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My buddy is whipped by his evil ass g-friend

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kay, this is the situation, my buddy has this gfrend, she is an evil, skanky bitch, at least from my perspective. and she put his nuts in a vice, the kid lost his cojones, she calls him on his cell every 5 fucking minutes, to track him down, like a fugitive, i swear, before, we used to go to nudy bars, clubs etc, now, he has to ask her permission, what kinda bullshit is that? i understand the need to compromise in a relation ship, but he lost his fam jewels, poor bastard. anyway i need suggestions on how to get rid of her and get my buddy back. (legally offcourse, no i dont want her "sleepin with the fishes") thanx -mike



.....its dark in here, you can feel it all around....the UNDERGROUND...

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He is WHIPPED! Crack! Crack, time to start deversifying the crew he'll see the light after he get's annoyed by it all and finally dumps her.


Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just

common sense, dancing.

--Clive James

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Originally posted by perfecto25:

kay, this is the situation, my buddy has this gfrend, she is an evil, skanky bitch, at least from my perspective. and she put his nuts in a vice, the kid lost his cojones, she calls him on his cell every 5 fucking minutes, to track him down, like a fugitive, i swear, before, we used to go to nudy bars, clubs etc, now, he has to ask her permission, what kinda bullshit is that? i understand the need to compromise in a relation ship, but he lost his fam jewels, poor bastard. anyway i need suggestions on how to get rid of her and get my buddy back. (legally offcourse, no i dont want her "sleepin with the fishes") thanx -mike

Well, there's always 3 sides to the story. Your side, her side, and the truth. I've had bad experiences with jackasses like you (closet homosexuals) because they accuse me of "stealing their best buddy". Grow up and get YOURSELF a girl. You probably don't understand the sanctity amd respect of certain relationships. On the other hand, the girl might be a psycho bitch that is very insecure and needs to treat a man like he's her toy. That's a no no.

In any case, I think you should blame your friend about actually being stupid enough to keep this girl around. I guess He wont need balls if all he plans to do is hang and fuck with guys like you.






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Look he may just be very submisive, all the signes are there. Some people like that and he may be thinking that at last he found a girl who he can relate this to.. there again maybe not cwm1.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by iliana:

Well, there's always 3 sides to the story. Your side, her side, and the truth. I've had bad experiences with jackasses like you (closet homosexuals) because they accuse me of "stealing their best buddy". Grow up and get YOURSELF a girl. You probably don't understand the sanctity amd respect of certain relationships. On the other hand, the girl might be a psycho bitch that is very insecure and needs to treat a man like he's her toy. That's a no no.

In any case, I think you should blame your friend about actually being stupid enough to keep this girl around. I guess He wont need balls if all he plans to do is hang and fuck with guys like you.


That's pretty funny. I have a friend who was totally whipped by his girl. But all they did is fight and argue, but he'd keep going back cause supposedly they were "in love" with each other. Me, I don't really care, if it makes him happy and that's what he wants to do with his life, fine. Personally I wouldn't be in a relationship where you fight every day.

But he'd always complain to me about it and want to talk about that shit. I'm sayin, "you know what the relationship is, so if that's what you want, stay. If not, leave. Don't talk to me anymore about that shit, cause I'm sick of hearing about it". So he ended up breaking it off by himself.

My advice is just give your opinion if he asks, but after that leave him to do his thing. He's a man and he should figure it out on his own. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Some girls are control freaks.. I've known a few like that where my friends couldnt' go anywhere without them bitching or calling them every 5 minutes.. It's pathetic but if he's staying with her, it's his own goddamn fault.. Until he realizes that the relationship is not healthy, he's pretty much fucked.. And so are you.. Some girls are really good at putting a leash on a guy and some guys are too soft to tell the bitch to fuck off LOL.. I've seen it happen plenty of times to the best guys.. Hopefully he'll wake up sooner rather than later.. But don't badmouth her in front of him coz it'll only ruin your friendship..

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maybe the poor girl doesn't have a life of her own... There are alot of fish in the sea.. there is a huge current that that goes south the hudson river! I say go for it.. hahahah! Just kidding...

Get her a life first... Maybe she is at home all the time while you guys are out partying... She feels like if she isnt having fun then he shouldn't (which to me is stupid) just introduce her to some of your girl friends 1, she'll love you for it.. 2, you'll have your friend BACK! without harm if that doesnt work then go back to plan A (the waters are getting pretty warm)

LOL, Sinem



I love everyone today!

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thanx for the advice kidz, the thing is, she is not much 2 look at, and shes got this asshole attitutude as well, but hey, if he's happy, whatever, and to iliana, baby, where do u get off callin me a closet homo? you obviously misunderstood what i was trying to say. when i am in a relationship, or any of my other friends are in a relationship, we still hang out and are still good friends, our gfriends should not and do not get in our way, its a guy thing, we are loyal 2 each other i guess, but the guy im talking about, he is losing his friends left and right, because he is with her 24/7. if it would come between my best friends and some girl i am seeing, my friends will always come first. all im saying is that there should be a balance, not a one sided Darth Vader-like control that she emits on him. thanx -mike



.....its dark in here, you can feel it all around....the UNDERGROUND...

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I commend iliana!

I understand the buddy thing but, there comes a point in your life that you friends start to grow up and want different things. Maybe he loves her and no one, certainly not friends should stand in the way.

I know when I get wrapped up in a new guy I tend to not hang out with my friends as much but, you know what...they understand. That's what makes them true friends.

Did you try hanging out with both of them?? There is more to life than nudie bars. I hang out with my b/f's friends all the time, everyone is happy.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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GIRLS: Come on! don;t be sooo hard on him...

I dont think his girlfriend should be tailgating him the minute he is hanging out with his buddies.. Calling 5times in one hour is a bit too much.. she may be overwhelming him.. I personally would want my space... Catering to my boyfriend would soon feel like a chore I had to do.. My mother knows best I never get my chores done EVER!

If what your saying is true and she really is annoying, why doesn't your friend speak up.. Maybe he likes the so called attention (in my opinion it's a sickening attention).

Luv, Sinem



I love everyone today!

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I haven't even bothered to read every response but what I think is that if you're buddy isn't complaining about it then there really isn't much you can do except talk to him about it. If he is happy in his situation then as his friend you should respect that (and maybe find yourself a new "single" buddy.) cwm37.gif


"And that is what empower-meant when she said; you'll miss me baby but I'm not going anywhere." - mbd

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ok, i see the wrath and confusion in iliana and whoever's replies. listen, its not that im immature or at that teenage age, im 20 in 3 months smile.gif and have had many relationships and i know what you are talking about when you say that he may have found that special person. but here its not the case, he himself told me that she gives him lotsa ass, and he keeps coming back, and he has no self esteem. is it me, or should relationships be a bit more than sex? im mean i love sex, but it gets to a point where you need more, this happened with one of my ex-gfrends, i had little in common with her except for the lust and the physical attraction, so we didnt last for too long(the sex is great though! smile.gif ). the thing is, im not the only person that dislikes her. she is just generally not a nice person, almost all of my other male and female friends dislike her. the thing is that he is seeing her because he is afraid he wont be able to get any other play. and to whoever said that i judge her by her looks, thats just wrong, i wouldnt give a shit what she looked like if she would be a nice person and not call him every 5 min for an update. anyway, im sure someone will have issues with what i said, so im sick of posting this shit, but thanx for all the advice guys! cya @ twilo



.....its dark in here, you can feel it all around....the UNDERGROUND...

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So, he's using her for sex and you want to "save" him??

Gee, ya think that might be why she calls every 5 minutes and seems to not trust him...hmmm, maybe she senses that he's a dick?? maybe she is the one who should be getting the sympathy.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by perfecto25:

thanx for the advice kidz, the thing is, she is not much 2 look at, and shes got this asshole attitutude as well, but hey, if he's happy, whatever, and to iliana, baby, where do u get off callin me a closet homo? you obviously misunderstood what i was trying to say. when i am in a relationship, or any of my other friends are in a relationship, we still hang out and are still good friends, our gfriends should not and do not get in our way, its a guy thing, we are loyal 2 each other i guess, but the guy im talking about, he is losing his friends left and right, because he is with her 24/7. if it would come between my best friends and some girl i am seeing, my friends will always come first. all im saying is that there should be a balance, not a one sided Darth Vader-like control that she emits on him. thanx -mike

Hey wait a minute there! I am going to Quote you "NOT 2MUCH TO LOOK AT" ?????? Excuse me be WHO are you to say if someone is good looking or not.. and if my boyfriend ever had a level headed friend like you I wouldn't want him near you anyhow! Change your attitude towards her and maybe she'll like you some more!



I love everyone today!

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Originally posted by perfecto25:

thanx for the advice kidz, the thing is, she is not much 2 look at, and shes got this asshole attitutude as well, but hey, if he's happy, whatever, and to iliana, baby, where do u get off callin me a closet homo? you obviously misunderstood what i was trying to say. when i am in a relationship, or any of my other friends are in a relationship, we still hang out and are still good friends, our gfriends should not and do not get in our way, its a guy thing, we are loyal 2 each other i guess, but the guy im talking about, he is losing his friends left and right, because he is with her 24/7. if it would come between my best friends and some girl i am seeing, my friends will always come first. all im saying is that there should be a balance, not a one sided Darth Vader-like control that she emits on him. thanx -mike

So in other words, if she was banging, one of the hottest girls you'd ever seen, that would be a good excuse for your friend to be all into her??

All I'm saying is that people GROW up. I don't know your friends age range, but past the age of 21 you get a little more serious about relationships and the feeling of other people and your goals and objectives become different.

There's different levels to a relationship. A girl "you're just seeing" isnt the same thing as a girlfriend. But it seems that you are very immature about the whole ordeal for the simple fact that you are bitching about it.

Friends come and go. So do girlfriends. But you just might lose the love of your life if all you're worried about is what your buddies are doing and what they think about you staying at home with your girl.

It's called growing up.






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