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are some people incapable of love?

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i definitely think that everyone is capable of love. I think many people spend a lot of time training themselves to become immune to it though.

I think that the people that seem incapable, are the people who are most capable, but the most afraid.



*...have the ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide.*-Ed Norton-Fight Club

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Some people are incapable, but it's generally linked with a medical condition.

For instance autistic people cannot relate to emotions and personal situations as the front part of the brain that deals with all that isn't functioning correctly. So some forms of autism won't allow any for of connection.

But I think most people are capable of love on some level.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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incapable...maybe sociopaths, etc. you know people with that type of predatory history, however, healthy people, you may doubt your capability, but you have the Capacity, you just have some unforeseen obstacle, or you're limiting yourself as to what you love... there are many forms of love, but i'm assuming you're talking about relationship love, not like parent, sibling, people in general love or some other sort of interest. so i guess, like myself where you begin to question, seroiusly ask yourself what it is that you think may be holding you back. you definitely have the capacity, there's just a "barrier" sorry to be all preachy, just my thoughts rambling again.


"And if I Die before i learn to speak...Will money pay for all the days i lived awake but half asleep?"

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Guest crystalmethodny

Originally posted by translucent:

Even Hitler loved his dog.


That is hilarious.



"Can you feel it?"

"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."



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Hmmmmm, incapable of love? I think that all healthy ppl are born with the abilty to love, but are sometimes taught/conditioned not to. Coming from a psychological perspective, a lot has to do with what we learn to associate love with as children. In many instances, children learn that love means pain/betrayal/mistrust, and therefore develop barriers to prevent themselves from feeling these things (or on a lesser scale, wind up in dysfunctional relationships.) Hence, the mass amounts of criminals and sociopaths without remorse for their actions, and with that "cold" look in their eyes. It's not that they can't love, but all of their feelings have become blunted due to the lack of love in their own lives.

"Love one another, or perish."


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

AIM: Jewel44317

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Deanna...can't believe you asked this!!! I was just saying this on saturday to the now Ex-boyfriend...I am staring to really believe that maybe i am incapable of being in love...



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Originally posted by cmb1975:

Deanna...can't believe you asked this!!! I was just saying this on saturday to the now Ex-boyfriend...I am staring to really believe that maybe i am incapable of being in love...

hahaha..i think this ALL the time..it seems once i get to the point of no return..i call it quits...like the whole beginning phase is what I like but the serious " love" part scares me..maybe i am incapable...


Dont ever stop smiling-->you never know who is falling in love with your smile...

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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You can foresee the response to "I hate you" 100x easier than "I love you!"

It's not just incapable of love... it's just the fear of it...

Fear leads to hate...

The real problem comes in when you love two or three people at once...


Forget the dreams... what you need is a good nightmare to bring you back to reality...


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everyone is capable of love, in some shape or form.

defending yourself against loving someone or something, is just plain dumb


a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again

Your laughing at me cause I am different? Shit, im laughing at you cause your all the fucking same!

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