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Does Romance Still Exist?


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The more I think, the more i realize that in this day and age, it's so hard to keep up with Romance.. I constantly get caught up in these short-term relationships that are totally based on one factor only which is inevitably sex. The more I date, the harder it is to find real romance. Don't know where to look anymore.. Am I alone here guys and the rest of u just out to fuck.



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im assuming you goto clubs and the like alot. you can find many women(or men for that matter), big small, little and tall. all kinds everywhere. you just have to get the luck of the draw when you meet one. when you get ahold of one, treat her real nice, dinner and movies, but dont overdo it too soon, she'll jet fast. if you treat a girl right and make her think you are interested in more than just sex, more often than not she'll come back to you for more. listen to the girl, take head to what she wants as well, and she'll please you how you like.

good luck...

[This message has been edited by tongue_u (edited 12-04-2000).]

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it's difficult when you meet someone to see them for who they are. i'm not saying this is right or wrong, it's just how it is. when you see someone in club, or on the street, or meet by a mutual friend your first impression of him or her is what you see. how easily we are lured to act physically when the attraction is mutual. i understand you guy's concern about what happends when you treat a girl too nice or whatever, but as a girl it is equally as threatening to be seen by someone as only a piece of ass.....especially when you do have feelings beyond physical. i don't know if i'm making any sense to anyone but that's just what i'm thinking.


if i had to walk the world

to make you fall for me

i promise you

i promise you i will cwm38.gif

[This message has been edited by littled (edited 12-03-2000).]

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Thank you Lolly. As far as my topic goes, the bottom line is that it's just incredibly hard to find that significant other and i'm beginning to lose hope, considering that fact that i'm totally cute and very datable, as well as experienced. So i know the problem is not from my end.



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Hey nychunk, don't get too down on yourself! There's one girl out there who's perfect for you, you just haven't found her yet. But you will, just be patient. And when you do find her, it will be all the more special. (God, I sound so corny...)

I must add that as a woman it is really refreshing to see that there are actually guys around who are into romance. It seems like a good 95% of the guys that I meet only want to get me into bed, which is pretty much a turn-off. I mean, I'm not looking for a serious relationship or anything, but at least an interest my personality instead of my body would be a welcome change...I was beginning to think that romance was a thing of the past, but then posts like this make me realize that maybe I'm jumping to conclusions.

But enough rambling about me, I guess the bottom line is this: No, romance isn't dead. You yourself just proved it nychunk.

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You gotta make the romance. You will meet the right person eventually. Just stop looking, have fun and don't screw anyone over while you do it, what goes around comes around. Up until two years ago I thought it was hopeless, but then I met my boyfriend....don't get me wrong, we have been through some tough times, but I couldn't be more happy and my life couldn't be more fulfilled. Just hang in there. The right person is out there, and you will know it when you meet her. Just enjoy things how they are now, because when you meet that right person things change, in a good way, but in a different way.


I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow.

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Originally posted by nychunk:

The more I think, the more i realize that in this day and age, it's so hard to keep up with Romance.. I constantly get caught up in these short-term relationships that are totally based on one factor only which is inevitably sex. The more I date, the harder it is to find real romance. Don't know where to look anymore.. Am I alone here guys and the rest of u just out to fuck.

yes i agree with u here. i am starting to think that true love doesnt exist anymore either..


~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

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romance starts in the eyes

grows in the imagination.

stirs up the mind and body

judged by a kiss

and flourishes in the hearts of millions

when will we be part of those millions u ask?

when u stop looking.

but the hardest ones to find are the ones right under your nose.


see me dance move and groove,,,

now its your turn

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