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Celeb sightings at Twilo?

Guest danwang

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Guest danwang

My guess is that it's probably the last place most of 'em would wanna go, but maybe there are some serious music lovers among them...

If so, who and when?

Did any come to either PvD or JD/DT this past weekend?

Did any notables in the music industry (DJ's, artists, etc) come for the Anniv party?

Skribble seems to be a DT fan, so it wouldn't surprise me if he was there, if weren't on the road somewhere.

I remember reading that JP came to the Prez Day event - this time, I wonder if he came over after doing his thing at SF.

There probably are others...


We're alive, take a breath

We're alive, take a deep breath

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Guest crystalmethodny

I was only there until 7...

But I didnt see any DJ kats or otherwise this time around.

Last time at Prez day a multitude were in the house:

Skribbs, JP, Macaluso, Littman, Guido, yadda yadda


"Can you feel it?"

"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."



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dmitry from paris, sgbrooklyn, jammy, deez nuts and one of the guards from oz were all in attendance...


Upcomming gigs:

Fridays: Ali G's bathroom:minimal techno

Saturdays: Swingpe's closet: Kush Kush Kush Kush...

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I saw Beecher from Oz in the BAthroom at JD/DT.

I was a litttle drunk and when I walked by him I said "Aiigth TObias", he turned and nodded at me.

I hear he is there quite often.

O h yea...I saw STeve there too(but is he famous yet????I mean hes only been in 4 German Schizer videos....)


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

Email: Andy_Zeee@hotmail.com

AIM: AztecNY

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Originally posted by az-tec:

I saw Beecher from Oz in the BAthroom at JD/DT.

I was a litttle drunk and when I walked by him I said "Aiigth TObias", he turned and nodded at me.

I hear he is there quite often.

O h yea...I saw STeve there too(but is he famous yet????I mean hes only been in 4 German Schizer videos....)

You saw Tobias Beecher!!! God damn...I always miss everything!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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I saw p00h...dr00l. I tried to get his autograph, but his entourage quickly escorted me out of Twilo and I ended up missing Danny cwm36.gif .

-Jamms "p00histhebestestinthwestest"


jamms on hiatus...that is all face50.gif

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Guest crystalmethodny

Tv starts I dont know.

I hate TV smile.gif

In fact Jamie Fox was standing in front of me at Wet Willy's in South Beach and I didnt even know it until my friend pointed it out.

I shrugged and said 'so what'

If it was someone like Carl Cox, I would have bought him a drink and asked him to spin at a private 'SaveNYFromCheese' party I'd throw wink.gif


"Can you feel it?"

"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."



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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:

Tv starts I dont know.

I hate TV smile.gif

In fact Jamie Fox was standing in front of me at Wet Willy's in South Beach and I didnt even know it until my friend pointed it out.

I shrugged and said 'so what'

If it was someone like Carl Cox, I would have bought him a drink and asked him to spin at a private 'SaveNYFromCheese' party I'd throw wink.gif

That's just how I feel, very little respect for most of those people smile.gif

Why is it a small time actor get's a huge amount of cash and there are 100's of talented bands struggling to make end's meet? Or scientists and inventors get hardly anything?

I also think computer programmers are drasticly underpaid and valued as well.. but i would wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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I saw wynnona Ryder at a Tsunami Party shaking her little bony ass about three years ago..

Oh and also that edward Furlong kid all fucked on Coke once at a club in Acapulco!

Go figure...

I'm always too spaced to notice too much in a club any way, they have to be right in my face or in line for me to nbe like..hey!

That's so and so..



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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:

Tv starts I dont know.

I hate TV smile.gif

In fact Jamie Fox was standing in front of me at Wet Willy's in South Beach and I didnt even know it until my friend pointed it out.

I shrugged and said 'so what'

thats right i wa stheer for that too ... i was so tempted to start toolin on him and see how far i got but i couldnt come up with more than a few jokes on him and i knew if i wasnt welllll prepared to take him out in a verbal assault i woulda had my ass humbled and handed to me in a pitiful massacre of jokes at joeydollaz expense .. no way to pick up the college chicks ..

do you guys realy consider Djs celebs ??

i duno they never really fazed me that way ...


Your ad here !

contact joeydollaz@aol.com

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I thought I heard Danny say that Steve Travolta and Steve Lawler were there. Is Lawler Lawler's real last name? He might have said "Steve Travolta also known as Steve Lawler", but I couldn't hear so good... Digweed aparantly stayed most of the night.

I didn't see any celebs myself tho... only the dude that looks like Carl Cox that I always smile at but who isn't really him and prolly thinks I have a crush on him or sumthin... smile.gif




Music... is alllll about the groove. Can you feel the groove? Listen...


aolim blueskygirl2001

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Over the summer I went to see Sasha & John in July and after I got my friends told me that Melissa Joan Heart was on a late night show and said she was going to Twilo for S&JD friday night with her girl friends. Don't remember seeing her though.


"1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ....Mathematics is the language of nature" --BT

AIM: teklord310

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OMG! I totally forgot...probably 'cause I was in my own world. But Friday night for PVD, me and Vic were dancing next to Vanilla Ice himself. He was wearing a tan, knit muslim cap. Something sleevless to show off his multiple tatoos and I think he was rolling like the rest of us!!! cwm12.gifcwm12.gif BABY!


Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede



EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

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Originally posted by suedenyc:

OMG! I totally forgot...probably 'cause I was in my own world. But Friday night for PVD, me and Vic were dancing next to Vanilla Ice himself. He was wearing a tan, knit muslim cap. Something sleevless to show off his multiple tatoos and I think he was rolling like the rest of us!!! cwm12.gifcwm12.gif BABY!

You mean ice ice baby


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Dean (O'reily brother) and bleecher were both on top of the stairs. They were all about DT. They also go to Vinyl on fridays and Body & soul....yeah yeah I know. I had a long conversation with him. Pretty cool guy.


Put the CD in... The Music will do the rest..

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