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1993, when I was 18, was the best year EVER for me, but then 1994 was better, 1995 was better again, 1996 was better yet, '97 was better, '98 was better, '99 was better, 2000 was better and now 2001 has been the best year to date lol ........ at this point 2002 could continue the trend cwm30.gifcwm29.gifcwm12.gif


"At the peak of tremendous and victorious effort, while the blood is pounding in your head, all suddenly comes quiet within you. Everything seems clearer and whiter than ever before, as if great spotlights had been turned on. At that moment, you have the conviction that you contain all the power in the world, that you are capable of everything, that you have wings. There is no more precise moment in life than this, the WHITE MOMENT, and you will work hard for years, just to taste it again.''Yuri Vlason. -----------PM sux email is better-------> boa_boy@yahoo.com hapfac01.gif

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after going through all of the bs of being 23 i dont want any of the responsibilities anymore. i want to go back to being 6 again and just playing in the sandbox or something. back to when life had no complications cwm25.gif


i am the one and only

aim or yim - neojunglist

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how about an 18 year-old invisible millionaire?


Computer games dont affect kids. I mean if computer games affected us as kids we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills, and listening to repetitive music.

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18 again... zits, AP exams, SATs, picking a college, leaving all your friends behind, getting caught drinking, living under the thumb of the parents, having to sneak out at night, not being able to get into clubs or bars, and never having the money to really have a great time - naah, I kinda like 24.




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Originally posted by boa_boy:

1993, when I was 18, was the best year EVER for me, but then 1994 was better, 1995 was better again, 1996 was better yet, '97 was better, '98 was better, '99 was better, 2000 was better and now 2001 has been the best year to date lol ........ at this point 2002 could continue the trend cwm30.gifcwm29.gifcwm12.gif

boa- i could not agree more. im 27 and each year i definately have more fun than the last! at this rate, by the time im 50 ill be in a constant state of orgasm! i wonder if the trend can be maintained that long? something to strive for i guess.


Computer games dont affect kids. I mean if computer games affected us as kids we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills, and listening to repetitive music.

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Well I'm 29 now (ARGH!) and at the age of 18 I moved from my home town, left all my long-term school friends and buddies that I'd practically grown up with, and within 3 months moved away from my new home to study at University. All in the same year. And now I'm 29? Hell, I still go to clubs, drink, smoke the occasional illegal substance, and ACT 18 :-)

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No shit. I'm only 21, but I can honestly say those were the days. Anywhere from 15-19, crazy parties, no worries-just fun-what else do you need?




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I think it's a phase that we go through in our early 20's when the real responsibilities of life become impending and apparent but...don't fear...it passes.

I'm 29 now and I wouldn't go back for ANYTHING!! I love this age. You're still young enough to act like you're 18 but you are so much wiser!!



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Good for you then. Most of other ppl do have zits at that age.

Well im 22, and it feels like the time passes by faster and faster the older you get.

When i was 13, wished that i was 16, then when getting your permit , you do wish you were 18 (legal entry to venues, smokes, voting, etc...)

At 18, i kinda wished i was 21 already so i dont have to put up with all the shit that 18 year olds do (like being able to die for your country BUT cant buy liquor legally, also at that age you allowed to do half the things, but certain other things you're still considered too young for).

21 passes by and you still feel the same as you did at 18 but at least there arent any legal restrictions at that age. And buying liquor isnt as exciting as it used to be smile.gif

Im 22 now, and i do wish i was 18 again, but only if i could keep the experience and knowledge that i have gained in the last 4 years cwm11.gif





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Originally posted by neojunglist:

i want to go back to being 6 again and just playing in the sandbox or something. back to when life had no complications cwm25.gif

hee hee...definitely agree... but then we wouldn't be able to get into clubs


i just turned 23 and if i could do it all over again, i'd be 18 and back in college - write a few papers here and there, take some exams, parents pay for everything including things they don't know they are paying for cwm16.gif ...


i want to go on a mountain top

with a radio and good batteries

play a joyous tune

and free the human race from suffering

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