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Twilo DJ spin-off

Guest danwang

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Guest danwang

Oh what a night... early April back in 2001 smile.gif

I'm sorry, I beg to differ from robocock, and I hope some of you can too smile.gif

Wow! The place was packed - more crowded than when Boy George came (just as a benchmark for Wednesday night turnout).

I thought all the DJ's were pretty good. Too bad I came late (cuz of my mom coming over and doing some bs thing at my place) and I missed half of the opening set by Glenn B. What I caught seemed to show that there are actually people in Ohio who can spin for NYC crowds. smile.gif

The only screwup I heard was when Carl Jr (the bald guy with glasses) was a bit off on mix early on. Too bad because I liked most of his set.

Hooray for Ty T - representing the Asians! smile.gif

Any predictions for the winners? I guess I'll go out on a limb and say either Adam F or TM. Adam was surely having fun in the booth. I was groovin' to TM's tunes and his mixing was quite smooth... but WTF was the stuff he dropped to open (Amazing Grace) and close (some reggae type tune) his set? smile.gif That was probably the first time such types of tunes have been heard on the Phazon.

Was it Danny Tenaglia who was in the house? Someone wearing an orange jacket was attracting some attention. Sorry I've never seen DT up close (or in person) before.

Also, they made some snazzy flyers for Spoony D's night.

I can see a rough day at work ahead of me...

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That was truly a great night. The vibe was great, even though there were alot of fair-weather fans coming to check out what Twilo was about. But hey, we were all new once, right? The good thing about these fair-weathers, is that they matched and continued the friendy chill vibe. No after work drunkards...

Here is my review:

First up, Glenn B. Glenn did a good job of playing some bangin' tunes. It was only 10:20 when a group of us hit the dance floor, encouraging the crowd to start hoppin. His set was pretty well mixed, technically, but his song selection wasn't exactly my speed. It was a bit Tiesto/Oakenfold athemy. But that is the stuff a majority of people like. Overall a solid performance.

Ty T was next. I liked his style and song selection alot better...darker and moodier. But I think he had a bit of the Twilo jitters, mismatching a few tracks and a couple bad transitions. I know it's tough up there, but a fact's a fact. I wouldn't go so far as train-wrecking, which some people claimed. I put him slightly ahead of Glenn B.

3rd was Adam Freemer. Boy oh boy, I wish he had more than an hour. His type of music was right up my alley. Great dark deep house. Reminded me alot of Danny Tenaglia (btw, the guy attracting alot of attention was Danny, he was chillin') Adam I think is Danny's friend. Anyways, I give TONS of credit to Adam for staying true to his style. He held off from throwing anthems out there until the last few tracks. I don't think most people will like him that much, but I thought he was the best of the five.

After Adam came Carl Jr. He started off with a cool track with I think Kevin Spacey's lines from American Beauty. Pretty good set in the beginning...picked up the darkish vibe of Freemer. He played some good anthems, but there never seemed to be any direction to his set. Every time I looked up, I was sorta saying "What's this?" and had to adjust a bit. Perhaps it was the 1hr contstraint. I think he did as well as Glenn B.

Finally, it was TM. I think it was TM that started with a cool rendition of Amazing Grace...nice to hear on the Phazon. He mixed that in with The Fall by Way Out West (Digweed mix) which is a GREAT track. Points for that one. His set was really really good until he slowed down in the last 20 minutes or so. That may have been because the night was ending. But he did VERY well.

To sum up, in my book, it would be:

1) Adam Freemer

2) TM

3) Ty T

4) Glenn B.

5) Carl Jr.

It's also hard to compare these guys cuz each had a style of music, so in general, so TYPE of music will count as much as skill as DJ. Though there were some mess-ups, playing up there for 1 hour is understandably hard so we shouldn't be too critical on that front.

All in all a GREAT fucking night. Good to see all the peeps too!




"Concentrate, it's in your reach..."

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Thanks Furnace... Yea guys, Danny showed up like around 1:10 or so. I dropped a few DT bombs, but I tried to play my own sound as well, its hard in 1 hour. I must admit though, I though everyone was great, they were all a really nice bunch of guys. Glenn, Ty, Carl, Tim, really nice people. I felt everyone deserve to win. I thought Ty before me dropped some REALLY amazing stuff. Thanks for coming though.



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Originally posted by housemusic4evr:

Thanks Furnace... Yea guys, Danny showed up like around 1:10 or so. I dropped a few DT bombs, but I tried to play my own sound as well, its hard in 1 hour. I must admit though, I though everyone was great, they were all a really nice bunch of guys. Glenn, Ty, Carl, Tim, really nice people. I felt everyone deserve to win. I thought Ty before me dropped some REALLY amazing stuff. Thanks for coming though.


yo u were great!!



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Originally posted by housemusic4evr:

Thanks Furnace... Yea guys, Danny showed up like around 1:10 or so. I dropped a few DT bombs, but I tried to play my own sound as well, its hard in 1 hour. I must admit though, I though everyone was great, they were all a really nice bunch of guys. Glenn, Ty, Carl, Tim, really nice people. I felt everyone deserve to win. I thought Ty before me dropped some REALLY amazing stuff. Thanks for coming though.


Here's what TM said on the Twilo board...could not agree more...

"tonight everyone was a winner, cause' we are all a community, we all believe in this beat, this music, this sound..... "

Adam: Nice meeting...I'm Dennis, Emily's friend...

If Danny showed up at 1:10, he missed your set? You played from 12-1 right?



"Concentrate, it's in your reach..."

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All in all I had a GREAT night, other than the fact I had to leave about 1:30 because my boy wonderbread had to go to work this morning...I really wanted to catch TM's set but I couldnt...The turn out and the vibe was incredible last night, i really wasnt expecting that, i thought it was gonna be a laid back and chill night,(I didnt even bring any glowsticks with me} Luckily someone let me use theirs for a while, and I got to cut it up for a hot minute...I really liked Glenn b and Adam f sets...TY T was pretty good also...All the participants did a great job, good luck to you all...Peace



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Wow.....some great reviews already.....I won't go crazy because you guys summed it up pretty well but I'll drop a few lines......

Didn't hear GlennB so I can't comment on his performance.......

Ty T.......well, I really like this fellas style.....I agree with Adam in saying he did some amazing stuff(I thought I was the only one that felt that)........def brought a sound that I haven't quite heard before but I loved it.......a sensational opening set in my opinion.......

Adam......well, he just looked very comfortable up there and his set was def class......the bassline in the opening track was orgasmic and he followed through with it.......a professional performance.

Carl Jr.......with the exception of the opening track, I thought it was very good......reminded me of Danny Howells style......kept it up there without going to far down or up.......came at us and filled the room with energy and consistently funky beats......

TM......I love when a DJ throws some personality into his sets and I thought TM did that exceptionally well......like Dennis said, he came out real nice and I was really feeling the first 2/3 of his set but he lost a little toward the end........either way, he was def banging and had me dancing my ass off.......def great stuff.

All in all, I thought all the DJs I heard were exceptional in their own way and I really won't bother trying to choose.......as far as the night itself.....it was all about the music.......classic.

I'm don't mind failing a class for it.... smile.gif



"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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i was impressed. the music i heard last night was better than a lot of the big names we often get. i expected such: not-yet-fully-recognized talent throwing their stuff down, as compared to some "professionals" who seem to get bored and apathetic. personally, i liked the american beauty track. i thought amazing grace was too long for that kind of song and that beetlejuice song was a weak way to close. bunch of other tracks i loved, but don't know/remember the names or who dropped them. how's that for a review? ;-)

i thought the crowd was great: very unique. there were the after-work heads in their business wear (hehe, you guys are productive members of society???), the usual skool kids (like me), representatives from companies, etc. loved the setup of the main floor. CLASSY!!

Ooana looked hot up there, mistress of ceremonies!

and then there was the big blonde girl who fell off the left speaker and smashed my friend into the ground. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!! too bad i missed that one cwm2.gif


better to reign in hell than serve in heaven

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What a great night, from start to finish.

The DJs were awesome, I wouldn't be surprised if Twilo called you all back for other nights.

And the vibe was mad chilled. The Twilo vibe was back, no? Can't wait for more Wednesday night events at Twilo this summer! smile.gif

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WOW.. I NEVER expected a night like this on a Wednesday!!!!!! A HUGE surprise to see sooo many ppl in there and the couches were just great LOL.. Gave Twilo a completely different feel.. Not too packed, not too empty.. Perfect if you ask me smile.gif No crackheads, just ppl dancing and enjoying the music..

Got there right when Adam was being announced so I missed the first 2 dj's.. I thought Adam was really good and the crowd seemed to like it a lot smile.gif Adam - great job.. I liked a lot of the tracks the 4th guy dropped.. Stayed only for 1/2 of the last guy.. That Amazing Grace opening was great but a lil too long if you ask me.. But it was original..

They didn't pick a winner? I thought they were gonna pick a winner right on the spot?

Great seeing sooooo many of you guys!!!!!! A pleasant surprise it was smile.gif

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Guest danwang

Originally posted by mysteriousss:

They didn't pick a winner? I thought they were gonna pick a winner right on the spot?


Ooana said the judges needed a little time to think about it. But announcing the winner on the spot would have been cool - just imagining seeing the reaction of the crowd and whoever that would be. It seemed like the club was in a little bit of a rush to get everyone out though.

Check the "Special Events" forum on the twilo.com message board tonight.

[This message has been edited by danwang (edited 04-05-2001).]

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Guest danwang

Originally posted by furnace:

If Danny showed up at 1:10, he missed your set? You played from 12-1 right?

Oh how DT would've loved it.. smile.gif

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I totally agree.. It'd have def been a lot cooler if they picked the winner right there.. I'm sure they had a favorite by the end of the night.. What kind of a live contest doesn't give the crowd the winner at the end? I left a lil earlier anyway but it still sucks wink.gif It'd have been interesting to see who the crowd liked most..

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It was a very cool and new persective that I liked. I have never been there so sober and liked meeting some of the new faces, for those I didnt meet I was the guy in the stripped blue and white jail shirt.

Music was my speed and made it a great night.




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All I have to say is thank god I'm not a judge!

They were all so different from eachother that it is almost impossible to compare one to the other, ya know the whole apple orange deal.

Overall, just from what I enjoyed the most and what got me dancing, my vote goes to Adam Freemer.


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Guest danwang

Originally posted by mysteriousss:

It'd have been interesting to see who the crowd liked most..

Well, since they got the judges there, it wouldn't exactly be the crowd making the call... makes sense since the DJ's (as deserving as they all are) all seemed to had some friends there smile.gif

(I'm guessing that Glenn B flew in from Ohio... I wonder if anyone else from out there did the same to check him out)

But I'm sure the crowd response will have some influence on the judges' thoughts and decisions.

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Oh no.. I'm not saying the crowd would pick the winner but I'm just curious who the crowd liked the most.. Plus, clubbers are not exactly the best judges of technical skills (except for a select few ppl).. But I want a DJ who has awesome technical skills which can only be determined by another DJ or someone in the busines but also a great track selection which would get the crowd going nuts smile.gif

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yeah...thought last night was hot...cool vibe...nice people...

adam freemer was definately my favorite...when i went there i really wanted to hear something "dark and groovy"...and he delivered...

ty t was also good...definately had some interesting track selection(techy-abstract) that was a little off the beaten path, but hot none the less...

the 4th guy...technically didnt think he was that good initially, and he was relying too much on big name records instead of BIG records to carry him...was more fluent toward the end of his set...

the last guy(sorry bad with names)...like everyone else, amazing grace was a little too long, but he made up for it with how he kicked the phazon with that way out west joint...had to leave half way through so i didnt check out his finish, but he was rocking me while i was there...

definately take my hat off to all of those guys...just hope the wed. party series continues to be that hot



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Originally posted by furnace:


The vibe was great, even though there were alot of fair-weather fans coming to check out what Twilo was about. But hey, we were all new once, right? The good thing about these fair-weathers, is that they matched and continued the friendy chill vibe. No after work drunkards...

For one I think this is just a dumb statement. I don't wanna go on and on about it, but what might be a fair weather fan to you may be someone who was chillen at twilo when you were in diapers. I just hope you don't represent yourself with that attitude.

As for the night I agree with everyone else...real good vibe, real good music...a little slow at times for my taste but I thought all the dj's were great personally though I'm gonna have to give it to TM I thought he totally ripped it. Me and a couple of the fellas danced are asses of for the last 45 min.

I probably am meeting a bunch of you's without even realizing it, I was wearing a long sleeve grey shirt with cargos and a white t-shirt at the end of the night we were chillen by the back bar for the majority of the night by the speaker. Well All in All a great, sober smile.gif night.

[This message has been edited by visions (edited 04-05-2001).]

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Last night was my first time goin to Twilo. . .Very nice elegant place. . .All the dj'z were on point. . .too bad I had to leave at 1:30. . .I had class this morning and I was EXTREMELY hurting. . .But it was well worth it to check out Twilo, and who could beat 5 $ to hear that bangin system an see saw up an coming talent. . .Good Luck to all the dj'z that werked the 1's an 2's last nite. . .MikeMc.


Sound Factory Fridays, Johnny Vicious every 3rd week of the month, Luv n Lodi every other week. . .STRENGTH GUEST LIST FOR REDUCED ADMISSON. . .for info call Mike at 201-909-4029 or 201-488-5305

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Originally posted by MikeMc:

Last night was my first time goin to Twilo. . .Very nice elegant place. . .All the dj'z were on point. . .too bad I had to leave at 1:30. . .I had class this morning and I was EXTREMELY hurting. . .But it was well worth it to check out Twilo, and who could beat 5 $ to hear that bangin system an see saw up an coming talent. . .Good Luck to all the dj'z that werked the 1's an 2's last nite. . .MikeMc.

Just to fill you in it's not really "elegant". All the couches and that wierd plant thing are not usually there!!!

Don't get me wrong, I love the place but the last thing I would describe it as on a normal night is ELEGANT! cwm4.gif


An bag of KB's $50

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Originally posted by glowsticks:

Dude thats where the majority of all of us were..We were all chillin by that speaker by the back bar...you should have come over and said whats up...wait were you with that hottie in the pink shirt...omg if you were you are a lucky man..she was on fire..blazin..well theres always next time to introduce yourself...later

Yea I was right there with the egyptian girl with the pink shirt and her girl with the black diva shirt (also a hottie) the girl with the pink shirt was friends with my boy aaron...it's kinda hard to say what's up to someone when you don't who your saying what's up to...not that I don't say hello to a stranger if he's like chillen next to me, but I ain't gonna just walk up to some group of people a say what's up...what were you wearin? I'm sure there will be a time and a place where I cross paths with each and every one ya's and when I do it the pleasure will be all mine biggrin.gif

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