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For mugwump fans and haters alike

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I have noticed over the past few days that mugwump has taken qute a bit of heat over the past few days and I do have to say one thing...

Love him or hate him, you all have to give credit for the way he handles the drama flung his way. It is one area that we must all agree that he excels in. There are not many others here that would take that and come back with a smile. He lets it all roll off like water off a ducks back.

Be the duck mugwump, be the duck!

So, even if he did post enough pictures of his dog that I could pick her out in a line up cwm32.gif , I hereby nominate mugwump for the good sportsmanship award.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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Thanks CathyO..

Although I'm still confused why I'm actualy "hated"..(Lord knows I've heard some REAL assholes in the past..cough cough..centepede..cough..ahhem) uhh..thanks anyway! Quack!

*Note to self..funny idea for doggie line up done in photo shop..(mugz runs to open photo shop..)




"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it"

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Originally posted by deanna11:

i remember whoever who got the "best sportsmanship" award was also the unnamed "most disposable" player

HI D! where ya been?! I missed ya!

But honestly I'm never gonna buy another roll from u again..that last batch made me sit on the toilet bowl for three nights straight...ughhh

(if I didn't knowya any better I'd say you might of laced it with something.)

Gotta go..(mugz runs to the toilet clutching his belly)




"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it"

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Originally posted by mugwump:

HI D! where ya been?! I missed ya!

But honestly I'm never gonna buy another roll from u again..that last batch made me sit on the toilet bowl for three nights straight...ughhh

(if I didn't knowya any better I'd say you might of laced it with something.)

Gotta go..(mugz runs to the toilet clutching his belly)

never ever say the shit you just did above, not even as a joke. narcs read this board also. that is y peeps think you're an ass. you post stupid shit like the above.


have you been searched yet?

you are guilty til proven otherwise

you will be searched at the door, inside the place, when you get home, at your job, and on the streets if we the security ever sees your ass, we the ultra friendly security staff can do so since we're not cops or your parents

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Originally posted by vagrant:

never ever say the shit you just did above, not even as a joke. narcs read this board also. that is y peeps think you're an ass. you post stupid shit like the above.

Relax silly! Narks!! Pllleeaaase..

and what they gonna do..show up at my door..

Knock knock.."hello this is the feds,

We are looking for a little pink guy that hangs out at club Planet all day and goes by the name of mugwump..

we understand he bought some pills that gave him the shits..you have theright to remain silence.."

(That was actualy in reference to a cutie patootie remark she made to me a few threads back on how she wish I'd die from a laced pill with Arscnic.)

Is that how you spell it D?




"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it"

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Originally posted by mugwump:

HI D! where ya been?! I missed ya!

But honestly I'm never gonna buy another roll from u again..that last batch made me sit on the toilet bowl for three nights straight...ughhh

(if I didn't knowya any better I'd say you might of laced it with something.)

Gotta go..(mugz runs to the toilet clutching his belly)

you dumb shit...you want to get her into trouble?!

better yet stick yur face in the toilet. . .

dumbass. . .


we all exhale. . .


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Originally posted by mugwump:

Relax silly! Narks!! Pllleeaaase..

and what they gonna do..show up at my door..

Knock knock.."hello this is the feds,

We are looking for a little pink guy that hangs out at club Planet all day and goes by the name of mugwump..

you fucking idiot. they wouldn't look for you, they'd look for me because you said i sell drugs, WHICH I DON'T

i would, however, give you a free present



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Originally posted by deanna11:

you fucking idiot. they wouldn't look for you, they'd look for me because you said i sell drugs, WHICH I DON'T

i would, however, give you a free present

And shit laced with cyinide no less!(which you still havent told me the correct speling of)

OMG D!! RUN ruuuuuun!

wait..I hear a nock at the door!

foot steps..

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..Now quick throw the computer out the window! THEY have PROOF!

(Geez are you guys ALWAYS this paranoid?)

no wonder you get all bent out of shape everytime I post a picture of my dog with blue hair.

By the way..SHE DOES Stick her head in the toilet water..(stinky thing)




"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it"

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Originally posted by deanna11:

we tend to get paranoid when your rational good friends 86 us


ohhhhhhh...now I know what all this is about!

You're still mad at me because of you getting thrown out at Twilo on Wednesday night!


Man! Get over it! (geeze some people hold grudges worst than cats)

look D11 if it makes you feel any better..I AM sorry that happened to you..Really I am!

I'm not gonna restate how I feel about why I think security is the way it is in the city blah-blah blah (Hopefully you got the point with all the news coverage in the papers etc..)

But that dosen't meen you have to get all pissy every time you see me answering your posts. Like I've said before "I AM ON YOUR SIDE!"

I'm a clubber also..maybe been doin it a bit longer than some of yall' but believe me..I'm just about as bumbed about all the crap going down in Twilo as you are..(security wise and OD wise)

Now lets put all that crap aside and lets dance! I still owe you a red bull like I said..and I AM a mug of my word!

Whataya say Truce? (Mugz extense hand out in hand shake to D)




"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it"

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Originally posted by cathyo:

I have noticed over the past few days that mugwump has taken qute a bit of heat over the past few days and I do have to say one thing...

Love him or hate him, you all have to give credit for the way he handles the drama flung his way. It is one area that we must all agree that he excels in. There are not many others here that would take that and come back with a smile. He lets it all roll off like water off a ducks back.

Be the duck mugwump, be the duck!

So, even if he did post enough pictures of his dog that I could pick her out in a line up cwm32.gif , I hereby nominate mugwump for the good sportsmanship award.

Normally I agree with what you've got to say, Cathyo, and think your posts are great. This time, however...

I can honestly say that this guy is the ONLY board member that's annoyed me enough to respond negatively to him. But this is a free country and people can say what they want, so I've stopped reading posts written by him...yet he still shows up in other people's posts. Like I said, free country, but...eek he's just terribly irritating.




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Originally posted by mugwump:

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..Now quick throw the computer out the window! THEY have PROOF!

(Geez are you guys ALWAYS this paranoid?)

hey asshole, you really don't get it do you. there are meetups you fucking moron. who da fuck knows what may happen. betta safe than sorry, but you wouldn't know anything about it cause you feed off this board by saying the most assinine shit ever.

dude, you are one fucking moron. should i ever meet you perhaps a nice fucking bat upside your head will wake your ass up. i would do it behind your back and you would never know it was coming from me. duh, get it now. you just never know dickhead.


have you been searched yet?

you are guilty til proven otherwise

you will be searched at the door, inside the place, when you get home, at your job, and on the streets if we the security ever sees your ass, we the ultra friendly security staff can do so since we're not cops or your parents

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ReginaP - I know mugs can be sometimes a bit over the top - but he is being creative and sometimes it's funny - It beats the usual SF is the best club in the world or Twilo security is a bunch of nazis posts!!

He adds a little humor to board, sometimes wether we like it or not!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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Originally posted by crobra:

ReginaP - I know mugs can be sometimes a bit over the top - but he is being creative and sometimes it's funny - It beats the usual SF is the best club in the world or Twilo security is a bunch of nazis posts!!

He adds a little humor to board, sometimes wether we like it or not!!

Hey, if he gives you some entertainment that's great. There are other posts not about SF or Twilo, but about music, clubbing in general, or even such "off topic" posts as literature, movies, and people's personal lives. Anyone that knows me will tell you I have a really good sense of humor--I love to laugh--but this guy just GRATES on my nerves. But that's just my opinion smile.gif




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Awwwee.. ReginaP darling. Lots of people annoy me in this crewl crewl world..but hey what can I say? It's not a fair planet!

Umm..Vagrant! I have a name of a good shrink. He deals with anger management issues! Let me guess..in your case..you where a nerd a school who always got picked on and now the only way to avenge your hatered is to go on posting boards and dream about hitting Mugwump on the head with a bat.

And Stop watching so many FBI TV shows..trust me..the Feds are too busy looking for kids building pipe bombs and pedophyles than to give two rat's asses about what a bunch of loosers posting on a "club board" have to say..

silly things!

Quack quack! Vagrant..Quack Quack...




"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it"

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Originally posted by mugwump:

Awwwee.. ReginaP darling. Lots of people annoy me in this crewl crewl world..but hey what can I say? It's not a fair planet!

No shit. And don't call me darling.




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no, i don't hold a grudge on you for that episode. my being bitchy in this thread is because you posted on a public message board that i sell drugs

you're somewhat new here, so maybe you haven't figured out that you should keep some things on the dl, such as your own drug use, actual names, where you obtain your drugs and where you do them, etc. it may sound paranoid, but it's not

as you would not want to say who you actually get drugs from, you also don't want to say you get drugs from someone who you actually don't

try to use some common sense



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can't we all just get along or at least step outside and take it the drama page!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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Originally posted by deanna11:

no, i don't hold a grudge on you for that episode. my being bitchy in this thread is because you posted on a public message board that i sell drugs

you're somewhat new here, so maybe you haven't figured out that you should keep some things on the dl, such as your own drug use, actual names, where you obtain your drugs and where you do them, etc. it may sound paranoid, but it's not

as you would not want to say who you actually get drugs from, you also don't want to say you get drugs from someone who you actually don't

try to use some common sense

so what in gods name are you refering to by my rational friends 86ing you?

(Mugz takes out note book and writes: No drugs mentioned huh-huh..no friends that do drugz..yup-yup..no..mention of syonide in drugz.Cyonide..syanide?)


How DO you spell cyianide!?

and if any feds are reading this..just for the record..I've never touched that stuff...

(but I do think there is some

repressed dude in here running around with a bat ..quick don't look his way..sloowly..Yup him!)

*Oh..and ReginaP sweetheart (hey..I didn't call you Dawlin) I have started many a threads with everything you mentioned in them..but you choose to come visit all the threads in which people start bitching about me..

which by the way has now made this a "burning hot topic" folder on the boards. (Glad to be so popular with yall..thanks!)




"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it"

[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-25-2001).]

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I have not been posting much, however I have been reading and Cathyo, you hit it right on the mark... He is a hoot!!! He can turn some annoying **drama** into something funny... cwm35.gif


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Originally posted by stacychase:

I have not been posting much, however I have been reading and Cathyo, you hit it right on the mark... He is a hoot!!! He can turn some annoying **drama** into something funny... cwm35.gif

In many cases I would agree. However the post above about D11 and selling, etc. is WAAAYYY out of line. Anyone not knowing the background and even those that do can read that and not understand that it isn't true. Also, posting something like that anywhere about anyone (unless it is true) is just stupid and careless. Talk about her mother, say she has fake breasts whatever but to post like that is awful! That one post has negated any positive contributions this guy ever made to the board! I would even so go far as to say that it should be edited out!

[This message has been edited by armada (edited 04-25-2001).]

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I agree that you should not refer to open selling anywhere... However go into archives and read how many times peeps on this baord refer to smoking crack, etc... Last time I checked, that doing drugs was against the law as well....


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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