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What qualities do you look for, when it comes to that special someone.

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What more can i say.. you guys said it all.. *sigh, i'm gonna become a Hermit and live in the woods, i've given up..

BUT.. my man is definitely one who's such a sweetheart he treats me like a queen, and vice versa, However, he's man enough to put me in my place every once in a while when i get toooo rambunctious..i always loved a sweety with an edge....no pushovers please!

and above all...just some r.e.s.p.e.c.t


"And if I Die before i learn to speak...Will money pay for all the days i lived awake but half asleep?"

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Someone who doesnt *dare* try to tie my wings down. I must fly freely without any questioning....

Pretty simple gal I am...




All new SAUCE FRIDAYS @ Cream with Resident, DJ DIVINE. Opening party March 16th, 2001 with special guest DJ, Marcell Whitehead. email divineproductions@hotmail.com for Guest List info.

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Al - you punk-bitch foe makin me do this, but...

In a nutshell, I want a best-friend who I am attracted to. Intelligence has become one of the most important qualities to me b/c, as a very wise friend said, "Its the only thing that doesn't sag in years to come."... Someone who is able to be happy without me, but who is happier with me...a person who will lie in the grass with on a summer day and find pictures in the clouds, all the while talking about everything and nothing all at once...a guy who loves food as much as me, likes to eat with his hands, and will try anything once...a man who will choose to stay home with me when i'm sick and bring me tea without me having to ask him, he does it cuz he wants to...a man who is a MAN, and doesn't need me to be his mommy... a guy who is secure enough with himself, and who trusts me enough to NOT BE JEALOUS...confident but not arrogant...outgoing...someone who would never cheat on me...total honesty always...a guy who loves children, and his family is his #1 priority...a person who respects himself and others, but who will stand up and voice an opinion if he sees an injustice...loves nature/adventure...a guy who makes me laugh, that I make laugh, and who can laugh at himself...a guy who wants the *real* thing with no immitations...oh yea, and he has to be able to keep up on the dancefloor.

This is what I want, and this is what I am willing to give.


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

AIM: Jewel44317

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Well,here's my list but I probably won't find someone with all these qualities....

Someone who is mature,emotionally and intelligently would be nice.Someone who is good with money because I am not...someone who knows how to laugh at himself and others and not take life too seriously,someone who loves living life and is willing always to try new things,meet new people,travel to different places...someone who is patient,doesn't hold grudges,sensitive but not overly so,compassionate to a point,strong willed,passionate,fairly intelligent (I'd want us to never run out of things to talk about),someone who has a big broad chest that I can snuggle up to,with thick dark hair,big brown eyes,and a beautiful smile with dimples that crinkle when he laughs...this all sounds too much like my ex-boyfriend,lol...but seriously,I love dark men...they seem so much more passionate than blond men,no offense to anyone...my ideal type,corny as it sounds,is the "tall,dark,and handsome" type...I'm not attracted to black men,Asian men,blond men,or fair men...the exotic looks of Greeks,Italians and Turkish men drive me insane....did I answer the question right? smile.gif



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smiles, is kind at heart, will be *honest* no matter what the situation/occasion is. and a girl who shows the urge and desire to be with you, not one of those "playin' hard to get bitches"

sorry, ive just delt with too much bullshit the last couple years with relationships.


a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again

Your laughing at me cause I am different? Shit, im laughing at you cause your all the fucking same!

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I agree w/what everyone is saying.

Honesty, Loyalty, & excellent communication skills are crucial. I want a man who knows who he is & what he wants in life. Motivated, ambitious, Passionate, & confident. Someone who will motivate, support & inspire me. Basically, I wanna be understood, appreciated & cherished.

A big thick cock is a pre-requiste. hehe tongue.gifcwm38.gif


"Madness, Power, Domination!"- Way Out West


[This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 03-13-2001).]

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hey Al - sorry it took me so long to wrtie something....but hopefully you'll think it is worth the wait...

i am looking for someone who can laugh with me, cry with me, sing with me, walk in the rain with me, talk with me (not just AT me)...i want someone who can talk to me about everything and nothing, who calms me in times of fear, who excites me and motivates me and inspires me...someone who will dance with me, think with me, live life in love with me...someone who doesn't just deal with me -- a man who wants to be with

me. there is something so inherently appealing about being wanted. once you find someone with whom you share that certain chemistry, things sometimes click.

he should be ambitious, thoughtful, and caring. he should understand that actions do speak louder than words, so if he has something important to say, he had better act quickly...someone who understands my looks and noises, who will laugh at my funny voices and talk to me in his own. a man who

knows that i love flowers, so he fills my world with them. he will always go the extra step, whatever it may be.

above all these things, as simple as it may seem, it is most important that you be able to get along with one another. to able to just be together. if you cannot be in one anothers' presence without getting annoyed,

how can you expect anything to come of the

relationship. sure, it is true that you can work on things, but if you cannot get along to begin with, what is the point?

i've found someone with whom i can get along. with him, the good times are better and the bad times...well, i don't really feel those anymore. and that is what it is about, right? finding someone who brightens the warm sunshine and chases the cold rain?

all sappiness aside, i find it so important that any man i date be secure in who he is. i have found it to be so true that you cannot love or honor another human being until you love and honor yourself. i have

learned to love who i am. i know now that i could only be happy with someone who has reached the same point. with this knowledge of who you are comes a certain security, and with this security, a love of independence. a key component to my relationship is a

mutual love of our independence, and our respect for one another. when we go out together, we enjoy spending time with one another, with a group of friends, or on our own. the knowledge that we can go out together, enjoy the same night, and not have to be crazy-glued together is so refreshing!

i'm sorry to have run on so much...i miss him so much right now, it is all fresh in my mind why i am so lucky to have him...thought i would share part of it with you... cwm7.gif



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He has to be hungry. Not in his sotmach, but in his head, like he'll never be happy not knowing.... He has to love to travel and try stuff,e ven if it's "dangerous." I like curiosity more than anything else. Otherwise, he seems too boring.

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

A big thick cock is a pre-requiste. hehe tongue.gifcwm38.gif

Had to say it didnt ya! ugh! lol


-----"Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding, and value of life. A vision, that inspires you to live, and love, on planet earth. Like a priceless jewel, buried in dark layers of soil and stone.... earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home. And experience in this place to visit, and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself...as a Game master..........


AIM: fantom0680

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The qualities that I look for in that special someone is quite simple.

I would like someone who is caring enough to let me hold the remote every once in a while.

Someone who is willing to work hard for the littlest pleasures in life.

A person who doesn't mind sitting back and watching me and my electronic boyfriend going at it in full force.

Someone who loves me enough to show it in front of his friends.

Someone who will be committed to you because he wants to and not because he feels obligated to.

And finally, someone who will get up in the middle of the night just to check on a noise you thought you heard.

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