fa...BASS IN UR FACE LONDON "

" Directions DIrections.." - GrOOve



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hey the party on april 20th sounds hot ...at ll ..heheeh kind 2...even kinder im going to that def. hoopefully we can get a meet up for that ...that would be hot hehehe...nite nite mwaaaaaaa

jessica =)


The club is jumpin jumpin.....

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how come i didn't meet anyone? i was in the jungle room for a long time, dancing around the area where the meet-up was supposed to be. too bad frown.gif

oh well. yeah, it was fun n all. u all covered it everything musically. the jungle room kicked ass (as usual).

errrm, i won't say anything negative... i understand if it was ur first rave u woulda thought that that shit was off the hinges...to each his/her own. the music was the only good thing about this party (um yeah, it's all about the music cwm34.gif ) overall, a good time tho. yay.

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I'm still upset that I didnt make it, but what are you gonna do if you have no loot.

Oh well, as I always tell myself, there will always, and i mean always,be another time.



"I nEeD a SpIrIt WhO cAn ToUcH mY LiFe, I nEeD a VoIcE tO sPeAk tHe TrUtH, i NeEd A sOuL wHo WiLL bE oN mY sIdE, i NeEd A hEaRt i'LL nEvEr LoSe, SoMeOnE LiKe YoU... sOmEbOdY LiKe YoU....SoMeOnE LiKe yOu...SomEoNe LiKe yOu.....I NeEd SoMeBoDy WhO CaN MoVe My WoRLd, SoMeOne WhO kNoWs JuSt WhAt To Do, SoMeOne LiKe YoU..."


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Originally posted by scottyskribz57:

I'm still upset that I didnt make it, but what are you gonna do if you have no loot.

Oh well, as I always tell myself, there will always, and i mean always,be another time.




Ravers don't stumble

and fall....


we TRIP and ROLL..

AIM: XxFUEL1xX bongsmi.gif

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i hadda great time! the music was cool met a ton of cool peeps saw some i hadnt seen in a while... i got there a bit late for the first meetup.... it was just about impossible to make it to the jungle room! ..just ran into pratiba........ (wassup girlie..... ya disappeared towards the end of the nite?) and the lines to the bathroom left something to be disired... on a postitive note, aside from all the cool people i thought the water for 3 bucks and the water fountain were pretty cool..... specially after unified..... too bad i didnt meetup with anyone else from the list... hope i'll run into ya'll some other time smile.gif

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Originally posted by weyes:

i don't know what party you guys were at and i really wish i could be positive about the one i went to...

but countdown 2001 was a bummer all around for me, except for the people i was with, and i didn't get to meet any of you...

Say WORD Gurl!!! I had the same experience. I didn't get there till 1:30a and the place was mad packed with a bunch of stumbling zombies! And trying to get near the jungle room...with the fights and all...just wasn't worth it! Sorry I missed you guys cwm36.gif Anywayz...without my peeps and the fawkin music...I would have been OUT! Hope next meetup works better cwm12.gif


"...I'll take my problems to the dance floor... let the music make my spirits soar..."

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