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Ever want to kill a co-worker???

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i am finding myself plotting the death of a guy i work with. on a personal level, he is a super great guy.... but on a work level he is unbearable. i wish his old ass would retire and get the fuck out of my face!

he has stinky breath too... so it makes it even worse. cwm32.gif

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Old breath. Nothing worse than old breath on a fine Wednesday morning. I've wanted to kill a few co-workers. Why don't you flash him and he'll die of a heart attack? At least he'll have a smile on his face when he goes and then we'll all be happy! He finally got to see a hot young gal naked, so he'll be happy. He'll be dea, so you'll be happy. My plan will work, so I'll be happy!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Where are we again?

AIM: crackorn71

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i might just vomit on it....

Originally posted by Crackorn:

Old breath. Nothing worse than old breath on a fine Wednesday morning. I've wanted to kill a few co-workers. Why don't you flash him and he'll die of a heart attack? At least he'll have a smile on his face when he goes and then we'll all be happy! He finally got to see a hot young gal naked, so he'll be happy. He'll be dea, so you'll be happy. My plan will work, so I'll be happy!

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Ugh!....I used to work with this guy who had THE WORST breath!!! It was soooo bad that I couldn't even sit next to him, BUT it didn't matter because even if you were in the same room as him, you smelt it cwm8.gif And did you ever notice, that those are the people who ALWAYS refuse a breath mint when you offer! I mean c'mon TAKE IT! cwm45.gif

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I could relate to ya on that subject. I work as an admin asst. in a group of about 10 people including another asst. This lady is in her 50's (2 kids, no husband) and is the type of lady who is just MISERABLE - she doesn't relate well to me being half her age and having the same job with more responsibilites. (One would think the 2 Asst's should be close to one another)

I try and avoid having to ask her for anything, because she'll talk down to me as if I'm a child & actually say "no no no you are wrong" when in some cases what I have propsed is the right thing!!

Many of times I had to count to ten to calm myself from really telling her OFF!!! She could make my work day turn sour in a matter of 2 seconds. UGH!!!!




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I have to share this office with the "art director" of my company. Oi vai!

She's a great girl, and I would lover her as a friend...BUT I have to work with her.

She is soooo high on herself. Everything she designs has some kind of artistic reasoning that just CAN'T be compromised.

We are a business. We have to do what works. And she doesn't understand that.

She also happens to be Miss Chinatown and has modeled, etc. so she is ALWAYS right...

So many times I've been ready just to pick her up and throw her across the room...



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worse than hating one of your co-workers is hating one of your bosses!!

i HATE one of my bosses...he's such an asshole....he makes scarcastic coments all the time and he thinks he's sooo funny. he's rude, social inept and thinks he's better than everyone..aka. me.

he never has anything good to say to me unless he's complaining about something stupid and an insignifficant! he puts no effort into asking how i'm doing etc. WOW I HATE HIM!! when i'm not doing work i find myself daydreaming about all the different ways i'd tell him off. part of me feels bad for him but not that bad. but all i can do is be civil blah...blah...blah....blah.....


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Evil thoughts run through my head each and every time this guy opens his mouth!! One of the most annoying, obnoxious, pretentious pricks I have ever come across!!! UGH!! cwm23.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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I got fired from Waldbuams cause my boss was an asshole and I hated that job SOOOOO much. The minute he said to me "you're fired", I felt like I was hit by a e pill. What a great feeling to walk out of there and never have to go back.


I'm the one with the whistle at Sound Factory

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