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YoUr SecReT AsTrOloGicAl IdENtiTy FiNally...

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REVEALED!!!!!!!!!!!!! wink.gif

ARIES (the ram)

IMPATIENT.impulsive.headstrong.RESTLESS. FOOL HARDY.bossy and BRASH.easily offended.lustful.QUICK TEMPERED.self-centered.Quirky.

ExTrAoRdInArILy ExCiTiNg.

TAURUS (the bull)

STUBBORN.brooding.self-centered.bullheaded.OPINIONATED.selfindulgent.obstinate.obsessive, jealous and possessive.materialistic.inflexible.


ExTrEnElY GoOd LoOkInG.

GEMINI (the twins)

RESTLESS.nervous and tense.fickle.two-faced.NOSY.irritable.quickly bored.QUARRELSOME.manipulative.indecisive.


CANCER (the crab)

over-imaginative.SELF ABSORBED.devious.suspicious.moody and sulky. NEEDY.untidy.TOUCHY.ALWAYS PROCRASTINATING.over-emotional.

NiCeR ThAn EvErYoNe ElSe.

LEO (the lion)

arrogant and BOSSY.PATRONIZING.jealous.haughty.BRASH.proud.cunning.pompous.lustful.VAIN.OVER-AMBITIOUS.controlling.interfering.SMUG.lofty.BoRn to RuLe

VIRGO (the virgin)

BITCHY.overcritical.anal-relentive.ALWAYS COMPLAINING.FUSSY.ALWAYS worrying.pedantic.indecisive.OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE.argumentative.SeXy as HeLl.

LIBRA (the scales)

manipulative.ALWAYS UNDECIDED.ESCAPIST.flirtatious.gossipy.over-bearing.gullible and easily influenced.SELF-INDULGENT.intolerant of criticism.

AbSoLuTeLY FaBuLoUs.

SCORPIO (the scorpion)

SECRETIVE.volatile.obsessive.brooding.intense.MOODY.not headed.jealous and demanding.lustful.OBSTINATE.quick-tempered.


SAGITTARIUS (the archer)

BLINDLY OPTIMISTIC.restless.tactless.intolerant.

domineering.OVER CONFIDENT.blunt.rigid.DEMANDING.ALOOF.

irresponsible.DeSiReD by EvErYoNe.

CAPRICORN (the goat)

INSATIABLE.over-ambitious.holds a grudge.skeptical.over-critical.STUBBORN.NEVER SATISFIED.status seeking. SiMpLy IrReSiStAbLe

AQUARIUS (the water carrier)


dogmatic.ANTI-SOCIAL.ALOOF.obstinate.ECCENTRIC.insensitive.UNPREDICTABLE. PeRfEcT in EvErY WaY

PISCES (the fish)


other worldly.absentminded. idle.OVERLY SENSITIVE.INDECISIVE.SECRETIVE.impractical.

easily led. UlTrA PoPuLar

...sounds familiar??? wink.gif

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taurus... yea prolly smile.gif


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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Originally posted by risa06:

CAPRICORN (the goat)

INSATIABLE.over-ambitious.holds a grudge.skeptical.over-critical.STUBBORN.NEVER SATISFIED.status seeking. SiMpLy IrReSiStAbLe

BINGO smile.gif Seriously, right on the money smile.gif except the never satisfied part, I'm very easy to please..

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Originally posted by risa06:

REVEALED!!!!!!!!!!!!! wink.gif

CANCER (the crab)

over-imaginative.SELF ABSORBED.devious.suspicious.moody and sulky. NEEDY.untidy.TOUCHY.ALWAYS PROCRASTINATING.over-emotional.

NiCeR ThAn EvErYoNe ElSe.

OMG, you've found me out...its ALL true! Ok pretend you haven't seen this...I wouldn't want word of this getting around cwm24.gif .

-Jamms "illsnapatyawithmycajunclaw"


jamms on hiatus...that is all face50.gif

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Originally posted by risa06:

SCORPIO (the scorpion)

SECRETIVE.volatile.obsessive.brooding.intense.MOODY.not headed.jealous and demanding.lustful.OBSTINATE.quick-tempered.


...sounds familiar??? wink.gif

Yep, that about sums me up!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Originally posted by risa06:

LIBRA (the scales)

manipulative.ALWAYS UNDECIDED.ESCAPIST.flirtatious.gossipy.over-bearing.gullible and easily influenced.SELF-INDULGENT.intolerant of criticism.

AbSoLuTeLY FaBuLoUs.

Sounds right to me........


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

Email: Andy_Zeee@hotmail.com

AIM: AztecNY

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Originally posted by risa06:

REVEALED!!!!!!!!!!!!! wink.gif

ARIES (the ram)

IMPATIENT.impulsive.headstrong.RESTLESS. FOOL HARDY.bossy and BRASH.easily offended.lustful.QUICK TEMPERED.self-centered.Quirky.

ExTrAoRdInArILy ExCiTiNg.

well now that sounds TOO familiar. yup ppl this is me!



" Music is a universal language. Where speech fails, then music begins. It is the natural medium for the expression of our emotions - the art that expresses in tones our feelings which are too strong & too deep to be expressed in words"

Charles W. Landon

"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world"- Marilyn Monroe

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Originally posted by az-tec:

Originally posted by risa06:

LIBRA (the scales)

manipulative.ALWAYS UNDECIDED.ESCAPIST.flirtatious.gossipy.over-bearing.gullible and easily influenced.SELF-INDULGENT.intolerant of criticism.

AbSoLuTeLY FaBuLoUs.

Sounds right to me........

haha....sounds good to me too.. cwm1.gif


Tunnel saturdays--->Foxyroxy guestlist


aim: amafrk1


Exit, Tunnel & SoundFactory r the places I choose to set myself free to the music...

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Originally posted by risa06:

REVEALED!!!!!!!!!!!!! wink.gif

AQUARIUS (the water carrier)


dogmatic.ANTI-SOCIAL.ALOOF.obstinate.ECCENTRIC.insensitive.UNPREDICTABLE. PeRfEcT in EvErY WaY

I do not think I am perfect in every way...hmm..some of the things are true...


Slowly..slowly..act like you know me...

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Originally posted by sdm1976:

I do not think I am perfect in every way...hmm..some of the things are true...

.... I think they saying that just to make you feel a lil better after what they *REVEALED* about you wink.gif hehehehe


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Originally posted by risa06:

REVEALED!!!!!!!!!!!!! wink.gif

ARIES (the ram)

IMPATIENT.impulsive.headstrong.RESTLESS. FOOL HARDY.bossy and BRASH.easily offended.lustful.QUICK TEMPERED.self-centered.Quirky.

ExTrAoRdInArILy ExCiTiNg.

yes, this is me! not sure about the exciting part but the rest is pretty accurate!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Originally posted by risa06:

REVEALED!!!!!!!!!!!!! wink.gif

TAURUS (the bull)

STUBBORN.brooding.self-centered.bullheaded.OPINIONATED.selfindulgent.obstinate.obsessive, jealous and possessive.materialistic.inflexible.


ExTrEnElY GoOd LoOkInG.

...sounds familiar??? wink.gif

YEP! That would be me . . . "extremely good looking!!" cwm32.gif



“Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment." — Maxwell Maltz


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Originally posted by risa06:

REVEALED!!!!!!!!!!!!! wink.gif

GEMINI (the twins)

RESTLESS.nervous and tense.fickle.two-faced.NOSY.irritable.quickly bored.QUARRELSOME.manipulative.indecisive.


...sounds familiar??? wink.gif

My b/f would def. agree w/ that!!



People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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Originally posted by risa06:

VIRGO (the virgin)

BITCHY.overcritical.anal-relentive.ALWAYS COMPLAINING.FUSSY.ALWAYS worrying.pedantic.indecisive.OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE.argumentative.SeXy as HeLl.

...sounds familiar??? wink.gif

Hmmmmmmmmmmm... I guess?!


Can you feel that rhythm moving through your system?

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Originally posted by az-tec:

LIBRA (the scales)

manipulative.ALWAYS UNDECIDED.ESCAPIST.flirtatious.gossipy.over-bearing.gullible and easily influenced.SELF-INDULGENT.intolerant of criticism.

AbSoLuTeLY FaBuLoUs.

Sounds right to me........

LOL Sounds very good to me too!!




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Originally posted by jammy:

OMG, you've found me out...its ALL true! Ok pretend you haven't seen this...I wouldn't want word of this getting around cwm24.gif .

-Jamms "illsnapatyawithmycajunclaw"

HEY! a fellow cancer! it's tough being the nice one, isn't it?

BTW all true here too!

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