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Discuss this: How are we sure that the USA landed on the moon?

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I'm just doing some "mind stretching" if you will. I have a question for you all. How are we certain that the USA landed on the moon?

Key questions:

1.Why are there no pictures of a sun or earth in the background of any moon walk?

2.Why was the USA the only country to land on the moon?

3.If the US was tragically behind the USSR in the "Space Race", how did we go from not able to get off the ground to walking on the moon in 3 years??????!!!!!

4.Why haven't we gone back since 1972!!??

5.If it's because it's not "worth" it....then why build a space station that costs so many billions of dollars and not try to build it on solid ground?

I hope no one thinks I'm a nut now....it's just some of those things you really can't prove. Just because the government says it happened? It happened? Isn't it possible that we were lied to, to seem like the greater nation?

If no one cares to take this view objectively then forget I started this topic. I just thought it would interesting to see everyones reaction. cwm1.gif


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

“Be off, you wretch!” cried Aramis, throwing his skullcap in his face. “Return whence you came; take back those horrible vegetables, and that poor kickshaw! Order a larded hare, a fat capon, mutton leg dressed with garlic, and four bottles of old Burgundy.”


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I spent a year studying this, and I believe we DID NOT get there when we said we did.

THere is a movie about this called "Saturn, or SCorpion 5" or something like that.

Also there are no horizons in the pics.

I have ALOT more to add but am just signing off.


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DJmikeDR@aol.com aim: DJmikeDR

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Well I saw Dumb and Dumber, and this great man named Jim Carey was in there, and he saw a newspaper clipping that we had just landed on the moon, so I believe him.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Well I for one never liked the moon..

It's cold


and I'm allergic to moon dust..

I had to stop there on the way to my planet but I DID see an American Flag..

(might I also add that there is some preaty nasty graphiti about earth on the crater next to the flag post)

I am skepticle about that whole theory but who cares..

We can go waaaay further now..

As a matter of fact I ran into a floating can of Cola near Jupiter...

Now WHO else would litter that far out in our solar system..hmmmm?

(NASA I'm looking in your direction you pigs!)



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ugh......I guess only apothesis can really have a "discussion". I was looking for an actual response from people...but I guess that is too much to ask. And mug....that pic of the earth is taken from a satelite NOT from on the moon.


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

“Be off, you wretch!” cried Aramis, throwing his skullcap in his face. “Return whence you came; take back those horrible vegetables, and that poor kickshaw! Order a larded hare, a fat capon, mutton leg dressed with garlic, and four bottles of old Burgundy.”


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Actually there are a few interesting points to consider about this.

1) Shadows, the famous photo of Armstrong w/the American Flag is all fucked up. The shadows are going in all different directions. The same is true with the photos of the module.

2) There is no evidence of 'moon dirt' or dust on the landing gear of the module. When an afterburner is activated, to provide the "lift" for a soft landing it kicks up alot of dust. There is none on the footpads of the module.

There are other aspects of the pics being fake I just don't remember them. Another thing on shadows though, the same was true for the famous Lee Harvey Oswald pic of him holding the rifle in his backyard. His nose has a different shadow than everything else in the pic. Oliver Stone didn't make that up.

I don't know if we've ever land on the moon or not. If we haven't, it wouldn't surprise me. Hell, the same government told us that Oswald killed Kennnedy, and that ufo's don't exist and there's nothing on Mars.



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Originally posted by flippin_e:

ugh......I guess only apothesis can really have a "discussion". I was looking for an actual response from people...but I guess that is too much to ask. And mug....that pic of the earth is taken from a satelite NOT from on the moon.

NO it isn't silly..

I took that picture from my HUB!!


In fact I'm there now working my ass off...

(I cant wait till I can back home..)

Over and out!



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YAY....just a response I was looking for. Thanks. Now you see that is even more interesting...I never even thought about the dust that should be on the landing foot pads or any of that.


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

“Be off, you wretch!” cried Aramis, throwing his skullcap in his face. “Return whence you came; take back those horrible vegetables, and that poor kickshaw! Order a larded hare, a fat capon, mutton leg dressed with garlic, and four bottles of old Burgundy.”


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A buddies of mine is learning this. He was actually told by his prof., that it is a fact that the U.S. did not make it to the moon when they said. They did this because of the problems with the Soviet Union. Pretty fucked, there's alot of shit the people don't know. I also heard that AIDS was created by the U.S., but who know what you could believe.




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Did anyone else see the special they did on Fox 5 about this? They brought up some interesting points like the fact that there is a radiation belt around the planet and that no human could possibly survive if they went through it. Also because of that the Mir spacestation and any other craft that might be holding a person never go beyond that point. Interesting stuff.

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000:

Did anyone else see the special they did on Fox 5 about this? They brought up some interesting points like the fact that there is a radiation belt around the planet and that no human could possibly survive if they went through it. Also because of that the Mir spacestation and any other craft that might be holding a person never go beyond that point. Interesting stuff.

I saw that show. My buddy that watched it with me STILL won't stop talking about it. It brought up good points, but I don't want to hear it. We landed on the moon, period!


"Up all night...sleep all day."



[This message has been edited by nyc420 (edited 04-12-2001).]

[This message has been edited by nyc420 (edited 04-12-2001).]

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YEA! go Russia.

This is some interesting stuff, its all news to me. I was watching that Fox special until I had to go to work, and there was a Tom Hanks HBO movie about the race to the moon a couple of days ago, never got to see the other half though, Fucking work. I dont know how many times I've had that moon thing thrown in my face in High School when ignorant kids were trying to argue America's superiority over Russia. I wish I knew this stuff. Very, very interesting, but I dont have enough info to make an educated guess or a suggestion.




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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Alright, if you want a serious response: I do think we landed. I never heard otherwise, and didn't see this fox 5 special. I know about the cold war and shit, and the reason why we'd say we got there sooner than we did.

We haven't gone back cause we got machines that can do all that shit for us now. Those things are programmed to collect shit and move around. Why would we risk sending more people out there if we already got what we needed from robots? Plus, we are already out in Mars and shit, so the moon isn't necessairly a NASA priority. (I don't know this for a fact, but it just seems likely.)

You're gonna have to give me more proof besides "the shadows didn' look right". Where is the proof that humans "absoultely couldn't survive"? Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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I guess i didnt flipp enough e to ever question this historical event..now thaqt you braught it up i started to question everything.. i mean who knows that the puritant/english/irish settled this country first?...it could have been the russians...i mean they did settle alaska and washington state cwm40.gif

nycetouch next time if they ask you your nationality tell them you're native american



AIM: ArthurBrooklyn


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Originally posted by Unbound:

i mean who knows that the puritant/english/irish settled this country first?

I don't think that happened either, the Chinese landed on California *long* before 1492 when Columbus discovered Cuba. There are huge donut shaped iron anchors that have been found on the beaches of Cali. that trace back to Chinese explorers. Before the Chinese got here there were people walking over from Northeast Asia across the Bearing Strait (which doesn't exist anymore) and they got as far as what is today Montana etc... Anyway the point of all this shit is that history is definately not what we learned in school. In fact it's not even a linear process, it's cyclical. Besides, there are sooo many things on this earth that can't be explained, even with today's technology. The pyramids on the Giza plateau, Macchu Piccu in Peru, the Mayan calender, etc...tons of stuff that we have absolutely no idea about.



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Apothesis, i am disapointed in you.. you spent a YEAR reading up on this? wink.gif

Yeh yeh, some bloody hackers have analised the shodows and they don't work.. blah blah blah.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Yeh yeh, some bloody hackers have analised the shodows and they don't work.. blah blah blah.

Who knows, maybe the hackers were idiots or assholes, you could be right. Maybe they were also the most respected experts and geniuses in their field, I don't know the answers, hell I don't even know the truth...did we or did we not land on the moon? The more provocative question is whether or not we're willing to believe what the media force feeds us. That is what is really at the crux of the post about the moon, for me anyway.

Obviously not *everybody* believes *everything* they read in the papers, but do we as a society buy into the major headlines and what they tell us about what's happening in the world? I myself have a tough time thinking that the truth makes it to the front page every time. There's usually some sort of backstory that nobody's gettin'.



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Oh god here I go....

I would rather these people used there talents for something worth while, rather than wasting their life trying to disprove something that happened before they were born never happened. You can 'prove' just about anything to 98% of the population very easily... just look at how many UFO sightings and ghost stories you see. The total shit I see on the discovery channel is just making a generation of idiots. The human race is going backwards, who is the new Einstein? Even Steven Hawkins has spent his entire life just trying to prove Einstein's theory... not coming up with a new one.

Remember that big siting in LA, it was just flares but thousands of people made this image in the tiny minds that they saw a ship and some even got abducted.

I think people believe what they see on TV more than what they read. I don't know if you read about one of the presidential debate, people who watched it on TV came out of the debate with a completely different view to the people who read transcripts and listened on the radio.

You are what you read and I choose my news papers wisely. I read a paper called the Independent, it reports ONLY facts not opinions. Opinions are for YOU to make not for other people to put in your head. This is an opionion of some weird bloke who wasted his life trying to prove a pointless theory which his has now refined so people will beleive it.. who cares. At least Apothesis did look in to it and made his own opinion rather than recite shit of the discorvery channel.

rant rant rant wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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dude i was blown away by that tv show. ill admit that i love a good conspiracy, but that really did seem screwy.

no blast from the lem jets on the moons surface?


No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...Jim Morrison

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Oh god here I go....

I would rather these people used there talents for something worth while, rather than wasting their life trying to disprove something that happened before they were born never happened. You can 'prove' just about anything to 98% of the population very easily... just look at how many UFO sightings and ghost stories you see. The total shit I see on the discovery channel is just making a generation of idiots. The human race is going backwards, who is the new Einstein? Even Steven Hawkins has spent his entire life just trying to prove Einstein's theory... not coming up with a new one.

Remember that big siting in LA, it was just flares but thousands of people made this image in the tiny minds that they saw a ship and some even got abducted.

I think people believe what they see on TV more than what they read. I don't know if you read about one of the presidential debate, people who watched it on TV came out of the debate with a completely different view to the people who read transcripts and listened on the radio.

You are what you read and I choose my news papers wisely. I read a paper called the Independent, it reports ONLY facts not opinions. Opinions are for YOU to make not for other people to put in your head. This is an opionion of some weird bloke who wasted his life trying to prove a pointless theory which his has now refined so people will beleive it.. who cares. At least Apothesis did look in to it and made his own opinion rather than recite shit of the discorvery channel.

rant rant rant wink.gif

well then check THIS shit out dude!

You can READ about it...


and if you like that do some research..

It will blow your mind!!



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Originally posted by mugwump:

well then check THIS shit out dude!

You can READ about it...

<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.rael.org" TARGET=_blank></A>

and if you like that do some research..

It will blow your mind!!

I have read enough to know it's all bull shit.

Bottom line aliens or whatever you want to call them exist. But they aren't visiting us.

Firstly the distances involved are too great. The only way to visit us would be to 'bend' time and space.. that may or may not be possible.. we don't know. But what we do know is we would detect that. Even at or close to the speed of light it would take millions of years to reach the nearest inhabitable planet, and the Univerce is expanding.

There are NO proved UFO sittings, but there are millions of fakes. So people are faking it, just the kind of people who read and make those web sites. It's the people who want to believe, also want everybody else to believe. SO they go out in their back gardens with there camera equipment and spend YEARS of their life's concocting ways to fool the experts.

It's VERY sad if you ask me. But there are certain

I would be the first one to be excited if we found an intelligent being on another planet. But we won't be doing that for a long time, if ever.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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This whole thing reminds me of this coke head I used to know who'd get all skiied up and start talking about aliens the pyramids and ufo's and shit.

"Bro, if you'd read what I read, you would know that this shit is REAL!"

He'd just go on for hours. Fuckin' idiot. I mean smart kid, but christ.

So unless anyone saw the soundstage where all these photos were taken, etc., this is all meaningless drivel.

P.S. I hope at least one person replying here was coked up. Otherwise I'd be really worried...


*i'm in love with the modern world*

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Key questions:

1.Why are there no pictures of a sun or earth in the background of any moon walk?

The may have been in the worng angle or the lens may not have picked up light from that far away. Like when you take a picture in a club and you can only see a few feet in front of you.

2.Why was the USA the only country to land on the moon?

because there is no need to revisit it, it's very expensive and we can larn about it from earth because it's so close.

3.If the US was tragically behind the USSR in the "Space Race", how did we go from not able to get off the ground to walking on the moon in 3 years??????!!!!!

It's amazing when you can do when you try.

4.Why haven't we gone back since 1972!!??

See question 2. And if you saying it's because we carn't go there, then all the Mars program wa a lie so is the space station which we can see from earth. And that completely contradicts question 5.

5.If it's because it's not "worth" it....then why build a space station that costs so many billions of dollars and not try to build it on solid ground?

Because they are doing tests on weigh lessness and it's effects. The moon has a gravity, not much of one, but it does so that wouldn't work.

So you see those questions are crap anyway. But i have herd more convincing one's.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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