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Anyone worried about brain damage?

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Everyday ppl put up post about how many pills they dropped, or how many bumps they took.

Anybody here concerned about what our brains will be like in the future?

The way I see it, I'm having lots of fun now and I don't care but when I think about it, I don't want to be really depressed when I'm like 50 either. Being that old will be depressing enough. cwm1.gif

Whaddya'll think?


You're only young once

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Considering that practically EVERYTHING gives you cancer or tumors, why not go while having fun.

Who knows what studies will prove tomorrow, staring at a computer moniter for 10hrs straight causing brain damage???



People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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Using your cellphone... studies have shown... nuff said.

Don't drink milk, drink milk, don't shit while you walk, don't fart at work, smoking causes cancer, inhaling exhaust fumes outside is okay by Bush, trees are bad for you, wait it might be medically okay, too much sun causes cancer, read the contents of any can and you're supposed to know what monosodium glutamate means...



March is a nightmare, hopefully April has betta dreams in store...


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Brain damage, ever since the day I was born

Drugs is what they used to say I was on

They say I never knew which way I was goin

But everywhere I go they keep playin my song


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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I learned my lesson about 2 years ago when a close friend of mine had 3 more days to live because he needed a liver transplant,thank god they found a liver.You people should really grow up and realize that the shit your doing is really bad!!

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What a crock! Just because there are other things that are bad for you, does that mean you should go around buring holes in your brain? What about all the 70-year-old smokers who are dying and say, "If we only knew back then..." Well, we know now, and even if the scientific evidence isn't 100%, it's pretty strong. Haven't you guys read any of the articles on clubplanet about the dangers of E?

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Originally posted by helpermonkey:

What a crock! Just because there are other things that are bad for you, does that mean you should go around buring holes in your brain? What about all the 70-year-old smokers who are dying and say, "If we only knew back then..." Well, we know now, and even if the scientific evidence isn't 100%, it's pretty strong. Haven't you guys read any of the articles on clubplanet about the dangers of E?

Personally, I don't think that anyone (including the government in a supposedly "Free Country") SHOULD be telling us to do or not to do things that are bad for us. We, as informed "consumers" have the free will to decide whether to roll or to smoke with full consideration of the consequences. Unfortunately, one the reasons that the government does meddle in such personal affairs is because many people don't know the meaning of the word "moderation."



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Moderation if at all.

I have some friends who were doing waaaay too much. Yes I know, I do it occassionally, but that doesn't necessarily make me a hypocrite. I know it's bad to do it at all but I also know it is worse to be doing it all weekend every weekend. I'm just saying that if you are going to do it...make it few and far between.

Aside from the potential damage, doing it too much makes you lose the experience. My friend that had been "living" on e and k every weekend told me that she didn't even enjoy clubbing or rolling after a while. It just became "what she did". It was no longer anything special.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by specialk5281:

If you're worried about brain damage try 5HTP, they sell it at GNC as a dietary supplement. Its a little pricey, but helps the brain generate more seratonin, good to pop before and after you roll. cwm17.gif

Welcome aboard!

5HTP has worked well for me but will it help with long term damage?


You're only young once

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Originally posted by helpermonkey:

What a crock! Just because there are other things that are bad for you, does that mean you should go around buring holes in your brain? What about all the 70-year-old smokers who are dying and say, "If we only knew back then..." Well, we know now, and even if the scientific evidence isn't 100%, it's pretty strong. Haven't you guys read any of the articles on clubplanet about the dangers of E?

If you followed the MDMA conference in San Fran., the one thing that did come out was that the long term effects of e are not known - even the short term effects haven't truly been tested - Giving mice 50 hits of a week for a month will not lead to a true conclusion. I think the key is moderation - But the test they are running on animals are total shit - I don't know anyone doing even close to the excessive amounts that they give an animal during a test!!

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