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no other posts in a while now.....so.....what do u all do?


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Work. Who here works and who just clubs/raves? If you work, what do you do? Do u like what you do?

I'm a software programer. Work in Westchester County. I love it. Great people. Awesome $$.

Boring topic, I know, but no one has posted a new topic in a while now. Talk to me people!



"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

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I know it's not a sex topic, but no one else has posted anything for a while. This could turn into a sex topic. For instance.....someone may work as a stripper....or a prostitute....or even a male jigalo (spelling???). Who knows....So again I ask, what do ya'll do?????????


"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

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I also work at an investment bank. That part of my life really clashes with my hedonistic lifetstyle. My hobbies are more fun: E, booze, food, clubbing, picking up chicks at clubs with my GF. I seem to spend a lot of time at sleazy places that noone I work with has ever heard of.

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Yet another Investment Bank type that lives two lives if not more. Love it! During the day I am considered the priss that does everything she's told.......at night wearing as little as possible, picking up hotties with my BF. It's a fatiguing lifestyle but I just can't get enough.

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working at an investment bank is a big departure from clubs. most of these people look like they go to sleep at 9:30 every night anyways.

a bunch of traders here were talking about how they heard of this place called HELLFIRE and jokingly they said something like 'oh peter, i bet youve been there', and i said 'yeah, i have'...their faces just dropped!!! man i loved it!!!!!

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I hear you on investment banking... ok ok. I am not an investment banker, I am a Web Producer for a MAJOR financial company. And u r so right, when u come in after a long night, they are all like "well, what did u do last night" I find it so funny, all they yalk about is what happend on "Survivor"

ewww, get some night life....


We Are Not Alone!

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Originally posted by peccatrice:

I hear you on investment banking... ok ok. I am not an investment banker, I am a Web Producer for a MAJOR financial company. And u r so right, when u come in after a long night, they are all like "well, what did u do last night" I find it so funny, all they yalk about is what happend on "Survivor"

ewww, get some night life....

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Originally posted by peccatrice:

I hear you on investment banking... ok ok. I am not an investment banker, I am a Web Producer for a MAJOR financial company. And u r so right, when u come in after a long night, they are all like "well, what did u do last night" I find it so funny, all they yalk about is what happend on "Survivor"

ewww, get some night life....

They stand around the F@#$*?! water cooler talking about Survivor (they live for that shit) while I'm emailing my friends about the madness from the night before.

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I was a stripper... then I decided that prostituting paid so much better...Just Kidding! ;-) I am a student worker at the college I attend. BORING! And if I hear one more thing about survivor or Big Brother!!! That is all the old fat ladies around here talk about! My boss kicks ass at least. She lets me come in a few hours late after a night out clubbin. Love, SIN

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