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I'm grumpy.....!!!!

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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

Why are you grumpy momma? cwm1.gif

i'm not sure though it may have something to do with the fact that this medication i'm on makes me feel as though i could projectile vomit across the room at any given moment....plus i deal with too many idiots.....for example i say "i need you to sign this consent form, please" and they say "my name?????"....i swear i am a genius compared to some of these fruit loops!! ugh, sorry, see what i mean???


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Originally posted by suedenyc:

Cheer up Nicath. We love you! You looked great on Friday. My friends got a kick out of you. They were saying "Who was that cute girl with the short blond hair...walking around with a smile and her eyes glazed over." I said "Oh, that's Cathy but her real name is Nikki...she was born that way." I confused them enough so they didn't even ask for an explanation. cwm2.gif

Anyway, it was great seeing you...although I'm not sure if you saw me back.

Love ya,


ha ha, of course i remember seeing you (through my glassy eyes.....) but the party is kind've a blur. it's all that damn bong's fault. remind me not to do bong hits b/c i'm a lightweight with that stuff! it was great seeing you too!! la la la, and i'm in a much better mood now that i'm home away from those geriatric lunatics!!

and to everyone else who responded to this thread, i thank you except phoenix who should respect his elders!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Cheer up Nicath. We love you! You looked great on Friday. My friends got a kick out of you. They were saying "Who was that cute girl with the short blond hair...walking around with a smile and her eyes glazed over." I said "Oh, that's Cathy but her real name is Nikki...she was born that way." I confused them enough so they didn't even ask for an explanation. cwm2.gif

Anyway, it was great seeing you...although I'm not sure if you saw me back.

Love ya,



Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede



EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

[This message has been edited by suedenyc (edited 03-12-2001).]

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niki, i know exactly how you feel. whenever i take cold medication i always get irritable. i asked my doctor about it and he said it's because the medicine reduces the circulation of blood to the brain (i think i'm remembering this right) and it causes irritability. i asked him if anything could be done to prevent this side effect and he said the only thing to do is to stop taking the medication. i sware it makes me so hateful, i completely bit my boss' head off one day and he was so taken aback by my attitude that i spoke to the doctor about it. from now on, when i have a cold, i take that stuff on a very limited basis or not at all. it's bad s**t!!! if you can, just stop taking it or take a little less of it. hope you feel better soon!

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

i'm not sure though it may have something to do with the fact that this medication i'm on makes me feel as though i could projectile vomit across the room at any given moment....plus i deal with too many idiots.....for example i say "i need you to sign this consent form, please" and they say "my name?????"....i swear i am a genius compared to some of these fruit loops!! ugh, sorry, see what i mean???

They are a bunch of idiots.. Well if it's medication I suggest you carefully monitor yourself... Be careful babe!



AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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I'm in a bad mood too..... It is Monday, another whole 5 days till the weekend. frown.gif Plus we had a boring ass two hour meeting this morning and I swear I am still hung over from this weekend.... BLAH!!!

Nik I hope you feel better.....


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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AAAAAaawwwwwww.....poor chickie!!! Try your hardest to smile....I know it can be tough when you feel like crap!!!


If you don't start smiling then I will have to send Roby and PORN over to make sure that you do!!!





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