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AM I GAY??? If I like ORAL From A GUY>???


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Originally posted by back2basics:

For a start when did you do your degree?

It is fact, and nothing to do with psycology. It's has been shown in thousands of tests that the extra Y is present in gay men. (there is no proof with lesbians)

What i think your talking about is that there is no proof that the Y is THE Chromosone that causes the host to be gay. It may be a combination of factors. But the proof that the Y is a factor, and is present in every gay man tested ever is old news.

Do you beleive that being gay is a sexual preferance?

first of all, you spelled psychology wrong

and it does play a part because psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes.

everything psychological is simultaneously biological.

you asked for a website, here you go, www.worthpublishers.com/exploring

a reliable source with current scientific evidence

look under chapter 9 motivation

taken from this site

fyi, "most scientist today view sexual orientation as neither willfully chosen nor willfully changed. Sexual orientation in some ways is like handedness: most people are one way, some the other. a very few are truly ambidextrous. regardless, the way one is endures."

b2b, you wrote strongly before and i hope you don't take the comments as an attack

i enjoy intelligent conversations and debates.

i think you were misinformed on the evidence supporting your statement. or you read it from an unreliable source.

any more comments?



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If you're not a woman and you're sucking a guys dick or getting your dick sucked by a guy you are gay.. period.. you can be bi-sexual or what have you, but you're still gay.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



"Takin' out the suckas, and they don't know how I did it!!!"


Float like a butterfly,

Sting like a bee.

I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!?

Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!


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I prefer to consider it being open minded. Not everyone is gay or bi, but they are willing to experiment new things. Takle away the male characteristics and you have a person.


There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.

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perhaps the prob here is that we should be discussing labels. "gay" "straight" "bi" are all words and we can argue over semantics with any word in the english language. academics love to do this, but a guy who likes his dick sucked shouldnt really worry about the fine shades of meaning in the words. obviously he didnt worry. he just did it.

i wouldnt do it. does that make me "straight" or "homophobic" or "closedminded" or a "ladies man?" words make the communication of thoughts easier, but they make action harder. dude, who cares if people on this board think your a "fag" or whatever. do what you want. if you worry about hostility, then dont tell anyone.

as for the whole B2B argument and church propaganda and all the rest of that, well, its like any good controversy. there are studies for and against it. with the "what makes you gay" issue, everybody is really trying hard to prove that god/nature says its right/wrong. its all fucking stupid. who cares. if getting head from a guy makes you happy, go get head from a guy. why do people want science to make them feel better? if gay people (or anti-gay people) piss you off, get pissed off, dont go flashing half-baked studies around to back you up.

BTW, i recently read an article about a study connecting the length of your ring finger to homosexuality. i think its a perfect example of the stupid lengths that academics go to to back up their emotions.


i love music!

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Originally posted by sirdante:

BTW, i recently read an article about a study connecting the length of your ring finger to homosexuality. i think its a perfect example of the stupid lengths that academics go to to back up their emotions.

actually, i want to retract that a little. i understand that sometimes people do these studies to help get laws/policy changed. so, perhaps the lengths they go to arent always "stupid." i do think its stupid if people flash theories around as fact.


i love music!

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WHO GIVES A FUCK??? You are what you are. And you know what, get off the stupid extra Y chromosome shit. . . Isn't there some medical message forum around here somewhere? Guess not...

P.S. I'm not an asshole, I just find that this thread is pretty stupid and very long. smile.gif



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If you knew anything about genetics, then you would know that the y chromosome is what makes a male. A woman is xx and a male is xy. Get it? Now if a guy has xxy then that means that he has Kleinfelter syndrome. Characteristics of this are smooth skin, lanky body parts, sterility, lack of facial hair, enlarged breats, etc. Do you see where I'm getting at? Now if a guy has xyy then that basically means that he has more male genetics. Characteristics of men with this are a predisposition towards antisocial or violent behaviour, and possible mild mental handicap. This could be caused by an increase in testosterone or other factors. That's why they have done studies on men in prisons. This disorder is found in about 1 in 700 males. Just going to the clubs, I know there's more than 1 gay guy for every 700 straight guys. To say that every gay guy has this disorder is totally disproven by this fact. I have a degree in bio. I know what I'm talking about.

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