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SUMMER CLUBBING - - yay or nay

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I for one, don't like to do the clubscene during the summer as much as the winter. In the winter, it seems as though there really isn't much to do other then go dance and party at a club. Yet, during the summer, the fun is never ending. You can do the shore, throw house parties, barbeques and so forth.

So, do you still club in the summer as much as the winter?? Most people on the board, from what I noticed, pretty much dedicated almost every winter night to Twilo, SF, Exit or some where else. But do you like to let your warm summer nights that only last for such a short period of time go to them too??

I just can't see the sense in it..




tigger10.gif I quit ~~~~~yea yea yea~~~~~ its all over now.

"Try to suceed without me" butflanim_e0.gif

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Yeah, you got your cookouts and shit, houseparties, but there's always time to roll to the club at 1am, continue to get fucked up, then back to the crib to finish the night/morning off. And it's already warm when you are coming out the club, don't even feel like sleeping at all. Plus, I don't really sleep, cause sleep is the cousin of death. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Im all about clubs in the summer. I tend to lean more towards loungier places.

Check dis.......

Look for a H-O-T new party starting June 1st by me and Mr.Steve Groove.....more info to be posted soon cwm1.gif

But back to da original topic, Loungier, sexier places in the summer are the way to go..................



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

Email: Andy_Zeee@hotmail.com

AIM: AztecNY

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I think I've been clubbing in the summer *maybe* 4 or 5 times. My friends usually do the house party/beach thing then also. Must be a Jersey thing.

Although, I do enjoy walking out into the warm sunshine as opposed to sleet!



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Lately, I have gone clubbing more during the summers than in the winter. It may be though that I have to deal with school every other time but the summer. ALso, with school I'm not even around the city at all.

During the summer, I find time for everything. Every weekend is something new usually. I generally like to go clubbing during the summer just because I don't have to wait on line when it is below freezing, I don't have to deal with a coatcheck, I like my summer club attire better than winter...etc, etc.

There is always time for clubbing but I can find more benefits to summer clubbing personally.



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Originally posted by az-tec:

Check dis.......

Look for a H-O-T new party starting June 1st by me and Mr.Steve Groove.....more info to be posted soon cwm1.gif

Taking someone's party over are we????



tigger10.gif I quit ~~~~~yea yea yea~~~~~ its all over now.

"Try to suceed without me" butflanim_e0.gif

[This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 04-16-2001).]

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Most of my clubbing in the past has been winter-time, but then it's not an all or nothing proposition either. There's plenty of room for both clubs and parties.

For me, summer means more mobility, that means parties are accessible, and the beach is a great place to nap after a long club night.


...and in a mystery to be

(when time from time shall set us free)

forgetting me, remember me

-e. e. cummings

AOL IM: petrol01

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Oooohh.....good question kat.......I don't think I could give up clubbing no matter what season it is.......in the summer though, I think a good plan for a Saturday for example would be to hit the beach during the day......by evening, hit the "summertime spots" on the shore just for some fun and drinks.....then, as everything closes butt early anyhow, trek up to the city for the late hours.......why give up one or the other when you can do both.......just takes a little dedication and loose screws in your brain...... smile.gif


"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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all I gotta say is clubbing in the summer is H-O-T...just go to the hamptons and check it out CPI..Neptunes..boardy barn..Summers...etc....so many options to pick from..


" bass in ur f...bass in ur fa...BASS IN UR FACE LONDON "

" Directions DIrections.." - GrOOve



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I definetely go clubbing more in the summer. At least this summer I will. During the semester i'm busy with school and other things. Can't wait till this summer!


"1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ....Mathematics is the language of nature" --BT

AIM: teklord310

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oooh summer, can't wait. sunshine is my crack.

back in florida, we used to walk out of the club and go straight to the beach.

since I've been in NYC, central park has made a decent substitute.



"If ever you realize that what you are watching is, in fact, a play within

a play, sit back, relax, and HOLD ON FOR THE RIDE ON YOUR LIFE!"

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You havent been clubbing in the city anyways.......

So hah.....


Originally posted by misskittie:

I for one, don't like to do the clubscene during the summer as much as the winter. In the winter, it seems as though there really isn't much to do other then go dance and party at a club. Yet, during the summer, the fun is never ending. You can do the shore, throw house parties, barbeques and so forth.

So, do you still club in the summer as much as the winter?? Most people on the board, from what I noticed, pretty much dedicated almost every winter night to Twilo, SF, Exit or some where else. But do you like to let your warm summer nights that only last for such a short period of time go to them too??

I just can't see the sense in it..






The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

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I club a lot more in the summer. First of all, places arent nearly as crowded as they are in the winter,thats a big plus. Also, I go skiing just about every other weekend of the winter, so that takes up a lot of my winter nights. Plus, this being my last year in college, Ive always had less work and general responsibilites in the summer, which makes for worry free clubbing and more importantly a worry free day after.


Computers are useless, they can only give

you answers. ~Pablo Picasso~

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This past summer I was at Neptuns almost every Saturday and then me and my friends would drive back to go to Bridgeview at night. It was nice cuz Bridgeview is right on the water and you can just chill outside all night long (well, till 4AM). And then on Sundays we would spent the whole day on the beach. Sometimes we would stay in the Hamptons for CPI but that was only if we had too much to drink at Neptuns smile.gif and noone was in the right form to drive cwm32.gif . I am sooooo ready to do it all over again this summer!!!! smile.gif

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Originally posted by myrlin:

You havent been clubbing in the city anyways.......

So hah.....



Yea well, there's a lot of shadiness going on that I'd rather not be involved with. And I'm truely getting sick of the scene and people. (no offense)


tigger10.gif I quit ~~~~~yea yea yea~~~~~ its all over now.

"Try to suceed without me" butflanim_e0.gif

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I think some heads do what I do...switch from NYC clubs to Seaside for the Summer. I'm not gonna say everyone does this, because I know only a certain part of the NYC scene does this.

[This message has been edited by mremz1 (edited 04-17-2001).]

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I calm down quite a bit in the summer. My boyfriend and I usually go to our friend's house up in CT. Her home was designed for entertaining, so friends and family come from all over (Boston, Canada, London, etc.) every weekend to barbecue, have fun, and relax.

I used to love the Hamptons, but the scene has changed quite a bit, so you won't be seeing me there very often. Sag Harbor on the other hand... smile.gif (Maybe I'm just getting old!)

As for NYC clubs, I don't think I go in at all during the summer.



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Originally posted by misskittie:

Yea well, there's a lot of shadiness going on that I'd rather not be involved with. And I'm truely getting sick of the scene and people. (no offense)

Theres a great "Jersey" board for ya.....





The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Yea well, there's a lot of shadiness going on that I'd rather not be involved with. And I'm truely getting sick of the scene and people. (no offense)

r u talkin to me punk? cwm3.gif

anyways, i'm gettin sick of all this hiatus shmiatus bullshit. all fuckin day. nyc club scene hasn't seen days like these in a while, atlease as far as music goes. twilo is blowin the fuck up and u kids wanna stay home. barbecuing and going to the beach are daytime activities, the night is all about debauchary and wickedness. I'm a fuckin old man and i don't wanna miss a week, and u youngins are actin the fools with hiatus this and blah blah blah...

get your asses to twilo now!!!


Upcomming gigs:

Fridays: Mac C's Dog House:Goa Trance

Saturdays: Swingpe's closet: Kush Kush Kush Kush...

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Originally posted by p00h:

Originally posted by misskittie:

Yea well, there's a lot of shadiness going on that I'd rather not be involved with. And I'm truely getting sick of the scene and people. (no offense)

r u talkin to me punk? cwm3.gif

anyways, i'm gettin sick of all this hiatus shmiatus bullshit. all fuckin day. nyc club scene hasn't seen days like these in a while, atlease as far as music goes. twilo is blowin the fuck up and u kids wanna stay home. barbecuing and going to the beach are daytime activities, the night is all about debauchary and wickedness. I'm a fuckin old man and i don't wanna miss a week, and u youngins are actin the fools with hiatus this and blah blah blah...

get your asses to twilo now!!!

shaddap old geezer!!! Just because you are on your Viagra cycle doesn't give you a right to get on us youngins!!! cwm5.gif

-Jamms "itsalwaystheoldheadsthatstartshiznat"


jamms on hiatus...that is all face50.gif

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Originally posted by p00h:

r u talkin to me punk? cwm3.gif

anyways, i'm gettin sick of all this hiatus shmiatus bullshit. all fuckin day. nyc club scene hasn't seen days like these in a while, atlease as far as music goes. twilo is blowin the fuck up and u kids wanna stay home. barbecuing and going to the beach are daytime activities, the night is all about debauchary and wickedness. I'm a fuckin old man and i don't wanna miss a week, and u youngins are actin the fools with hiatus this and blah blah blah...

get your asses to twilo now!!!

Uh oh, I agree with PooH....people bitching and whining. Come out and have a fantastic time while the everything is going strong. Frankly, if somehting pisses you off....say so...it helps. Everyone knows how blunt and honest I am....


Brats :0



The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

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Yea there's a lot of good djs coming to the clubs now but "whoopdeedoo" if you ask me. I personally prefer not to club in the summer b/c well, Id rsther be outside. MY OPINION.

If ya'll wanna do activites outside during the day and party indoors at night thats fine too. I just dont feel like being bothered anymore when theres a million other things Id rather be doing.

And Claudio, I have opened my mouth and will continue to do so. But its annoying how people u "thought" were "friends" are showing true colors now and getting a little too far ahead of themselves.

It seems this whole scene is the cause of most of the drama in my life and Id rather put it on hold till the winter. I look forward to throwin my parties at my house each year and chilling with my friends all day, night, and into the next morning.

You guys can club...there will be one less person taking up space so its more for you. You should be happy~




tigger10.gif I quit ~~~~~yea yea yea~~~~~ its all over now.

"Try to suceed without me" butflanim_e0.gif

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