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Question for the guys...


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definatly .... a good thing ..i would love to have a girl come on to me .. and i would def act on it if she was goodlookin and whut not ... and from what i hear about you neptune , ur a real cutie ... so if you're thinkin bout coming on to a guy go for it i'm sure he'll respond positively ... =)



lets go jets .....


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depends on the situation, let say if the guy was involved then maybe he would suck it up and walk away, if not, put them BOTH right on my shoulders!!!! lol

Originally posted by neptune:

Is it a turn off if a girl physically comes on to you? and if she does..would u act on it??


get off my dick already...

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i don think its a turn off, its actually a ego booster in a way, for the fact that you have girls looking at you and coming on to you. it makes the situation a little easier because the girl is the one making her way to you. and upon acting upon it, for me personally it depends if their an actractive person, and has a good attitude with everyone inside the club and even outside the club when their not around a bunch of people. either way if you have girls coming on to you weather you act on it or not its still a turn on, for me anyway.



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i am so clueless sometimes that often the girl *has to* come on to me b4 anything will happen. duh. i wonder how many girls i missed out on bc they mustve thought that i wasnt interested.

so, to answer your question i have to say no, it does not turn me off when a girl comes on to me physically. i like a woman who knows what she wants and just goes for it. its flattering and gets us together alot quicker than if i have to make all the moves.


i love music!

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

definatly .... a good thing ..i would love to have a girl come on to me .. and i would def act on it if she was goodlookin and whut not ... and from what i hear about you neptune , ur a real cutie ... so if you're thinkin bout coming on to a guy go for it i'm sure he'll respond positively ... =)

i'll keep that in mind.. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

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yeah - sometimes i'm so out of it - the girl needs to initiate it ... defly a good thing if she's hot or not

makes the guy feel good too and sometimes it's a good change IMO



there is an after-life

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Originally posted by sirdante:

i am so clueless sometimes that often the girl *has to* come on to me b4 anything will happen. duh. i wonder how many girls i missed out on bc they mustve thought that i wasnt interested.

And this coming from sirdante??

But I have to agree, it's very exciting to me, and, like sirdante here (come on, man, ya gotta be kidding!), I'm not all that slick when it comes to detecting those oh-so-subtle clues that the ladies drop...

So ladies, help a brotha out, a'ight? If you catch someone lookin my way and I don't notice, give me a heads up and I will be at your service...




You know what I was, you see what I am: change me, change me!

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A woman who knows what she wants is always a good thing. She'd be much more preferrable than girls who front all the time and play games. I personally like women who're confident enough to go for it! Of course, if she's -all over you- from the get-go, it can be a turn-off. I had one (pretty) girl grab my crotch while dancing and I didn't even know her name yet. To me that's a bit of a turn-off b/c I like to build up to things, but generally confidence is a turn-on.

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Of course it helps when a girl makes an aggressive move. Don't worry, it doesn't take the mystique out of it, it just clues us in and I think girls definitely get props when they make a move. If a guy says he doesn't like it, he's either lying, gay or has some serious sexual disfunction.

Originally posted by velocityboy:

Of course, if she's -all over you- from the get-go, it can be a turn-off. I had one (pretty) girl grab my crotch while dancing and I didn't even know her name yet. To me that's a bit of a turn-off b/c I like to build up to things, but generally confidence is a turn-on.

Hell, there's been times that I've woke up naked next to a girl and I still didn't know her name yet. cwm32.gif

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most def a turn on....need more of you like that....it's like this... girls... fat, nasty, ugly...whatever, can get laid. Guys are animals when it comes to pussy. They will fuck anything that moves. Now, in order for a guy to get laid, it takes more work. So if a girl approaches you, and wants to fuck, it removes all of the pressure of having to impress the female in order to get laid. Get it? Got it? Good!


"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

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meant to respond to this post but put it on the females what if a guy came up to you thread-

well havent' been offered too many times, but i dont' think it makes the girl a slut at all. i see a girl as a slut when she is telling you the two of you are exclusive and then is fucking behind your back. i mean its like, i never would have cared in the first place so why dont' you just say that before i start to care?



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."


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Sorry, maybe im typical or just picky, or maybe I like a challenge, but I never really talk to a girl who comes on to me real fast. To me its much more of a challenge if you can get a woman that initally didnt really come on to you in the openly. I love to play like that I guess!!!

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Originally posted by neptune:

Is it a turn off if a girl physically comes on to you? and if she does..would u act on it??

Yes. To an extent. I'd definatley act on it, but wether it would reach a Fully sexual Level right away. It depends. If it is someone that i just met, then No....however if it is a woman that i've known, and have spent time with....then probably. smile.gif

I just feel that sex shouldn't be so easy to have. I love a challenge, and i also love self respect in a woman.


A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

I don't give a fuck if its dark or not! I'm harder than ME tryin' to park a dodge....when I'm drunk as FUCK, right next to a humongus truck, in a 2 car garage!

A few quotes from one of my fav. movies:

1) ELO!

2) Abbacazzaba! You're my best friend!

3)They Killed Killer B!!!!!

4)Fuck u Fuck u Fuck u YOU"RE COOL Fuck u....I'm Out!

5) Next time....You're gonna give me your Cocktail!......FRUIT!


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I personally think it's a good thing. I happen to dig when a woman comes on to me. Then again, I have to be attracted to her. If not, I may still dance with her, but that's about it. Never be rude, no need for that. Treat them the way you would like to be treated and be grateful because they (women don't always do that.)

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Originally posted by neptune:

Is it a turn off if a girl physically comes on to you? and if she does..would u act on it??

That's the #1 turn on, and I am ready at all times.

nothing better.


Run to the bedroom, in the suitcase on the left you'll find my favorite ax.

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