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DSL or Cable???

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Pros n Cons anyone please? Verizon has $40 a month DSL which includes the phone line to talk. I pay that now, but have 2 lines.

and its my understanding that there is <old> 56k that is basic now then the next level up is DSL/modem whats next up from that T1?

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For home I recommend Cable over DSL for now...though once everyone gets cable it will slow down slighly(it's a shared service) but whatever you do DO NOT GO WITH VERIZON, you'll be sorry check out www.dslreports.com for the best reviews

Cable is cheaper and fast enough for home use.

- Pete





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The only advantages that DSL has is that it's not shared and you can get a higher upload speed, I.E. you can send information out quicker. I have Road Runner and it is faster than my T1 at work in regards to opening up web pages etc... If you are a Time Warner Cable customer then it is only $35 a month. Sometimes I download shit at +300kbs. Verison is the worst DSL provider and in fact they are getting sued for there service or lack there of. If it's to download songs, play games and surf the web, cable is the way to go. If you are going to host a server for games or a site, you may want to spend more cash and go with asymetrical DSL.


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K. Here's my $.02...

I've registerd for DSL back in December through a company called WinFire. Definitely don't go through them. Anyway, I'm still waiting. They have to go through Verizon in order to set it up and are supposedly waiting for Verizon to confirm that the line is ready.

I had Cable at my last place. Make sure to check how big the line is and how many users (approximately) they have on that particular line. Either way, you're probably better off w/Cable. It worked great for me. Depending on your provider it may cost a little more in the beginning but my guess is that it's worth it.

Two more stories...the short versions. 1) A friend of mine had to switch DSL proivders a few months after he finally got service because they went out of business. 2) Another friend of mine waited over 4 months. Once they finally went to install his line (which was supposedly ready) he then had to wait even longer because the line was NOT fully functional.

I originally went w/DSL because it was a little bit cheaper. Definitely spend the money and go w/Cable. You'll probably be left headache free... wink.gif

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it depends on what you are using it for, business or residential . . .

coming from me the expert, verizon will stop offering dsl in a couple of months cause of pending lawsuits . . .


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definetly cable...

i have optimum online and download at 500+ at times and upload 200+

only $29.95/month



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It really depends. Here's the info I know. Be advised this is general info and my personal experience in San Francisco.

Cable: Starts out as a 27MBps pipe. Shared bandwidth as people are saying. The one extra thing to know is that if the pipe gets too slow, the cable company can grant another cannel, which is 6MBps, to speed things up. You cannot run a server on Cable, cause it is dynamic IP addressing. Some people have reported download speeds of 2 and 3MBps. Although in the tests that I've seen through my friends it's really more like 500-800KBps. Price as stated earlier is somewhat cheaper than DSL.

DSL: Dedicated pipe to the CO, but after that the pipe goes into a DSL "cloud", kinda of like an ATM or FDDI backbone. Depending on the service you get, you get either a 384KBps+ line or a 1.5MBps+ line downstream and 128 or 384KBps+ upstream (respectively).

You can have either dynamic IP (will not be able to have a server), or static IP (will be able to have a server).

I had the 384KBps+ package and was really getting on average between 1.1MBps and 1.4MBps.

Different areas may be slightly different, but in general that's what it's like...

Good luck cwm35.gif




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if you have it in your area, cable would be a viable solution..BUT...you will be sharing the line with whoever else is connected to your main box outside, as well as receive a lag in performance during on-peak hours (what i've noticed with other cable users transfer rates). You will have a nice pipe though. I personally would always choose DSL. Go with earthlink. 40 bucks a month will get you T1 line performance for downloading only. Don't go with verizon coz they suck, and also you'll get half the speed for the same amount of money.

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I got Verizon DSL about 8 months ago. I had two huge problems (just system outage, but one time it was out for three days, I almost had a heart attack) Ever since then (about 6 months ago) I haven't had one problem. I know everyone says Verizon sux but ALL services will have some con (the other ppl are right, cable = shared so as time goes on it will be less effective)

Anyway with verizon you get one bill for all ur phone shit & dsl together, can view and pay it online, they do have a good phone/online support system even if it is understaffed - they helped me install the modem and load the software every time I needed it, and helped me fix a bunch of things I fucked up. Plus the modem is free and they send you all this crap if you want to hook it up yourself. Once you get it up , its amazing. I use AOL with it and you can get a BYOA account which is only 9.99 a month, so saves u another 10 bucks.

Good luck. I realized how insanely addicted I am to the computer/online when I didnt have it for 3 days lol

We all need to get out of the house more lol



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cable all the way....the only dsl im looking for is (D>S>Lips)....u dig!!!


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