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How come people got kicked out of Twilo last night?

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cause securtiy is mad crazy there. i didnt get kicked out but i got searched 3 times.




A ho don't make a housewife.

pappa's been smooth since the days of underoos!!!!


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I'm good friends with security in that joint and I can tell you this much..

They are like that for a reason.

If they werent that place would be shut down faster than you could say:

"My underage friend just threw up and ODed in the bathroom"

Situations with that sort of thing are what make the "police" of the joint (Aka Security) run a tight boat.

If you respect the rules it wont get thrown out or relocated like Tunnel, Limelight and SF has in the past.

(The old SF USE to be in Twilo by the way in case you didn't know)

We can all thank those guys for keeping that place open..as barbaric as they may apear to us at 6:00 am when our roles leave us with permagrins and they are yelling at you.

Just smile at them and say Thanks!



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im not sayign all the security is bad just a few bad apples. i can't even go in my pockets without getting searched. thats bullshit. they have to be strict to a point some some take it to far.




A ho don't make a housewife.

pappa's been smooth since the days of underoos!!!!


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I'm just telling you like I hear it is. Lots of shits gone down in that place..

The reason they are like that is because they HAVE to be like that..

Friday, Saturday and even on weekdays..

I don't like seeing cute club girls treated like cattle either on any night..

"move along now..move along..!"

or people lighting up sigs getting harrased for no good reason but this is one of those:

What came first the chicken or the egg scenerios.

There has been some HORRIBLE shit that's gone down with clubbers even on past wednesday parties

If you only knew how many under cover cops are dancing right beside you you'd know why management has these guys acting like Robo cop.

to them EVERY ONE is suspect!

But atleast theres a place to go listen to some of the worl's leading DJs on the best sound system this side of the East coast..

and if tough security has kept it open this long then I realy don't care..

Because I can still have a place to dance at every Friday night without worrying about some snot nose kid pulling out a knife or getting busted dealing and getting the whole place shut down.

You just can't have your cake and eat it too sweets!

Hate to burst your bubbles.. cwm40.gif



[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-19-2001).]

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well i hope you get harrased and kicked out when you go there this weekend. then you will see how it is.




A ho don't make a housewife.

pappa's been smooth since the days of underoos!!!!


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it's not even an issue about safety or whether anyone is doing anything wrong. in this specific case, it's an issue of harassment

i'm sick of hearing your constant shit about them having to do what they are doing. you know what, they don't. not what they were doing last night

what pisses me off is stupidass people like you who actually do drugs in clubs and keep this little "they must have been doing something wrong" motto. just because you're guilty and stupid doesn't mean we were. let me reiterate so your blind and shallow ass can maybe understand this time: we did not do anything wrong and we were not acting suspicious in any way that would warrant the treatment we were given

may your next roll be laced with cyanide



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Originally posted by mugwump:


I'm good friends with security in that joint and I can tell you this much..

They are like that for a reason.

If they werent that place would be shut down faster than you could say:

"My underage friend just threw up and ODed in the bathroom"

Situations with that sort of thing are what make the "police" of the joint (Aka Security) run a tight boat.

If you respect the rules it wont get thrown out or relocated like Tunnel, Limelight and SF has in the past.

(The old SF USE to be in Twilo by the way in case you didn't know)

We can all thank those guys for keeping that place open..as barbaric as they may apear to us at 6:00 am when our roles leave us with permagrins and they are yelling at you.

Just smile at them and say Thanks!

i'm good friends with one of the guys that works security there . . . and what they did last nite was unnecessary . . . i put my own reputation with them on the line to stick up for those people last nite, and i had no problem doing it because i knew they were clean and had done nothing wrong.

i have become very anti-drugs-in-clubs, so i have no reason to stick up for them if i didnt realize it was all bullshit.

and it is my belief that the security will reconsider they're chocie to 86 these people from twilo over something so trivial.

there *Were* people there on E last nite, and i could have picked them out very easily . . . they were harassing to harass last nite, and for whatever reason at 1:30 when i left, the people all fucked up were still in there, and the above mentioned were not.

thats all i have to say.







AIM: loves2cox

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Guest danwang

There is stuff on the twilo board about this, I believe in "Planet Twilo"... I think you might have to search around a little bit...

Something about people having hands in their pockets, and certain kinds of pills that were supposedly known to be "clean".

The discussion did raise an issue on security concerns and whether the security guards are doing their jobs properly, enough so to cause Twiloboss to put in a few words of his own.


We're alive, take a breath

We're alive, take a deep breath

[This message has been edited by danwang (edited 04-20-2001).]

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Originally posted by mugwump:

We can all thank those guys for keeping that place open..as barbaric as they may apear to us at 6:00 am when our roles leave us with permagrins and they are yelling at you.

Just smile at them and say Thanks!

smile when they are yelling at you? are you that stupid? fucking dweeb. would you take that if you went into a store and bought something and the employee there started yelling at you for no good reason?

you fucking moron. have you been searched for no reason? have you? the fucking police can't search you without just cause you jackass. it's always the little guys that can't do squat, what? we need to be beaten down, a club stuck up our asses in order for something to be done about their narcissistic behavior on the part of the so called ultra friendly security staff?

they run a tight ship? study your history a little more jackass. study nazism, study communism. yeah they ran a tight ship too asshole.

respect the rules? and what rule is that you fucking moron? you can't do what? put hands in your pockets? whisper in someone's ear? walk around a bit? go to the bathroom a godzillion times cause you got the runs? tell me moron, which rule should I not break?

oh wait, we breath, therefore we must be a fucking dealer.

wake the fuck up asshole. kiss my ass. in fact stop kissing twilo's ass enuff to breath and wipe that brown shit on your nose.


have you been searched yet?

you are guilty til proven otherwise

you will be searched at the door, inside the place, when you get home, at your job, and on the streets if we the security ever sees your ass, we the ultra friendly security staff can do so since we're not cops or your parents

[This message has been edited by vagrant (edited 04-20-2001).]

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dude, those guys/girls were doing nothing but having a great time dancing and hanging from what I saw........I'm stunned at what apparently happened........it's quite upsetting to say the least.......so simmer down with the reasoning jibber jabber.......it was WRONG. smile.gif

deanna11 still needs to teach me how to dance though...... wink.gif



"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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Originally posted by deanna11:

may your next roll be laced with cyanide

That's fucked up - I feel bad that you got tossed out, but mugwump is right - a lot of fucked shit has happended at clubs and outside of clubs!! I used to go to sf on Friday sometimes (my friends liked it), but I have seen to many fights take way to long to be stopped!! If people think security is weak, then everyone tries to abuse it (I don't meam just drugs)!! I see people get searched at twilo a lot and I have not been part of the random search thing yet (thank god) - I will probably be pissed like you, but it's probably a necessary evil!!

What did Machiavelli say "it is better to be feared than loved"




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I read a post on Nightclubcity that someone got 86ed for having Stackers.. I've heard that you can't have pills like that in a club, but wtf, they are legal??? How can they 86 someone for bringing in LEGAL pills???

About this whole issue.. They are definitely taking it a little too far. It's one thing to be on alert all the time and watch for anyone going around selling, or doing a bump, or giving pills to someone.. But to randomly pick ppl and go through their pockets is a little too much..

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Originally posted by mugwump:

If they werent that place would be shut down faster than you could say:

"My underage friend just threw up and ODed in the bathroom"

I second that (gee, for once I agree with mugwump...). The NYPD/Guiliani gang isn't exactly Twilo's best friends. And if they come after the club like the plague, the only way to stay open is to minimize the obviousness of what's going on. No, I do not support the profiling that they do, or the rudeness which they exercise, but you gotta understand where they're coming from.


it's funny until somebody gets hurt. and then it's even funnier.

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Originally posted by mugwump:

I can tell you that the only times I've seen people thrown out of there was because there was a reason for it..

Are you kidding? If you're serious then either you're very blind or have a serious case of selective sight.

I'm not gonna put the club down cause it really is a great club. The DJs, venue, sound system. Nobody can put that club down but for ONE thing and one thing ONLY. It's security system is on ONE serious Power trip and it needs to stop SOON. Things like what happened to Deanna and others have been going on since spring of last year.

Twilo management need to handle this situation quick.



“Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.” - Roy Goodman


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"In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes!!!

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

watch your step, mugwump. not only can this woman tear you down, but she is also one of the sweetest, kindest and most HONEST people I know when it comes to things like this. (she's gonna kill me for saying that wink.gif ) if you don't know d11, don't step up on d11. if she says she was clean, and not misbehaving, I would not hesitate to believe her every word.

d11, i'm sorry to hear what happened to you guys. sounds like the blackshirts were more than a little full of themselves on their power trip wednesday... no need of that at all.

see you guys tonight?

-ichi cwm9.gif

Nah I hear you man..

I'm not ATACKING D11 by any means..

Just responding to her wish that I die off a roll..

Listen I sympathize withyall,,

Being tossed out of a club for no good reason at all sucks big mugwump balls..

I was just explaining to you the reason the security is so insane at Twilo..

It's beacuse the bouncers are TOLD to do everything they do by the men behind the curtain..

Twilo's OZ is in all the cameras and they just do what he sais..

If they get an order on their headsets to clear the floor they will do just that..

Someone gave them that order..

but it sounds like you kids just got stuck in the cross fire..

And for all of you with attitudes..GRow up..


What's the matter?

Can't handle anyone with a different opinion than your own...?

(looks in Vagrant's directions..Natzis? What?! Let's be a little more dramatic shall we...or Lets all hope the best club gets shut down because of relaxed security that allows dealing INSIDE a club that is INFESTED with undercovers cops..)

Yea.. that guy that just asked you if your roll's kicking in real good with the baggy pants..guess what..He's a cop!

think I'm making THAT shit up?

YOU do the research..and YOU study the history of what's gone on in that joint!

peace~ cwm35.gif



[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-20-2001).]

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Originally posted by j303j:

cause securtiy is mad crazy there. i didnt get kicked out but i got searched 3 times.

I think they wanted a *piece* of you J, ya know your hot bod and all wink.gif...

-Jamms "securitymusthavemistakenitforajuniornight"


I love p00hs arse *alwaysandforever* face50.gif

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