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Can a player get PLAYED


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a true player can never get played. if he gets played then he's not really a player. a had a friend who was basically w/ two of my girl friends at the same time. when they finally found out they got together and fucked up his car, took like buckets of dirt and shit and dumped them all over on the front seat and shit.

later on when he confronted the two of them who were together(mind you this was in front of large of group of my peers) he started yelling and they both laughed and basically thought it was great.

then he yelled out, "but you know what the funny thing is, i fucked both you little dirty sluts on that same seat"

they weren't laughing so hard after that

a few days later he was back in bed w/ both of them

so no, a true player can never be played-



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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Rob is right, a true player can never be played . . . however, nobody really remain a player for that long. And as soon as he/she let their guard down even if it's just a wee bit . . . BOOM!! Gotta pay the piper!!



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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Ever see HOW TO BE A PLAYER with Bill Bellamy??

Anyone can get it no matter how good they are. Somewhere along the lines they will slip.

Just like, if your man or woman is cheating on you, you can usually tell its them cheating b/c they begin to accuse you of cheating.

Yup yup



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Originally posted by misskittie:

Ever see HOW TO BE A PLAYER with Bill Bellamy??

Anyone can get it no matter how good they are. Somewhere along the lines they will slip.

Just like, if your man or woman is cheating on you, you can usually tell its them cheating b/c they begin to accuse you of cheating.

Yup yup

misskittie, i think that's where not thinking along the same lines. i'm not talking about a player screwing up, i'm talking about being played.

a player will never be played b/c he doesn't care if she's cheating on him b/c he's doing the same thing and really doesn't care about her anyway. a true player really doesn't exhibit feelings for someone, he just pretends to, so there's no way for him to be played. look at the situation i presented, that would look like those two females had him, but he obviously got them.

and in regards to getting caught, that is what makes him a true player as well. your right, eventually everyone will get caught, but for a true player it won't even phase him. my friend who i just gave the example of is a scumbag, w/o a doubt. but he got caught so many times and it didnt' matter b/c the girls who caught him most were the ones on his dick most.

that's a true player



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 09-15-2000).]

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Again, gotta agree with Rob. A TRUE player really has no emotions to offer to anyone. That's the ONLY reason why he/she would never get played. They just DON'T care if ONE of they're partners are cheating on them, or if they're getting treated nice, or anything that has to do with anything other than sex and money. A TRUE player only cares about one thing and that's their own satisfaction. That's it. They could care two shit about anything else. That's why you see very few TRUE players cause very few people can have that type of numbness in their heart. Most of us just try to be a player and get burned in the process.



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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Oh yeah they can! Its such a long story I don't know if there is enough room for it. To make a long story short here it is.

The was this guy I was interested in that I hung out with at the shore. Yeah I liked him but one night he was pissy drunk and he told me how he got played (I think he is a player). Anyway, He was going out with this chic for 2 years in college. She was two years younger than him and about a couple of months into the relationship he had sex with his best friend's girlfriend sister (if you are confused I can explain it). The chic found out about 1.5 years later and dumped him flat on his ass! HA HA! Serves him right. Then he began to "refester" his "relationship" with the best friend's girlfriend sister this past summer and a couple of weeks into the "relationship" she basically dumped on his ass by saying that while she was away in another country, she met some guy out there and he is going to move to the US to be with we in November. At that point I was ready to die smile.gif laughing that is. He looks really hot and has an awesome body but I decided after hearing this that there was no use in me being bothered with him "in that way". So now a just appreciate his hot hiney from afar!

So yeah thats a story about a player getting played!


Per me e arabo!

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