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Anyone been on the roads in Jersey yet??

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My Dad just called and said they're very icy. My car sucks in the snow...really sucks! I work in a veery hilly area and almost didn't get home in that last little Thursday dumping.

I don't know what to do cwm31.gifcwm14.gif

Do I go to work????????? Are all the roads open around here?? Anyone?



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

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My boss lives in Sparta and was on his way to Parsippany. He said that the roads are snow covered and slushy right now. Not too many people are on the roads now.

He also told us to work from home today, that it was not worth the headache of driving around and getting stuck.

My Camaro, that I got 3 weeks ago was not supposed to bring all this snow, so I can agree with you about sucking in the snow.




AIM: JDoggNY2000

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur."


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this info. may be coming a little late for you but i drove to springfield from morristown, it was way worse up by me than it is here. i'd be more concerned about the ride home than going to work.....i was stuck in that last snow we had for four hours on the way home, no lie, and that wasn't even a damn storm.......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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I couldn't go in today . . . waited for the bus for one hour and no bus! I live up on the hill and I think they're having problems coming up! Oh well.

I'm home watching my darling nephew!



“Life is like music, it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule.” - Samuel Butler


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Well, I did venture out and the roads weren't bad. But, my younger son's day care wasn't open so I started over to my Dad's the next town over to drop him off there and then thought to myself "What the Hell am I doing??" I figured no matter how it is now, it's going to be awful later and I can't afford to get stuck at my office in Bedminster. It's veeery hilly in that area. Other people didn't go in either. I don't know if I'll get charged a personal day for this or what but I don't care at this point. It's not worth the potential disaster. If I crashed my car I'd be screwed, then I would have no way to work period! They'll just have to understand.

Nicki, I can sympathize with your commute that day. Mine was 3 1/2 hours cwm25.gif



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif


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