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Oh LEXXXI GIRL!! Don't fret!!! I was there about 3 years ago. There are about 4 bar/clubs there.

Waterloo is cool, it's outdoor/indoor and if you get freaky enough they have a swimming pool ouside in the middle..hehe

Then there is Cocktails and Dreams which is a smaller bar right near the beach......

There is a "NY type" dance club which I can't remember the name of but it was cool then so it's probably cool now..

and one more I can't remember...

You could also take a taxi (be careful) and go to the Island where Atlantis is, there is fun to be had there too.

HAVE FUN and BE CAREFUL though! It's beautiful there and the water is clear and the rum and cokes flow like water!!!!!!!


"what I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me" - DMB

Acheiving a "brief fleeting moment of sanity" through MethoDs of eMpAthy -

"Music is the answer to your problems" -

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Bratnik...we leave here for Nassau on March 22 and we return from Nassau on March 29......what are your travel plans? We are staying at the Superclub Breezes on Cable Beach. There are 4 of us from the board going. PM me all your info and we will all meet up.....imagine a ClubPlanet Meetup in Nassau!!!!!


Lextacy....it always seem my fellow Lexster is at my rescue....thanks for all the info....I will use it wisely. Big hugs and kisses for you....one day we will meet and have a Lex-Fest!!!!




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Originally posted by lexxxi:

Bratnik...we leave here for Nassau on March 22 and we return from Nassau on March 29......what are your travel plans? We are staying at the Superclub Breezes on Cable Beach. There are 4 of us from the board going. PM me all your info and we will all meet up.....imagine a ClubPlanet Meetup in Nassau!!!!!


Lextacy....it always seem my fellow Lexster is at my rescue....thanks for all the info....I will use it wisely. Big hugs and kisses for you....one day we will meet and have a Lex-Fest!!!!


Im actually leaving for Miami on the 25 and leaving for the Bahamas the following night. I'll be there till the 1st. I definitely will pm you when I get all the info. I cant wait, I need this vacation bad!


...NYC on the MOVE!

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Originally posted by bratnik:

Im actually leaving for Miami on the 25 and leaving for the Bahamas the following night. I'll be there till the 1st. I definitely will pm you when I get all the info. I cant wait, I need this vacation bad!

ME TOO.....vacation is good!!! Sand is good!!! Beaches are good!!! Margaritas are good!!!




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Oh boy are u gonna have fun...

Check out Waterloo, which someone else mentioned...they have all sorts of funny contests there...I won $50! ha!

The Zoo is sooooooooo much fun too...bigger than most of the other places.

Cocktails and Dreams is small but fun specifically b/c when u get hot, just run into the water smile.gif

Most of all, beware of the natives...have a friend around at all times to rescue you if they start dancing with you...lol

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Originally posted by lexxxi:

[bBig hugs and kisses for you....one day we will meet and have a Lex-Fest!!!!


A LEx Fest????? Can I come????sounds like fun smile.gif


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

Email: Andy_Zeee@hotmail.com

AIM: AztecNY

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Hey Lexxxi...if I'm not mistaken, I think Roby told me that you are from the Hamilton/St.Cathrine's/Toronto area?

Question: My brother went up to Toronto last weekend, and he told me that the Industry was closed down, empty. Is that true? That was like my favorite place a couple years ago...

What are the best places now? I also liked System Soundbar, Tonic, Fluid, and Plastique (depending on my mood)...




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Originally posted by az-tec:

A LEx Fest????? Can I come????sounds like fun smile.gif

Mmmmmmmmmm....you naughty naughty boy! You just keep that little mind of yours wondering..........

<leaves the keyboard with a very innocent look on her face and a halo>


"what I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me" - DMB

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damn...my uncle is the vice president of the Superclubs resorts...I could've hooked y'all if I knew eariler. I haven't abused the hookup priviledge (yet), but I'm planning a trip to Hedonism II in Negril..anyone wanna come?


AIM: Spragga25

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Originally posted by furnace:

Hey Lexxxi...if I'm not mistaken, I think Roby told me that you are from the Hamilton/St.Cathrine's/Toronto area?

Question: My brother went up to Toronto last weekend, and he told me that the Industry was closed down, empty. Is that true? That was like my favorite place a couple years ago...

What are the best places now? I also liked System Soundbar, Tonic, Fluid, and Plastique (depending on my mood)...


Hey Furny...we are from Toronto. Industry did close down awhile ago. The people that live in the area of the club complained to city council about the noise, thus they were shut down...at least that's the rumor.

As for other clubs...we like SYSTEM (it has become excellent again in the last 6 months. The promoters have been getting some of the big guns in there...Howells, Warren, etc.), TURBO is good too (also some of the bigger DJs...Cox, Emerson, etc.). Both clubs are set up with seperate rooms with seperate music. The Guvernment is ok but only if there is someone worth seeing there...otherwise it's like a trip to Exit. I have been to Plastique once for Seb Fontaine...club set up was ok but the crowd is to 905 (Bridge and Tunnel) for me. Element is great...loungey and they bring in some great local and outside DJs. Nasa is great...local DJs only and the music is awesome...the only thing is it's very small and very university bar liked....but def. worth the trip.




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