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Actually, you are mistaken. They are not all the same person. Once again three different people and I don't think people like ADV appreciate your trying to play Ms. Detective and figure out who everyone is on this board. If you want to do that fine, but keep it to yourself, don't call people out by posting their real names. That is not the point of this messageboard and that is WHY we are given the option of creating a screen name.


"Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT

Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!

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Hi, my name is FRAN. I would love to know if you are talking about me!! Yes, I know Denny and I work at The World. I just got a phone call telling me that my name was on this post. I am not sure if you are talking about me or another Fran. If you are talking about me, you are way off!! I barely go on the board much less post. The only name I post under is my own, Fran26. I post mainly about parties I promote. So, whoever posted this topic, if you are talking about me I would love to know who you are and why you think these three people are me!!

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Originally posted by fran26:

Hi, my name is FRAN. I would love to know if you are talking about me!! Yes, I know Denny and I work at The World. I just got a phone call telling me that my name was on this post. I am not sure if you are talking about me or another Fran. If you are talking about me, you are way off!! I barely go on the board much less post. The only name I post under is my own, Fran26. I post mainly about parties I promote. So, whoever posted this topic, if you are talking about me I would love to know who you are and why you think these three people are me!!

Well this is such a mystery. I would love to know how all this is coming together. How odd is this?!?! Who are all you people??? Let the DRAMA be SOLVED!


AOL: Italiamale1977

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FIRST OF ALL MS. DETECTIVE...QUEENNICE. If you don't know what you are talking about shut your fucking mouth. I am Trikki & I have no idea who FRAN is so, SORRY, you are wrong!!! Why don't you keep your detective work to a minimum because you obviously suck at it. Try another profession because this is not your forte. Again, I have no idea who you are, nor do I care so find another day job.

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if we were all a little nicer, when trying to prove our points, most of you would stay on the board instead of coming back once a week or once a month...Its a LITTLE SOAP OPERA's on the Jersey BOARD ....just be yourselves.........everyone is to offensive....and you guys take to much to the heart......FUCKIT...live and let be..... cwm23.gif KILL....KILL.....KILL.....

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Originally posted by fran26:

Hi, my name is FRAN. I would love to know if you are talking about me!! Yes, I know Denny and I work at The World. I just got a phone call telling me that my name was on this post. I am not sure if you are talking about me or another Fran. If you are talking about me, you are way off!! I barely go on the board much less post. The only name I post under is my own, Fran26. I post mainly about parties I promote. So, whoever posted this topic, if you are talking about me I would love to know who you are and why you think these three people are me!!

Well Fran26 there are over a million Fran's out there in this world why would you think it was you????

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QUEEN-NICE, why don't you get off of you kick and get over trying to figure out who everyone on this board is. Obviously you wish you were the QUEEENBITCH and you are not, so take your "NICE" crown off and BEAT IT!!!! cwm45.gif

[This message has been edited by trikki (edited 12-27-2000).] cwm43.gif

[This message has been edited by trikki (edited 12-27-2000).]

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I'be been away for a few short days, and yet what an impact me and my friends have left on you people. Sorry Queen Nice, but I am definitely not queen bitch, although I am a queen or say godess. However you'd like to worship me is fine. Yes these other people are my friends, why do you think we are posting all this shit, its because we are enteretained by losers such as yourself. We constantly tell each other to check the board whether we are at home or at work, because we laugh our asses off. Personally i'm not looking for friends here.

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Sin.......queen........and everyone else your right...this shit does make you sit back and laugh....

I wish EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATES on the board would come on and have a good time..istead of bashing fucking WACK DJ..and WACK as CLUBS...IF somebody goes to Tequilas, metro,Crack Factory,Gooklow,fuckit....MY boy sileveeohh is right..I only show 20% of the time at the clubs because I personaly dont like a JOHNNIES AND all THE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN..that snap my neck....IF YOU ONE OF THOSE WHO GOES OUT....have a good time..do your drugs, have a few drinks KEEP TO YOURSELF....work sucks..

i appologize if you feel iam attacking anyone that not my beef..but THE QUEEN and who ever else your right....it HUMOROUS what some of us have to say...FUCKING HAVE A GOOD TIME...kill......javi..shoot me.... cwm23.gif Lest Cest Lux

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Considering I have only met like three other Fran's in my life, I do not consider my name common like Danielle. ALSO, there are no other Fran's that I know of that work at World and are friends with Denny SO, that would make me think you are talking about me. So wise ass why don't you get over it because I have nothing to do with any of this childish drama and would appreciate being left out of your reindeer games!!!

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My, my have I ruffeled someone's feathers?? Aren't you quite the loser creating a new sign on just to bash the Queen!!! Listen sweetie, don't even try to call yourself a queen you are no where near my league. I find it qutie entertaining that you are SOOOOO bothered by me. You are so wrong about me having multiple personalities. I don't need to use any other name, unlike yourself!!!! Why don't you find a different hobby because sweating me really shouldn't consume your life. OH, BTW my first name isn't Fran, sorry to burst your bubble.....queen full of shit!!!!!

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DRAMA! Hey has anyone seen SUCA or Princess 143AllenAsh anywhere??? I guess they are still in hiding.

WOW! The fun doesn't seem to evah stop here.

Originally posted by fran26:

Considering I have only met like three other Fran's in my life, I do not consider my name common like Danielle. ALSO, there are no other Fran's that I know of that work at World and are friends with Denny SO, that would make me think you are talking about me. So wise ass why don't you get over it because I have nothing to do with any of this childish drama and would appreciate being left out of your reindeer games!!!

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