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Fate or Free Will?


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it's all about fate in my eyes . . . i feel that everything happens for a reason . . we have no real control over what we do . . .

like what could it be other than fate that you end up talking to someone because you need a favor from them and then you're supposed to meet up . . . and then you don't . . and you finally do, and everything seems great . . . then you lose contact . .. and then you start talking again . . . and then you end up talking about getting engaged??? what else besides fate brings two people together into happiness like that??? biggrin.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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Originally posted by meta4z:

I know exactly what you mean phoenix, you get that illusion of control and then the universe puts you back in place.

...yup, now I just go with the flow ...if something isn't meant to be then it never will, no matter how much effort you put into it



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NO way , if you work for what you want , you will get it no matter what ,See me im a owner of a club called the wave , well former i wanted to do it and igot it.....

Uyou have to take control and go for it , work and work till you got it, man if i seen a pretty girl to me its hard to go over there and talk to her becaues she might think im a ugly ass of a fagget or what ever the case may bee , you got to go for it you know

see ya

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I believe that everyhing does happen for a reason, wether it be good or bad. And its true that no matter how hard you fight for something, if its not meant to be, then let it go. Cause maybe it was never meant for u in the first place.





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Men choose their destiny because we are correct.

Sitting back and letting whatever happen is lazy. Nobody becomes successful by sitting on their ass.

If it was a soulamte you were after, you aren't gonna find her being a hermit. You gotta get otut there and do your own thing, not constantly be on the prowl, but jsut lvie life. Women can prob sense when you have it going on foryourld and are attracted to it. Pheromes or something.

Anyhow, life ain't a movie. Takiong responosibility for your decisions, positive and neagative resultscreates your identity.

we aren't jsut shells of living creatures.

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