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Falling In-Love.. (i suppose it is the price)(whos been there who hasn't)

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darling, when did we fall, when was it over..

I LOVEEEEEEE THIS SONG.. i got the whole damn thing to play when ya open my web page.. hehehehe

But otherwise.. How many people Can actually say they have never fell inlove with someone relationship wise..

I can honestly say i have never been ~in~love ... but i think thats a good thing.. lol i'm only 20.. long way to go..

How about all of you? when did you fall, when was it over? did you fall?



lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif

"take my heart or i'm gonna lose, if you walk away i'll never use it"





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I fell in love with my first,and only relationship that ended a year ago.It was wonderful while it lasted,and I don't regret it.But it's also the worst pain I've ever had to go through+my outlook on having a relationship will never be the same.I can't even consider having one,my attitude is so sour in this area. cwm23.gif

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Originally posted by dragonfly:

I fell in love with my first,and only relationship that ended a year ago.It was wonderful while it lasted,and I don't regret it.But it's also the worst pain I've ever had to go through+my outlook on having a relationship will never be the same.I can't even consider having one,my attitude is so sour in this area. cwm23.gif

Mine too....... cwm36.gif

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i truely fell in the love for the 1st time when i was 23. we stayed together for almost 6 years. the first 4 years we were together, were incredible.... he was my best friend and we had the best time together. we than had some terrible things occur and after that nothing was ever the same again. we than spent the next year and a half back and forth trying to figure out what we wanted to do, knowing it was over and to afraid to allow the other to walk away. we finally split for good about 2 months before i left for NY. i drove her playing that damn mariah song, you will always be my baby.... i was sooo deeply torn and shattered, i felt like i could never care again. i had been here about two months when he called me and we tried for about a minute to make a long distance thing work, however we had both changed to much.... i thought up to about a month ago that i was still in love with him, i even told my PIC (shuga) at twilo one night, when i was really fucked up that i still loved him, well than he called me about two weeks ago looking for something and i realized in the course of that conversation, that i was not in love any longer, i will always care about the man, but i know longer deeply loved him... it was very enlighting and lifted a huge weight off of my shoulder.... i can now think of him and laugh at how crazy he could be instead of crying over loosing him....

sorry if this is lenghty.....


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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i've felt it before....but time wasnt on our side. But yes i would rather be in a relationshop where love is present....thats what life is basically about. Wherever my love one is....now thats another question.

fuck now im crying!




"You and Me,

and Me and YOU,

no matter how they

toss the dice...

they had to be,

the only one for Me

is YOU, and You for me...





-Happy Hardcore

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i fell in love in high school, she was my best friend and one thing led to another, after a year and a half we broke up, and it was one of the hardest things for me to get over, all the head games, but now ive been ready for a while to do it all over again


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro


Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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Oh god, my first love... it's so cliched but it really was like being hit by a ton of bricks. I loved him and didn't even realize it. When I finally realized it, it was like, holy shit! I can't believe it took me so long to figure out! It ended horribly- he couldn't have cared less about me. It took a long, long time to get over and then even when I thought I was over it, the pain would come back at unexpected moments. But despite what I thought at the time I survived and I lived to love again.

There's nothing you can do about it- even if you're not looking, bam, there it is, and you just have to deal with it. There is nothing like the awe and bliss when you first feel it. I personally will keep looking and keep loving until I meet that "last love"- if I'm not already there.

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I was in love beyond compare.. I fell.. SO HARD..and I was so happy.. walking around smiling for no reason.. (you know, when you see someone walkin in the street, smiling for no reason, and you like. wTF??/ ..lol.. that wuz me)

anyway.. yeah, i loved him more then i ever thought I could love someone.. & the feelings i experienced were beautiful.. unfortunatley, in the end, it came into light that he was not . who or what he seemed.

Truth and skeletons came out of the closets of our happy home.. and unfortunatley... all of the love I had for him, is now hate.. Its a really scary situation.. There REALLY TRULY is a fine line between love and hate..

I never beleived that statement until I experiecned it for myself.

"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.",,, very true statement..

well.. atleast I can say that I LOVED someone.. w/ all of me, and atleast i know that I am capable of such a beautiful thing..

No Regrets...

I know that it is going to be very hard 4 me to open up to someone in the future (i have not had a relationship since him & i parted).. .. and I just hope that the person who i find, or who finds me, is willing to work through my shit w/ me.. .. =P

one thing i must say.. between love and hate.. hate = much stronger emotion..


"ouT 4 doL"


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"take my heart or i'm gonna lose, if you walk away i'll never use it"

to add to that:

"together we will conquer"





"You and Me,

and Me and YOU,

no matter how they

toss the dice...

they had to be,

the only one for Me

is YOU, and You for me...





-Happy Hardcore

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Originally posted by deanna11:

but it won't work

Don't say that. You have to think positively.


cwm12.gifRoll out down to midnight

Then cwm12.gifroll on downtown 'til it's light

Because tomorrow we may die

Oh, but tonight we're dancing in the faint light

Don't you rob yourself of what you're feeling

Don't rob yourself of all that you could be

cwm12.gifRoll hard 'til midnight

cwm12.gifRoll 'til it's light

Come on now

Stay up and make some memories

Yeah, with us now

cwm12.gifRoll the red carpet out with friends

To whom, to love and cwm12.gifroll on

So Right DMB

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I made my x out to be a god capable of no wronge when we got together..so there was no where for him to go except down. We were engaged...and boy did he do a 360 on me! I was soo in love, but I walked away cuz we had both changed.

now I am completely jaded and still carry baggage with me, but you only learn from these things.


She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN

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what the difference between falling in love and being in love? i don't know, but i thought you had to have one to have the other??? i'm so confoozled... i think it's relative to each person..

well, anyhoo, i've been in love twice.. once when i was 16.. it was that sweet puppy love that i'll never forget (and now we're best friends!!) the other time was.. well-- IS right now.. it's kinda pathetic but i'm in love with a really close friend of mine and *i hope* it will work out someday! as for now, i don't want to ruin our friendship.. i'm basing it on blind faith right now-- if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.. if not-- ::sniff sniff:: cwm14.gif but it's the best feeling in the world.. ddaaaahh!!!!! i feel like i'm going bonkers and i wanna burst!! cwm17.gif

on this subject.. i think there is alot of confusion and misleading between infatuation and falling in love (especially when it's the first of those "butterfly feelings" u kno?) but to me, i think the only way that you can tell that you were in love and not infatuated is if you can look back 5 years later and still say you love that person... if u don't love him, then i believe it was probably infatuation... just me .00000002 cents cwm20.gif

peace! --daniela



"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."


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Guest crystalmethodny

This is a particularly sensitive topic for me.

One thing is for sure, I'm jaded from the past, so bad that I wonder if I can ever completely trust a woman again.

Hopefully so!


"Can you feel it?"

"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."



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Yes I was in love. Very much in love, with my ex whom I was with for over 5 years.

The first 3 years were incredible. The last 2+ should not have happened and it ended very very painfully.

I learned a great deal though about the nature of love and relationships.

Being and love can lead to a great deal of pain...that's the risk you take. But for the good stuff....give me suffering.




"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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I've only been "IN" love twice in my life. First loves are always the most memorable ones! You're innocent in the sense that you don't know how much is too much so you go into it full force. That's when you REALLY experience what unconditional really means, and that's a beautiful thing. First love always stays with you . . . no matter how long ago it was.

However, last love is the most fulfilling. Your mind has matured with all your past experience and you are more familiar with what makes you happy. Also, you're more likely to accept things that you weren't before and allowing yourself to feel more depth. Of course all this comes after years of feeling different emotions such as pain, disappointments, betrayal, and deceptions.

I always tell other people don't be afraid to get hurt. Pain is only temporary, but REGRET is forever. You can’t ever go back in time, so when the opportunity is there . . go for it. Cause when the pain is over, disappointments subside, and waiting comes to an end . . . you’re last love is so rewarding.



“Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions.” - Woody Allen


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Originally posted by blueangel:

I've only been "IN" love twice in my life. First loves are always the most memorable ones! You're innocent in the sense that you don't know how much is too much so you go into it full force. That's when you REALLY experience what unconditional really means, and that's a beautiful thing. First love always stays with you . . . no matter how long ago it was.

However, last love is the most fulfilling. Your mind has matured with all your past experience and you are more familiar with what makes you happy. Also, you're more likely to accept things that you weren't before and allowing yourself to feel more depth. Of course all this comes after years of feeling different emotions such as pain, disappointments, betrayal, and deceptions.

I always tell other people don't be afraid to get hurt. Pain is only temporary, but REGRET is forever. You can’t ever go back in time, so when the opportunity is there . . go for it. Cause when the pain is over, disappointments subside, and waiting comes to an end . . . you’re last love is so rewarding.


Great! Well said....


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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I thought I was in love for 5 years, but then my friend said to me "You're infatuated with him. He's not what you really think he is. You've created him in your mind to be something other than what he is."

She was right. Later that year, she ended up dating him! LOL (Better her than me! Well, not really. I wish she would get out of that relationship b/c he treats her like crap. But that's a whole different posting!) wink.gif

Now I know what love is. biggrin.gif I met him when I least expected it. We both weren't looking. And we both can't believe how it all happened. I was able to walk away from every other guy I was involved with. I had nothing to lose. I can't imagine losing my guy. He's got it all: wisdom, great sense of humor, looks, book smarts, he's very sensitive & caring, and much more (I could go on and on). I truly didn't think guys like him existed. Seriously. I tell him that all the time. And when my friends get all down either for being single or being in a bad relationship, I try and explain to them that if I can find one, there has to be more out there! smile.gif

Sorry for the long post...you guys made me get all mushy!!!! cwm41.gif



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I've never been "in love", but I have fallen in love before... multiple times.

On this subject I have one quote memorized that I think still rings true:

"Fear is the only thing that stands in the way of love. Fear of rejection. Fear of scrutiny. Fear of loss. But, how can we lose anything when it is only in giving ourselves, pushing ego aside, that we truly recieve."




[This message has been edited by sariman (edited 03-09-2001).]

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