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ever get sick of clubbing?

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nope at least not yet... i am still relatively new to this scene.. but dont see myself gettin tired of it yet cwm32.gif


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"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

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AIM---> PrncssVrnc

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I usually look forward to going out, but lately my friends have been unreliable which kinda puts a damper on the night. It gets frustrating trying to create a game plan and have everybody bail at the last minute.

Then there's also the fact of actually being at the club. I hate it when guys say stupid things to me. Ugg, it just makes you ask yourself "Why did I go out again?"



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The only time I get sick of clubbing is when there is a huge obnoxious crowd. Like any night at Twilo when PVD, or S&JD spins. Its just too much to handle. Last May there were maybe 50-80 people who would close out PVD. Now half the club is still packed at 9:30am. Too many people, they need a bigger venue. But for some reason I always end up going back.


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Originally posted by playboychick:

I usually look forward to going out, but lately my friends have been unreliable which kinda puts a damper on the night. It gets frustrating trying to create a game plan and have everybody bail at the last minute.

Then there's also the fact of actually being at the club. I hate it when guys say stupid things to me. Ugg, it just makes you ask yourself "Why did I go out again?"

1) Hey, I know how it feels when friends back out last minute. But now, I have new friends that are just as hardcore.

2) Have you come to meetups? Do you know alot of us? Because right now, I know enough board people that on any given weekend night, I don't need to come out with my usual crew. I can go to Twilo, Exit, Sound Factory, Limelight, etc., and most likely there will be somebody I know and can chill with for the night. This is one of the coolest things about this board, IMHO...

I know I haven't met you yet, so come to a Twilo meetup sometime, or a drinks/dinner thing. I'm almost always at Twilo, as are Myrlin, Shadowchaser, Scottyskribz, Trippintrance, Ezdreamer, etc. etc.

You get the picture...

-Dennis cwm30.gif



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Yeah I definitly get sick of clubs. That's when I like to spend a Saturday night and catch up with my mom or go to the movies with my nonclubbing friends. You just do something else. There's to life than just a club.


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AOL: Highmay9

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it depends how you define clubbing.. i m pretty much done clubbing at twilo,tunnel, sf, carbon i mean exit and LL.. now im 28 i see myself going to places with older crowd.

I think after a while I'll totally get tired of this scene. Going out at 2 or 3 and staying out until 8, 9, 10am, it's crazy. I think it becomes less appealing the older you get.

But I'm only 24, well in two days actually, and I'm still having the best time. I think the key is to not over do it. I l SF but I try not to go too often b/c I never want to get sick of it. It seems to be working, even though I want to GO ALL OF THE TIME!


You're only young once

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Not me personnaly-see I'm only 18- so I have a long way to go and alot more to experience.

But just this last sat. I went to this rave in Poughkeepsi with my better half-She is this girl that introduced me to my friend the club and his cousin MR. glowsticks. Ever since that first time we've been clubin-the only thing is that she is 25 and has alot of shit happenin in her life.We went to this rave on sat. and met some cool people like always. We danced our asses off and then went to go chill at these people's house that we just met. Like always with basically every other person we've met through clubs or raves,we hit up their little spot-in this case the basement-or what they called the blazement to smoke the night away. My friend turned to me mid way through the night and said"I'm finished."I didn't take it serious at first, but know she won't return my calls and has a message on her cell phone that says"if this is Shawn I am sorry but I can't talk to you right now-I have to gather me thoughts but I am seriously done-I am just to old now-sorry-it was fun." Now if anyone has had this happen to them then you know it's crazy how much effects you-its almost like this person has died except unlike with a funeral I can't say goodbye-when I dance I'll feel alone no matter how many people show up-I hope she's not just fucking with me cause I'll feel like an asshole- someone that feels my pain please respond


[This message has been edited by awkwardscience (edited 03-06-2001).]

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I just get tired of havin a ill fuken hangover. Itz not the clubbin but the druggin. Thatz why I gotta take breakz from it. Clubz aren't az good az they used to be too be.

[This message has been edited by a691vcc (edited 03-07-2001).]

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Originally posted by awkwardscience:

Not me personnaly-see I'm only 18- so I have a long way to go and alot more to experience.

But just this last sat. I went to this rave in Poughkeepsi with my better half-She is this girl that introduced me to my friend the club and his cousin MR. glowsticks. Ever since that first time we've been clubin-the only thing is that she is 25 and has alot of shit happenin in her life.We went to this rave on sat. and met some cool people like always. We danced our asses off and then went to go chill at these people's house that we just met. Like always with basically every other person we've met through clubs or raves,we hit up their little spot-in this case the basement-or what they called the blazement to smoke the night away. My friend turned to me mid way through the night and said"I'm finished."I didn't take it serious at first, but know she won't return my calls and has a message on her cell phone that says"if this is Shawn I am sorry but I can't talk to you right now-I have to gather me thoughts but I am seriously done-I am just to old now-sorry-it was fun." Now if anyone has had this happen to them then you know it's crazy how much effects you-its almost like this person has died except unlike with a funeral I can't say goodbye-when I dance I'll feel alone no matter how many people show up-I hope she's not just fucking with me cause I'll feel like an asshole- someone that feels my pain please respond


[This message has been edited by awkwardscience (edited 03-06-2001).]

i feel your pain. i used to have a small, tight crew. every party, every club, we went to together. well, we sorta had a falling out. everything is cool between us, but they don't go clubbing anymore. and for a while i couldn't go clubbing. and then when i finally would go, i felt alone, regardless of who else i was with. i missed them so much, sometimes i'd start tearing up in a club. took me a while to redefine clubbing, meet new people who didn't know them, etc. now i have as much or more fun as i used to with them. and the few times i do see them, i still get nostalgic and miss them, but it's all good

my party partner now, if i ever lost him in any way, i'd probably just stop clubbing

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I think I am a little sick of it right now. I just feel lately it is a waste of my money and time. I wait on the line, deal with the crowds and all that shit-for a few hours of good music. I can listen to good music at home, dance at home, and chill with my friends at home. Plus save a shit load of money.

I don't know maybe I am getting old-or maybe I need a break. But lately I am yearning for something else-something different and new. And I can always find other more important things I can spend my money and time on.

There is definately somthing to be said for getting up early on a Saturday and having the whole day ahead of you-without post going out head fuz. cwm1.gif


The music makes the people come together...


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Sorry to hear that, awkwardscience. That's really fucked up. Hopefully she'll come to her senses and realize that's no way to treat anybody.

And playboychick, I feel your pain, honey! I'd rather have clubbing be a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing because I'm tired of getting all worked up about going out and then getting all disappointed because my friends flaked out on me at the last minute.

My goddamn BOYFRIEND flaked out on me last month on DT/CC- we'd been planning for WEEKS on going out- then he tells me he's not going and no he doesn't want to go to S&D the next week either; then when next week rolls around he's pissed because he wants to go to S&D but I'd already spent the money because HE SAID HE DIDN'T WANT TO GO!!!

Sorry I just needed to vent a little.

But to get back to the original topic, I don't go clubbing enough to get sick of it, and even when I went out twice a week every week, I still got antsy for a party by the time Wed rolled around.

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I know for myself, I put clubbing and hang out and all that "out of the house" under the same category...Do you think going out Mon-Sat constitute as a lil excessive? cwm3.gif

-Jamms "partylikearockstar"


Haben Sie Ihr Schuhe auf tanzt? face50.gif

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these are interesting responses. i wana say that i am a strait edge clubber, i tried E once, its ok, but the music always brings it home for me. so if i ever get tired, its mostly from a bad crowd (friends cancelling your clubbing plans), bad music or having to work the next morning(i work weekends on 2 hours of sleep, feels like shit after a night of S+D). the thing is, this whole scene, is still relatively young and unpolluted by mainstream, thats the best part about it, people dont bullshit to u like they do everywhere else. i think that these times are the best we may ever have, so enjoy it for all its worth. most of my friends arent night creatures like me, they like to go to bed by 1am, they cant let go and lose it on the dance floor, and they think that trance is repetitive techno smile.gif, so they dont understand the vibe, and the feeling, its always there, and to tell u the truth, i hope i never lose that feeling, cause it makes me happy, its better than drugs



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