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love your parents

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OK, this is not supposed to be a downer, just advice from someone who has been there.

Today marked the 3rd anniversary of my Mom's death. Of course it makes me think of that day and how blessed I am to know that she knew how very much she meant to me. I can say without a doubt that she was the best mother in the world. I can't say one bad thing about her. She was an angel, not just to me but to everyone she knew. While she was in ICU just before Xmas in '97 I saw her crying. When I asked why she wrote it was because she didn't have any gifts to give the nurses. She couldn't talk because of her tracheostomy.

Now, of course there were times that we butted heads. I was a little wild and having a baby at 17 was the height of it cwm32.gif but, both of my parents made no mistake in showing me that no matter what, my sister and I are the single most important things in their world. They helped through EVERYTHING that has happened in my life.

What I'm saying I guess is, no matter what the situation, make sure your parents know that you love them and you appreciate all they've done for you. I only had my Mother for 26 years and losing her was such a shock but, I know that there are people who go through an entire lifetime without love like that and I know that I was lucky to have those 26 years.

I couldn't imagine if, at the time she died, she didn't know how important she was in my life. I never used to say I love you to my parents, I'm so glad I started before she got sick, make sure you do the same.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 04-29-2001).]

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Wow Cathy~ that really got me right here <3.

After reading this, Im so happy and greatful that I have an incredible bond with my parent. It truely means the world to me...more so then anyone else. People need to start telling their parents they love them more and more. For some reason, its slipping as we, the world, progress.

Im sorry to hear about the anniversary. I am happy to see you put this into a postivie vibe. You'll be in my prayers~






"shes says, "come on grow old with me, they say the best is yet to be. i ask you to hold my hand, put your arm around me, help me understand. dependence is new to me. completeness, a wonder to see. something comes inside of me, and i,i have never felt so free. i'll tell you once, i can't do it again i love you more then i can comprehend." this was an independent girl - Erin Mckeown

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i miss my parents so much when im away at school.......i call them every nite telling them how i miss them and love them...


i was alone thinking i was just fine,

i wasnt looking for anyone to be mine,

i thought love was just a fabrication,

a train that wouldnt stop at my station,

home, alone, that was my consignment,

solitary confinement,

So when we met i was getting around u,

i didnt know i was looking for love till i found u...

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I'm sure your mom is lookin down on you with a smile, cause it seems she raised a very smart daughter. It's cool to see that some peeps stick to some values, cause I got too many friends who shit all over their parents. Personally I got a great relationship with my whole family, including ma and pops. That's cause we went thru a lot of stuff that brought us closer. But there's one thing that you can't replace and that's family, so never take them for granted. Hope everything is going good for you Cathy, as far as your divorce goes too. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Hi Cathy,,,,,I feel you girl.....

your mother will always be there with you,,,,

I know what you mean,,,,,,,my dad has "lung cancer"......he's going through chemo and shit like that,,,I know because I'm the one that goes with him every monday morning....anyway,,,,I don't mean to bring anybody down with my problems,,,but I know how you feel cathy,,,,I do make sure that my parents know how much they actually mean to me,,,,,,,My family is everything......and I know that a lot of people out there feel the same way..........




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I never called home when I was in school b/c I never wanted to deal with the crap that was going on at home. Then my mom got breast cancer and then I especially never called b/c I didn't want to deal with just how sick she really was. (DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL)

After I graduated and moved back home I came to realize how hurt she was by me not making an effort to keep in touch. It was a terrible feeling even though she understood that it was hard for me to deal with her disease.

It IS important to let your family know everyone that you love them b/c even though they know you do, it's always nice to hear it once in a while.



You're only young once


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Wow, that hits home for me Cathy. I lost my father when I was 13. He died in a car accident and keeping him alive in my memories and becoming someone he'd be proud to call his daughter has given me lots of strength.

You never realize how truly precious your parents are until you don't have one. I miss my father every single day of my life. my mom and I have the best relationship ever and I love her to death. I don't know what I'd ever do if I lost her. I cherish every moment we spend together, and it really wasn't until my father died that made me realize how important having a good relationship with your parents really is.

::sniffle sniffle::



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>cyber hugging lolly<





"shes says, "come on grow old with me, they say the best is yet to be. i ask you to hold my hand, put your arm around me, help me understand. dependence is new to me. completeness, a wonder to see. something comes inside of me, and i,i have never felt so free. i'll tell you once, i can't do it again i love you more then i can comprehend." this was an independent girl - Erin Mckeown

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aw that's so sweet. i tell my mother i love her everyday cwm38.gif



"How did it get so late so soon?

It's nite before it's afternoon.

December is here before it's June.

My goodness how the time has flewn.

How did it get so late so soon?"- Dr. Seuss

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Thanks Cathy, i was talking to somebody else about this very same topic last week.

I have my parents across from the UK at the moment, and they are getting some loving i can tell you.. ok it's drunken loving but hey.



I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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*tears in my eyes*

I respect all of you for letting others see where you have been and how you dealt with the circumstances...we take too many ppl in life for granted.

<hugging all of you>


"Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence"

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