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thoughts about dance/lights circles

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Mugs you crack me up....LOL, why so defensive??????? It's just my opinion. What you don't realize is that GLOW STICKS ARE ANNOYING AND PLAYED!!!!!!!!!!! Do you think people watch you and say "damn that guys got mad skills with his sticks or strings". Are you kidding me, people are saying damn that idiots fucking annoying. GLOW sticks were the thing in like 92-93. Oh and by the way, your comment on the dancing didn't hurt my feelings, I can handle myself on the dancefloor. cwm35.gif


The only difference between a saint and a sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.....Oscar Wilde

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Originally posted by petrol:

Ummmm..., why the hostility? It takes good reflexes, muscle control, and coordination to swing sticks. I think it's a beautiful thing when someone can do it well, if you don't like it then more power to you. But name-calling?

C'mon, that's the recourse of someone without an argument.

OK, maybe I was a lil too harsh with the name calling, but i do find it very annoying. Hey I'm entitled to an opinion, right?


The only difference between a saint and a sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.....Oscar Wilde

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Originally posted by dznyc:

Mugs you crack me up....LOL, why so defensive??????? It's just my opinion. What you don't realize is that GLOW STICKS ARE ANNOYING AND PLAYED!!!!!!!!!!! Do you think people watch you and say "damn that guys got mad skills with his sticks or strings". Are you kidding me, people are saying damn that idiots fucking annoying. GLOW sticks were the thing in like 92-93. Oh and by the way, your comment on the dancing didn't hurt my feelings, I can handle myself on the dancefloor. cwm35.gif

I'm just kidiiiiin~ dude I wasn't trying to be an ass.You see when I dance with sticks or without I dance because it's fun..FOR ME! I don't dance to "show off" or to please people watching etc...To be honest I really don't give a shit about what any one thinks about the way I look, how I dance, how I smell(ok the smell I tend to get self consciouse about but come on everyone has bad club funk on the way home)..in any case my point is that if you think glow sticks are for retards then power to you. I also think shaving your arms is for retards but I still have friends that do that. Unlike that example my sticks are not intended for show..they just feeeeel gooood to dance with. I'm like a snake with a snake charmer once you get them in my hands I'm a fuckn zombie meat puupet dancing to the beatz. Can't help it! But if you moved away from sticks then that's your bag. Have fun and feel the music ANY WAY THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY~ and I will do the same~ Peace~

a glow stick retard cwm35.gif

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Originally posted by clubhead32:

Deanna I hear u on that...I cant stand when there some idiot telling people to move back and when he finally gets his space...he fuckin sucks ASS.....that shit happened friday @TWilo....please people let the circle create from the moves u do....

ps...deanna it was nice meeting u...girl U got MOVES on the dance floor exodust betta watch out!!!!!!hope to see u again peace.

Yeah, if you remember me!!! cwm36.gif


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speaks her mind - that's something a lot of people don't do on this board for the sake of looking good in everyone's eyes and appearing nice.

I totally agree with you about circles!

Speaking of awesome glowstickers I have to give a huge shoutout to NICK....

I really think he is one of the best I've ever seen.

And Mugwamp or however you spell it, it was nice to meet you!!!


An bag of KB's $50

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Originally posted by clubhead32:

OMG I saw that guy too he SUCKED ASS!!!!


HEY..Was that me? Was he doing the funky chicken..because let me tell you..NOBODY I mean Noooooooobody does the funky chicken better than mugwump! and I DO need my space!

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i personally dig string circles when the talent's there, but i've NEVER seen a dance circle worth watching, and i've been out there in the nightdancing world for 5 years. the only great dancing i've seen at parties was people doing their own thing when they didn't know that people were actively watching them. and it's then that i've really been wowed by some incredible creativity, emotion, and personality expressed through movement.

Originally posted by clubhead32:

hopefully the next time were partying again is CouNtDown cuz thats were me and the crew will be on sat...hopefully u can make it.

hey, clubhead32,

there will most definitely be a meetup at countdown; i think junglekittn'll be posting a thread about it in the next few days. keep your eyes peeled; i'm gonna be there, too and wanna meet you and everybody else!

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deanne1 is on point, and like the rest of the Liberty B ravers she has gotta buncha moves ....if you've got some moves then the crowd will form a circle around you, and if you've REALLY got moves & ur battling, sometimes the DJ will notice and adjust his set accordingly, the Doc being one of those types (having done that for me and one of my mates back in Sydney)...lol some funny stories I am NOT going to share on a public forum wink.gif

As for the strings thing if you've got a LOT of space then giddy up cwm26.gif


If only he'd use his power for good instead of evil............... boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Originally posted by boa_boy:

....if you've got some moves then the crowd will form a circle around you, and if you've REALLY got moves & ur battling, sometimes the DJ will notice and adjust his set accordingly, the Doc being one of those types (having done that for me and one of my mates back in Sydney)...lol some funny stories I am NOT going to share on a public forum wink.gif

really?? like what would he do exactly? like throw in some breakbeat if a dancer is doing some two- or four-step dealies, or maybe something sorta ambient if the dancer is doing liquid? or he switched up for everyone in the circle?



Leave me



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Originally posted by dznyc:

Do you think people watch you and say "damn that guys got mad skills with his sticks or strings". Are you kidding me, people are saying damn that idiots fucking annoying.

Correction, you are saying that (it is your opinion, although I'm sure others share it). I know plenty of people, myself included, who love to watch someone with sticks or strings who knows what they are doing.

GLOW sticks were the thing in like 92-93.

If it looks good who cares when it came out or if it's "played". Who decides when soemthing is "played" anyway??

As for the original post from deanna, I agree, if your good people will notice and form on their own. Clearing people out is setting yourself up.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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C - You're talking about that weird guy from friday night, right? I saw him too and pointed him out to a few people who saw the strange expressions of pain on my face as I watched him clear the area and then actually try to dance. Very sad...

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Originally posted by shannah:

C - You're talking about that weird guy from friday night, right? I saw him too and pointed him out to a few people who saw the strange expressions of pain on my face as I watched him clear the area and then actually try to dance. Very sad...

OMG I saw that guy too he SUCKED ASS!!!!



" bass in ur f...bass in ur fa...BASS IN UR FACE LONDON "

" Directions DIrections.." - GrOOve



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Originally posted by deanna11:

really?? like what would he do exactly? like throw in some breakbeat if a dancer is doing some two- or four-step dealies, or maybe something sorta ambient if the dancer is doing liquid? or he switched up for everyone in the circle?

lol more like the former, he slowed the beats down & the beats got fatter, he was grooving behind the decks......a year or so later the Doc was playing in Dublin and recognized my mate on the floor(he's an Irishman), called him over and bought him a beer



If only he'd use his power for good instead of evil............... boa_boy@yahoo.com

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