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So I spewed my brains out...

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Too many red devils...lost track of time. Saw many delicious creations of heaven walking around with delicious lips...and other ligaments appealing to my loins.

So yeah, I'm waking up, it's 10:30, I have to do this little gig thing up in Yonkers at 11:30 and I'm still in Jersey. The floor is moving. My balls are moving. My stomach is turning. I had a fucking blasttime last night. Mad cool mofo's.

Shout out to...to...to...oh shit....I'm nauseaus...ahhh...I'll be right back...I think....pray for me...Saint!!!

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Originally posted by brandie:

glad to see i'm not the only one who pulled the bulemic tactics last nite . . .

thanks to all my cheerleaders for the encouragement "Hurry up and throw up girl, theres a HOTTIE you HAVE to meet" (nikki & monique)

thanks of course to pete who drove my car, made me drink water to throw up, provided eye-makeup remover (WHY WHY WHY wink.gif) and watched TERRIBLE telecare-public-access-television with me after i decided to pull a nap that started at ELEVEN PM and oooooops ended at around 4 am . . . so much for going OUT last nite!!! . . .

4:36 am "bran, ready to hit up twilo or vinyl?" . . . got some breakfast instead. smile.gif i really DID mean to go out last nite . . .

damn me for not eating . . . i DID predict that it was only gonna take a couple of drinks for me to be a mess . . .





lol.. i wish i met ya girl i guess we missed each other...

saint... i remember you from the meetup, but i dont think you remember me... you're adorable...

xoxo~ mooney cwm38.gif



life's a ride... pack light...


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looks liek it was a rough night for alot of people last night. you are all a bunch of lushes.




A ho don't make a housewife.

pappa's been smooth since the days of underoos!!!!


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Originally posted by brandie:

in the drunken stupor i was in, i MIGHT have met you, lol. smile.gif



well then shit, i dont remember either... lol...

i think i actually did meet deanna near the bathrooms... i could be wrong, i was pretty out of it at that point...



life's a ride... pack light...


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glad to see i'm not the only one who pulled the bulemic tactics last nite . . .

thanks to all my cheerleaders for the encouragement "Hurry up and throw up girl, theres a HOTTIE you HAVE to meet" (nikki & monique)

thanks of course to pete who drove my car, made me drink water to throw up, provided eye-makeup remover (WHY WHY WHY wink.gif) and watched TERRIBLE telecare-public-access-television with me after i decided to pull a nap that started at ELEVEN PM and oooooops ended at around 4 am . . . so much for going OUT last nite!!! . . .

4:36 am "bran, ready to hit up twilo or vinyl?" . . . got some breakfast instead. smile.gif i really DID mean to go out last nite . . .

damn me for not eating . . . i DID predict that it was only gonna take a couple of drinks for me to be a mess . . .








AIM: loves2cox

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Urgh! Don't remind me . . . I got sick when I woke up and my honey tried to make me eat. I ran to the bathroom instead and did a barfy.gif . . . meanwhile of course my honey was on the other side of the door nodding his head going, "Uh-huh . . . what did I say?"

Damn, I hate it when he's right! bllurk.gif

Saint, sweetie, was good seeing you again and I LOVE the hair! Looking forward to reading some of your work soon!

Jack! I never thought you'd be that BIG!! Nice shoulders and pecs! thumb.gif



“Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.” - Roy Goodman


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Saint you have clear eyes right?? If so, they're BEAUTIFUL. I remember vaguely meeting outside of Apple.



Now I have bruises all over = (



People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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I had a great time Friday, trying to catch up to everyone tongue.gif...I finally met *Saint* which was cool, among a lot of other new faces smile.gif...I guess I did miss a lot of people there, but there is always next time!

-Jamms "serendipity"


I love p00hs arse *alwaysandforever* face50.gif

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Originally posted by jammy:

I had a great time Friday, trying to catch up to everyone tongue.gif...I finally met *Saint* which was cool, among a lot of other new faces smile.gif...I guess I did miss a lot of people there, but there is always next time!

-Jamms "serendipity"

Jammy! I saw you that night, right? I introduced you to David, right? Or was that all in my dreams?? cwm6.gif

I can't seem to separate what actually happened and what I THINK happened.



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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Yup, yup, I wuz there...I got there a lil late but I did make up for it in *cocktails*...BTW - did you end up going to Vinyl Friday...I didn't see you at Twilo...And for those I saw at Twilo, please excuse my behaviour, I was a lil *relaxed* and not being my usual peppy in the steppy self cwm20.gif . All excuses aside I had a great time though and had a happy 4-20! tongue.gif



I love p00hs arse *alwaysandforever* face50.gif

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See!! I knew I wasn't THAT fucked up!! cwm32.gif

We did go to Twilo but Mitchell took me home soon after we got in cause he said I was acting like a drunk brat. cwm6.gif I'm pretty sure I was too. It was a good thing he took me home cause I passed out as soon as we got into a car.



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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