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Got any bizarre Subway stories..............?

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So this one day, I'm on the train goin to the city from queens. I sit next to this guy with a bike and he's scraping the silver shit off his bike handles with a key. He looks over to me and asks me what stop I get off. I tell him. Then he starts ramblin about how He's an actor and he's gonna be a star all while incessently rubbing at his bike. Then he starts talkin a bit louder about how NY used to be such a nice city and now people are just afraid to look any one in the eyes. I could see the fever rushing to his face. Then he begins screaming borderline top of his lungs "Does anybody care about anything? Does anybody care where I'm goin! NO! cuz your all cowards! That marked the end of his tantrum. He finished by looking at me and saying "i'm gonna be an actor". My stop (thank-god) was next. I got up, told him goodluck and to have a nice day and left the train.

who's got another story...


She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



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well the 4th time I'd come into the city I was catching up with someone by 21st street for a drink, so had to get the 6 to 23rd........well the 6 wasn't happenign and I saw a couple of folks ask a guy (who looked like a New Yorker) for directions, I followed suit, he got to talking, picked the accent, turns out he's an actor going to for a role on NYPD Blue SVU, he suggests we get the 4 to 14th and walk it, cos he's going to somewhere close by...anywho we're walking along and he tells me that I look like Jerry O'Connell (first GUY to mention that lol), and I thought it must be the fact he's an actor that he notice that.....so when we part ways I mention I might be interestedin doing some acting classes so he give me the card, and I think cool........

and then he says to give him a call so maybe we can catch a movie sometime! lol cwm27.gif well I guess u had to be there


"At the peak of tremendous and victorious effort, while the blood is pounding in your head, all suddenly comes quiet within you. Everything seems clearer and whiter than ever before, as if great spotlights had been turned on. At that moment, you have the conviction that you contain all the power in the world, that you are capable of everything, that you have wings. There is no more precise moment in life than this, the WHITE MOMENT, and you will work hard for years, just to taste it again.''Yuri Vlason. -----------PM sux email is better-------> boa_boy@yahoo.com hapfac01.gif

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It's funny you ask!!!!

Just last week, I was fucking mollested by some freak.

I was on the 4 and I got off at Union Square only to find out that the bag I thought was rubbing up and down my ass the whole ride was infact some dudes HAND!!!!!

I looked him dead in his eyes after I saw it was his hand and he took off.


UGH, I felt fucking violated, I wanted to go home and take a shower.

Sometimes it sucks being a girl.



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Originally posted by exodust:

It's funny you ask!!!!

Just last week, I was fucking mollested by some freak.

I was on the 4 and I got off at Union Square only to find out that the bag I thought was rubbing up and down my ass the whole ride was infact some dudes HAND!!!!!

I looked him dead in his eyes after I saw it was his hand and he took off.


UGH, I felt fucking violated, I wanted to go home and take a shower.

Sometimes it sucks being a girl.

That was you? OMG Im soooo sorry, I won't let it happen again cwm3.gif

LOL whats up Renee? What have u been up to...

- Ali



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Exodust! OMG! I am soo sorry. That reminds me of another inncodent. I got on the train...like last November or somethin and this cuban guy was sitting across from me. He kept starring at me and glarring and then I can't beleive I noticed this, but I saw him build a tent!!! It was soo wronge! He actually got up and moved from his seat to another and put his newspaper over his pants! I was a tad disturbed, but thought it was funny as hell!


She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



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My friend was on the 1,9 in the morning and she was sitting in the seat right near the door, on the end with the metal bar next to your face. Anyway, it was real crowded and she wasn't really paying attention but she looked to her right and there was a man standing there with his dick out right in front of her face.

The other day I was the F train and it wasn't that crowded and some girl was sitting by herself. All of a sudden she starts cracking up, laughing hysterically to her self.... Everyone was staring at her and she was laughing so hard that I started laughing at her and other people did too. What a freak!

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the GF of one of my friends was on the subway at night going home. she fell asleep and she woke up at her stop and got off. she walked for a little bit and felt something wet on the back of her jacket.....yup you guessed it!!!

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Originally posted by petp:

the GF of one of my friends was on the subway at night going home. she fell asleep and she woke up at her stop and got off. she walked for a little bit and felt something wet on the back of her jacket.....yup you guessed it!!!

OH MY DEAR LORD - I would have flipped my shit.



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Some scary shit happened to me....

Few months back I'm running to the train, get on and there's this freak...wearing a scarf over his face...door shuts and this crazy freak starts acting out a machine gun with this stick...needlesstosay I got off next stop, DAMN QUICK!!!

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Great topic cara!

Sometimes the panhandlers on the trains amaze me. I was on the L Sunday when this scruffy nasty looking fellow got on the train and started to speak in the normal, "I want your money so here's my story". All of sudden he just busts out in opera voice. This old, fat, dingy man with a huge dirty beard had this perfectly harmonious opera voice. It's was pretty scary. Next I expected him to start tap dancing!




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That is soo nasty! HA HA!

I'm crackin up from all these posts!!


She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



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Last May,I was living in Manhattan and I was spending the night with this guy (God,do I regret it now!!!!)and we got real drunk in the back of two cabs and went to three clubs in the same night (Exit,Webster Hall,and Twilo),and after all that we took the subway back to the Financial District where he lived...I was so drunk off my ass,I didn't notice there was a guy sitting next to me glaring at me with his dick in his hand and a girl next to him rubbing his shoulders...it was really weird....I got up and walked around a bit because I was freaked out and right by the booth where you go to get change,some guy was taking a dump!I prayed real hard for the fucking train to finally show up....WHY are they slow in the middle of the night???Don't they realize how many people use the subway on the weekends at night??Fucking New York.



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2 years ago on St Patricks Day. I go to visit my friend at work. He gets out early and we decide to go bar hopping in honor of the day. 2 Heinekens and 10 Sambuca shots later i'm on the A train to go visit my girl. The train was packed but luckily i found a seat. I look up and this guy was pretending he was surfing the train. All of a sudden my head starts spinning and the puke starts flying all over the place. I mustve hit 10 people with regurgitated pizza...I got off on the next stop covered in the stuff. Nasty....


"Wherever you go, there you are."

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Do you mean above and beyond the people in Toronto who push others into on-coming trains or parents who jump in from of on coming trains with their babies in tow???


If you don't mean those stories...I have some yucky ones!!!




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hmm..ive got a few...

scariest..in queens my friend is waiting for the train om a packed platform..and i dont know exactly how..but a guy ran and jumped to try to catch the end of the train that was leaving..missed..and fell in where the tracks are..was very hurt..another train was coming..and no one moved..finally my friend hiked up the skirt of her suit..and grabbed the guy's arms..and somehow got superhuman strength and lifted him out. Scary to think..if is wasn't for her..all the people would have watched him die..

have seen/experienced the flashing-whacking off guys too many times...at this point I just try my best to ignore them..

recently..i got on the 6 train..and this huge 6'3 muscled dangerous looking guy had a boom box with him...playing the sappiest whitney houston song...I found that quite amusing...

what i always find scary...being in a subway car when the high school kids get out of school...


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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okay...i'm getting on the subway about 8pm after work and i see this entire row of free seats...i think to myself sweet...i can sit down. then i look around and wonder why all these people are backed into the corner of the car very far away from this row of seats.

then i finally notice there is this man sitting down in that row covered in filth....he is wearing his briefs outside of his sweatpants and is cover in piss and shit.

then that's when i put 2 and 2 together and realize why no one is sitting in that row....ahhhhh....he smelled sooooo bad and i don't think he had any idea that he was sooo offensive....i had to ride the whole way back to queens trying not to throw up!!

it was soo disgusting!!

but at the same time i felt really terrible for him... cwm24.gifcwm6.gif

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Similarly, my old GF in Paris was seated across from a man, she noticed he was constantly staring at her...she glipses down and sees his dick in his hand playin with himself...

She got off (the train) before HE did!!!

Sick fucks, I tell you.

Originally posted by carabee:

Exodust! OMG! I am soo sorry. That reminds me of another inncodent. I got on the train...like last November or somethin and this cuban guy was sitting across from me. He kept starring at me and glarring and then I can't beleive I noticed this, but I saw him build a tent!!! It was soo wronge! He actually got up and moved from his seat to another and put his newspaper over his pants! I was a tad disturbed, but thought it was funny as hell!


Can you feel that rhythm moving through your system?

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I used to work in Queens, Rego Park.

So one night on the way home on the F train, this normal cute spanish looking dude is staring at me. Okay, fine.

Next thing I know as soon as the train cleared out a lil, he comes over, stands next to the doorway entrance where I was sitting and says hi.

OMG, THEN I SEE that he's covering his dick area with a NEWSPAPER and his LARGE DICK is OUT AND ERECT and he's like, touch it! you are so hot!!

I didn't know what to do!!

I RAN off the next stop just as the doors closed. He couldn't follow me in time cuz his dick was SO out of his fly...




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