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Does anyone like JuNgLe?????

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Originally posted by exit2heaven:

i actually am a fan of jungle.....my favs are kazpa and the lovely reid speed!!!! Whos yours???? cwm9.gifcwm13.gifcwm11.gif

FuCk that shit kid.....I cant jungle for shit....IMO that shit is way to fast for me.........


" bass in ur f...bass in ur fa...BASS IN UR FACE LONDON "

" Directions DIrections.." - GrOOve



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I DO!!

It's the kind of music that brought me into the scene actually!!!


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Originally posted by exodust:

I DO!!

It's the kind of music that brought me into the scene actually!!!

The lovely exodust jungles....???..WOW!!!

U better be at countdown this saturday then!!

BTW---> do u have AIM?


Mine comes in a form of a pill and powder.

What's your......


? ? ? ? ? ?


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I prefer shit like LTJ BUkem and the Logical progressions shit.

Beautifull how it combines ambient soundscapes and funky tracks with D&B and MC Conrad.

Reid's Ok..I'm just not feeling the whole "two step" thing she's into lately...

Isn't Two step just garage?

I use to go to Baktun religiousely and Konkrete a few years back...I just got turned off by the crowd.

Too much drama when gangs starting showing up at Konkrete and Direct drive though(BTS Suck my balls)

Founder a nicer vibe with "intelligent" drum and bass. (as the brits call it)

At the moment however I'm feeling Trance waaay more..but I love when a break beat is thrown in for good measure.

Ever listen to the first couple tracks of Oakie's New York CD 2.

Miami Funky Breaks are waaaay phat also. Adam Freeman kicks ass

(Some NY Jungle's just too dark for me these days)

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Originally posted by marshmellow:

Hey...I have a friend who has been bugging me forever to try to find him a cool place to go hear jungle. Any suggestions that I can pass on to him?

u should hit konkrete on mondays at pyramid..i think its btwn. 6th and 7th on AVE. A.... they play some hot shit...

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this aint groove nigga.

I like the deep dark pitch black shit.

the k-hole shit.


Diggers, Sasha, Seb...But I could mos def get down to whateva. if it's hot...

If jungle is hot..The general is gonna have to learn to jungle i guess..


peace, love, and double stacked zorros!!

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jungle was verrrry popular here about 3 years ago...

were many parties..koncrete jungle..etcetc..

there is still some around...although there are more D&B nights here at the moment


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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Fucken A Man, haha!

I was in this phat ass jungle room when I was in this club in DC. Loved that shit.



"I nEeD a SpIrIt WhO cAn ToUcH mY LiFe, I nEeD a VoIcE tO sPeAk tHe TrUtH, i NeEd A sOuL wHo WiLL bE oN mY sIdE, i NeEd A hEaRt i'LL nEvEr LoSe, SoMeOnE LiKe YoU... sOmEbOdY LiKe YoU....SoMeOnE LiKe yOu...SomEoNe LiKe yOu.....I NeEd SoMeBoDy WhO CaN MoVe My WoRLd, SoMeOne WhO kNoWs JuSt WhAt To Do, SoMeOne LiKe YoU..."


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Originally posted by marshmellow:

Hey...I have a friend who has been bugging me forever to try to find him a cool place to go hear jungle. Any suggestions that I can pass on to him?

Like Mugwump mentioned, Baktun's a phat place on Saturdays. i think, W 14th St and 10th Ave (?)

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Theres a good jungle/drum n bass party this Friday at the Cooler which is on W 14th between 9th and 10th....the best time is to go around midnight...its called Mutiny...


Slowly..slowly..act like you know me...

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Originally posted by dszorro:


this aint groove nigga.

I like the deep dark pitch black shit.

the k-hole shit.


Diggers, Sasha, Seb...But I could mos def get down to whateva. if it's hot...

If jungle is hot..The general is gonna have to learn to jungle i guess..

LMAO...yo kid the first time i brought the black kid to his first rave (thats right i brought u)...i took this niggah to the jungle room and saw crazy fear on this kids eye......FEAR like no other....a kinda fear like...."lets go man, its time to go".....the black guy ladies and gentleman is the guy who supposedly brought me to TWILO....mr clubhead32.



Mine comes in a form of a pill and powder.

What's your......


? ? ? ? ? ?


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Originally posted by exodust:

I DO!!

It's the kind of music that brought me into the scene actually!!!

Me too!!!! Actually it was D&B and Jungle that brought me in. I haven't listened to . Jungle much lately.... Any other suggestions??





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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