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Question regarding E & 5HTP

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I've been meaning to ask this for a while...do you guys remember that post about bad dreams with ecstasy? I usually get pretty fucked up dreams too but I just noticed that it's coming from the 5HTP and not the E. I had stopped taking the 5HTP and I noticed my resltess nights went away. Then last night I took a 100mg and sure enough as soon as I pass out I have a lot of restless dreams. I was all over the place...even talking out loud and shit. I know for a fact that if you eat a lot of protein before you go to bed it'll send your brain into overdrive and cause the resltess sleep. How do you guys feel after taking 5HTP?





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That's funny cause for me it's the other way around. 5HTP always helps me come back to the norm after dropping and that includes less bad dreams.



"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." — Andre Gide


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Originally posted by blueangel:

That's funny cause for me it's the other way around. 5HTP always helps me come back to the norm after dropping and that includes less bad dreams.


Hi BlueAngel! so how do you take these pills...after or b4 you go out?

thanks smile.gif


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i know of people who have wierd effects from htp, but i don't take it straight up so i couldn't tell you. but eating them after a rough night is a must, even if you have to put up with a night of nightmares. its worth saving yourself from manic depression in your latter years

long live 5htp!


Shut up Beavis!

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I haven't used 5HTP before but my sleep is always fucked up........last week I had a long dream that I was in Friday the 13th and Nighmare on Elm St at the same time.......the whole thing was me running from Jason and when I got away Freddie would be right there to give chase.......I was seriously freaked.......the worst is that I can't run in my dreams........it feels like trying to run against 300mph winds......frustrating.......and this morning as a matter of fact, my alarm went off and I guess I half woke up because I thought it was a song and I was singing in my sleep to the alarm's rhythm.......my roomate had to come in after 10 minutes and wake me.......he was laughing his ass off........ummm....I think I need some of that 5HTP.......where can I get it?? smile.gif



"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

[This message has been edited by tyco (edited 03-21-2001).]

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i usually like to do bumps of k allnight/allday i dont know much about this 5htp.is it a new whitney houston song? or maybe some r&b song that while im in a k-hole i can mix it for 59 minutes?


buy or sell, we all go to hell

this is your house respect it.

just kidding, pass me a bump

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Well luckily for me they are not really nightmares. Most of the time it's lucid dreaming...I know I'm dreaming but I can't pop out of it. I never really remember what I'm dreaming but it's like I'm struggling to wake up and pop out of it. Very annoying especially when I'm so tired and all I want to do is get a good nights rest.





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Originally posted by risa06:

Hi BlueAngel! so how do you take these pills...after or b4 you go out?

thanks smile.gif


Hey Lola! Okay! If I know that I'm going out on Friday, then I take ONE at night when going to bed on Wednesday and Thursday. Then on Friday I go out and when I get home in the morning on Saturday, I take TWO and go to bed. That usually does the trick for me. But understand that I don't drop too often . . . maybe once every couple of months, so I don't think it would be too advisable to anyone that drops on a normal basis. Becuase if you take too much 5HTP then I'm pretty sure your body can become immune to it. Not for sure though.



"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." — Andre Gide


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I had taken 5-HTP for the first time on a daily basis 2 weeks ago.

I dropped Friday night, and then Sat night before sleep I took 1 5-HTP. (also had alot of something to smoke)

I had a wonderful sleep and woke up feeling very normal Sunday Morning.

Probelms started happeing when I took it on Monday AND Tuesday night that I woke up EVERY HOUR. Had CRAZY Dreams and was going crazy in my lil bed.

Didn't take it on Wednesday and I had a very good sleep. I think I'm going to try Casey's way.



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Originally posted by blueangel:

Hey Lola! Okay! If I know that I'm going out on Friday, then I take ONE at night when going to bed on Wednesday and Thursday. Then on Friday I go out and when I get home in the morning on Saturday, I take TWO and go to bed. That usually does the trick for me. But understand that I don't drop too often . . . maybe once every couple of months, so I don't think it would be too advisable to anyone that drops on a normal basis. Becuase if you take too much 5HTP then I'm pretty sure your body can become immune to it. Not for sure though.


Thanks hun smile.gif I'm going to SoBe (I know you dont really like me now...lol) and I wanted to try these pills there.

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Originally posted by jonathenpeters:

i usually like to do bumps of k allnight/allday i dont know much about this 5htp.is it a new whitney houston song? or maybe some r&b song that while im in a k-hole i can mix it for 59 minutes?

i love you jp! i wont ever bash you again! when's that 8 day remix of the new janet song comming out?


Shut up Beavis!

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Well...let me tell ya folks...5htp should be used with caution just as with E. Best is to read my reply on the other post on 5htp: question. WEll.

Mario the bad dream you are getting is the process of the 5htp tryin' to surge/rush of replenishing the loss that E had taken. You should try less dosage.

On another note just be sober! But the best thing to take is Duck sauce and soy sauce. I can't emphasize that enough. Soy Sauce has a natural chemical that stimulates the Hypothalumus::

Anatomy of the pituitary gland:

The pituitary gland is sometimes called the "master" gland of the endocrine system, because it controls the functions of the other endocrine glands. The pituitary gland is no larger than a pea, located at the base of the brain. The gland is attached to the hypothalumus (a part of the brain that affects the pituitary gland) by nerve fibers. The pituitary gland itself consists of three sections:

the anterior lobe

the intermediate lobe

the posterior lobe

Note that one of the functions of the pituary gland under the anterior lobe is

*growth hormone

*ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) - to stimulate the adrenal glands

*LH (luteinizing hormone) - to stimulate the ovaries or testes

And for the posterior lobe it is:

****ADH (antidiuretic hormone) - to increase absorption of water into the blood

by the kidneys

***oxytocin - to contract the uterus during childbirth and stimulate milk production

this info seems a little decieving from the surface in the sense that it has nothing to do with E and 5htp but read between the lines and do some research.

I have been studying the science of sleep and drugs that may enhance or disturb it.

Like I said do some research on L-Tryptophan..I used to take that when I was in 6th grade and I was benching 140 and I only wieghted 85 pounds!! It had an influence on me hitting my puberty early in life..Oh wait too much personal info I'm giving away here.

*****Also for some people the digestion and breakdown of this molecule is that it is broken down to niacinamide. To prevent this you should take it 2hours before or after meal and supplement it with Vitamin B3(niacin)

Supplement with Vit C Vit.B6 and Magnesium to maximize benefits.

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Originally posted by jonathenpeters:

i usually like to do bumps of k allnight/allday i dont know much about this 5htp.is it a new whitney houston song? or maybe some r&b song that while im in a k-hole i can mix it for 59 minutes?

no offense bro....im usually the plur person....but whats the deal with u man??


Mine comes in a form of a pill and powder.

What's your......


? ? ? ? ? ?


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A few of you don't seem to have your facts straight...

First, let's clear up what Serotonin does for the body:

Serotonin plays a role in many brain functions -- regulation of mood, heart-rate, sleep, appetite, pain and other things.

What does Serotonin do for E users? It increases empathy, happiness, sociableness, enhances sensation of touch, etc.

Lower than normal serotonin levels for an extended period have been shown to lead to depression.

Now, 5-HTP:

The precursors of serotonin are 5-HTP and decarboxylese. There's usually plenty of decarboxylase in your cells, but the amount of 5-HTP you have can vary depending on your diet. 5-HTP is synthesized in your body from the amino acid tryptophan (present in some the food we eat). But tryptophan must go through a number of metabolic changes before it is turned into 5-htp.

Clinical studies of 5-HTP have shown that it successfully relieves symptoms of depression in many people. It does this by increasing the amount of 5-HTP in the brain, making it easier for the brain to produce serotonin.

And no, there can be no immunity built to 5-HTP!

Caution: E-user depression is also caused by the down-regulation of serotonin receptors. This is your body's effort to return itself to a balanced state after a continual bombardment by large amounts of serotonin. It can be caused by the too frequent use of Ecstacy. 5-HTP will do nothing to reverse these effects.

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5htp won't help that but believe it or not taking prozac 6 hours after you drop will help prevent neurotoxivity. In other words it keeps the receptors from becoming degenerative (is that a word haha) and not working anymore.

if you really want to learn about this shit go to dancesafe.com and go through the whole slide show i found it pretty interesting and educational haha...


Don't you want to grow up to be just like me....

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Originally posted by tyco:

the worst is that I can't run in my dreams........it feels like trying to run against 300mph winds......frustrating.......


i hear ya bro...

only mine is more like having sanbags strapped to my legs and i have to try and they just turn to jelly..

awful feeling...



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

i hear ya bro...

only mine is more like having sanbags strapped to my legs and i have to try and they just turn to jelly..

awful feeling...


its a very common theme in a lot of people's dreams. i get it all the time. and on top of that i cant speak at all while i'm motionless. means you feel tied down by something/someone, feel frustrated, shit like that. good thing is those dreams releive stress caused by those feelings...



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other than after your saturday morning post-TWILO roll, don't take 5-HTP before bedtime!! As you guys have said, it gives you crazy nightmares! cwm13.gif

In the week after your roll, definitely take it with vitamins and food in THE MORNING, that way, you still get the benefits of assisted seratonin production, but not during sleep, as it does disturb sleep.

As for prozac, yeah it does prevent neurotoxicity, as shown in rats, but I gotta be honest, ecstacy toxicity isn't that simple. There are so many receptors in your brain...and what we know as "consciousness" and "depression" are a result of a mind boggling number of interactions going on in billions and billions of neurons in your head.

My main point, everything in moderation. 5-htp can fool you into doing ecstacy more than you should, and that is bad. 5-htp does work, just dont take it before bedtime..


~ phil ~

aol im: apphillers

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