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I don't understand....


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why guys think it is okay to grab a girls crotch at the clubs. I am not saying that all of you guys do, but it keeps happening. I am getting so angry, I can't tell you how dirty it makes me feel and by time I realize what happened I am in such shock the guy is out of site before I even know what to do with myself. I am sure this happens to guys too, but grrrr.... it makes me so angry. I don't understand why anyone would do that. you definantly arn't going to get any girls/guys that way and it isn't like I am going to be oooohhh he grabbed my crotch, lets fuck. Ya know. I am sorry I just had to get that off my chest. -SIN cwm23.gifcwm21.gif

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slap them dicks... preferably right in the mouth, thats not cool in the least.

im a guy and i have had women do it to me and yo seriously i may sound like i am bullshiting, but unless i invite you too i don't want anybodies hands there.

some people just weren't raised right i guess. but thats even worse than grabbing an ass thats really violating someone and very disrespectful...

Originally posted by sinergygrl:

why guys think it is okay to grab a girls crotch at the clubs. I am not saying that all of you guys do, but it keeps happening. I am getting so angry, I can't tell you how dirty it makes me feel and by time I realize what happened I am in such shock the guy is out of site before I even know what to do with myself. I am sure this happens to guys too, but grrrr.... it makes me so angry. I don't understand why anyone would do that. you definantly arn't going to get any girls/guys that way and it isn't like I am going to be oooohhh he grabbed my crotch, lets fuck. Ya know. I am sorry I just had to get that off my chest. -SIN cwm23.gifcwm21.gif


get off my dick already...

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im glad to say i've never had a guy grab at my crotch, b/c god help him if he does...

But i've had the occasional oops i just happened to "bump" into your chest...NOW thats annoying...

look but dont touch, unless i say so... biggrin.gif


~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

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if sirdante is ever around when such a perverted and disrespectful thing happens, come and get me. i will galdly enforce swift and righteous punnishment on the loser who inappropriately touched u! sometimes violence is a good thing. guys who grab girls are such pussies that my 90 YO grandmother could prob kick their asses! so dont worry, i wont mess up my face in the process.




i love music!

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