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girls who can rave

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oh god what a turn on! cwm38.gif there was this girl i saw raving at limelight tiesto night she was off the hook! short asian girl with green glowsticks, i know that probably narrows it down to about 100 girls but this girl was amazing...i was in love. cwm38.gif



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Originally posted by junglekittn:

girls who be gettin down like dis.

Is that a big ass smile or is she ready to eat someone?


Forget the dreams... what you need is a good nightmare to bring you back to reality...


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i dunno, nightcrawler, i have to challenge your definition of the verb "to rave."

"to rave" does not equal "to do tricks with glowsticks." that would indicate to me that raves are just gatherings of people holding glowsticks. there's a lot more going on at parties, like, for instance,


raves also last until the early morning hours, have many djs, a couple of rooms, usually more than one type of music... there's a lot more to raves than just the measly glowstick, my friend.

as a raver who does more than just play with lite-up toys, i just want to clear this up, for the record.


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ok then what do u call doing moves with glowsticks? glowsticking? i would rather say raving, it sounds better, yea i know the word rave describes the whole scene but i also like to say rave to describe glowsticking. So when i say "damn look at that girl she really knows how to rave" it makes sense.



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You show me a girl who can "rave" ie. Dance, move, glowstick, the whole nine yards, and I'll just sit and watch for hours. There is nothing more perfect to me than watching a female form, which is the most beautiful sight, moving in time to the music I love, while I'm sitting back enjoying the crowds and having the time of my life. Who wouldnt love it. Thats why I'm happy my girlfriend can rave. Cant wait...S&D here we come!!!


I have never known beauty like yours before...with eyes of the most perfect blue, and a form that speaks of poetry. And now here I hold you in my arms...

I guess the nice guy does get the girl sometimes.

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There is nothing more beautiful on a dancefloor than a girl who's badass with glowsticks. Specially if she catches a glimps of me tearing it up with my photon lighs and joins me for a tag team light show. It's like making love with light weilding godess to the music. Love all the Raver girls.

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Originally posted by nightcrawler:

ok then what do u call doing moves with glowsticks? glowsticking? i would rather say raving, it sounds better, yea i know the word rave describes the whole scene but i also like to say rave to describe glowsticking. So when i say "damn look at that girl she really knows how to rave" it makes sense.

would be called liquiding...

yet people dont' do it so much anymore.. they jsut spin there hand around like they're in a conga line

damn shame...


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my my. a chic dancing with glowsticks is dancing with glowsticks, or "glowsticking" if you will. aaaand, you don't need glowsticks to bust it out liquid style. buuuuut, a combo of liquid and glowsticks is da schiiiiit.


*thankyouweyes cwm38.gif *

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Hey...Jkittn - Oh by the way what's your name again.?

yep I was a big fan of the crowd...& the music...of course...but then again thats why the crowd was there....

the bartender definately filled at least half of my first drink with vodka....after that it was heinekens and you can't really make those any stronger/weaker.....a lil' spliff on the dancefloor didn't hurt either....

well talk to ya later....


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Originally posted by junglekittn:

my my. a chic dancing with glowsticks is dancing with glowsticks, or "glowsticking" if you will. aaaand, you don't need glowsticks to bust it out liquid style. buuuuut, a combo of liquid and glowsticks is da schiiiiit.


*thankyouweyes cwm38.gif *

Junglekittn!! what's up...?

(I met ya at the Vessel - chuck/charrails...)

jus' wanted to say high!!

that was a great night I must say..good music, and definately chill people...well nice to meet ya...

PS- the wicked liquid crew is gonna be at Bar B this Friday, so you guys should check it out...(Allen st. btween Houston & Stanton..)

no cover, similar beats, etc....c-ya cwm30.gif

[This message has been edited by charrails (edited 03-12-2001).]

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