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Anyone worried about brain damage?

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Originally posted by dale77:

Welcome aboard!

5HTP has worked well for me but will it help with long term damage?

yep, that shit has definitely helped me too, 2 the day prior to rolling, one the of, 2 the day after, and 1 the day after that


party with a heart on

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the problem is that all the pills are full of bull shit that we dont know about. where are the pure pills just the MDMA

the government needs to legalize and advertise. one things for sure it will make things a lot safer


"don't get attached to anything you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat coming around the corner"

Robert Deniro



Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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Originally posted by dale77:

Liver transplant just b/c of E? How much E or anything else would you have to do to have liver damage? Or did the E worsen a preexisting condition?

Yes from E,his liver just couldn't handle it anymore and he didn't have an existing problem with his liver.Did you know mostly all drugs are processed through your liver.The doctors said when they saw his liver they didn't know how he was still alive,it was really beaten up.That is just one side effect from E that is a proven fact.

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YOU GUYS ARE KIDDING YOURSELVES. Sorry to say, but these arguments that I am hearing sound like they are meant to ease consciences rather than make any sense. (Translucent I think your shit is pretty funny though).

Whatever, I take E once in a while and I often wonder who or where I would be if I never had. Maybe everybody should ask themselves a similar question.

To each his own-eric

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Originally posted by anthonyp:

Yes from E,his liver just couldn't handle it anymore and he didn't have an existing problem with his liver.Did you know mostly all drugs are processed through your liver.The doctors said when they saw his liver they didn't know how he was still alive,it was really beaten up.That is just one side effect from E that is a proven fact.

That's interesting. how much did he do? how often? and how long?


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Originally posted by anthonyp:

Yes from E,his liver just couldn't handle it anymore and he didn't have an existing problem with his liver.Did you know mostly all drugs are processed through your liver.The doctors said when they saw his liver they didn't know how he was still alive,it was really beaten up.That is just one side effect from E that is a proven fact.

That's interesting. how much did he do? how often? and how long?


You're only young once

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M O D E R A T I O N..............

(atleast I think that's how you spell it.)

wanna be around to keep on patying for a looong time....

Theres a reason why I've been in the club scene for almost ten years now....

Always keep it reeeeaaaaaal intelligent

and under control.....

Don't roll every weekend, don't smoke, drink but not till I get sick....

Just in it for the MUSIC

in the end that's all that counts!

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Originally posted by dale77:

That's interesting. how much did he do? how often? and how long?

He took E for about 2 years every weekend,maybe 3-6 pills a weekend,the month before he got sick he was doing it during the week and his last weekend he took about 13 pills.

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im a little sketch when it comes to all that.i've been using E regularly since last summer, i know thats nothing compared to most peeps on this board, but my situation is a little different, before i ever started E I was diagnosed with Bipolar 2, a kinda adolescent stage of manic depression,i have been through periods of severe depression, paranoia, and suicidal thoughts, and one attempt. When people hear that prolonged usage to E leads to a high risk of depression later in life they dont seem to take it seriously, obviously they have never gone through a major depression, it is something i wouldn't wish on my worst enemies. For those of you who are starting to question their E usage I urge you to stop if you can, and for those of you who feel there's absolutely nothing wrong with, im not even gonna waste my breath, I've stopped just recently (5 weeks ago) and its the best decision i've ever made. yes they dont know the long term, or even short term effects with absolute certainty. Be responsible, when the magic of E leaves you let the drug of E leave you too.





Party Lights, Party Lights, its not a party without the lights
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Originally posted by anthonyp:

He took E for about 2 years every weekend,maybe 3-6 pills a weekend,the month before he got sick he was doing it during the week and his last weekend he took about 13 pills.

I'm sorry that your friend was sick, but that's some SERIOUS abuse he put his body through- 312- 520 pills in TWO YEARS.


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Using your cellphone... studies have shown... nuff said.

Don't drink milk, drink milk, don't shit while you walk, don't fart at work, smoking causes cancer, inhaling exhaust fumes outside is okay by Bush, trees are bad for you, wait it might be medically okay, too much sun causes cancer, read the contents of any can and you're supposed to know what monosodium glutamate means...


What is Glutamate?

Glutamate is an amino acid, found in all protein-containing foods. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. This amino acid is one of the most abundant and important components of proteins. Glutamate occurs naturally in protein-containing foods such as cheese, milk, mushrooms, meat, fish, and many vegetables. Glutamate is also produced by the human body and is vital for metabolism and brain function

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Ok nobody take this as justification because that's a very dangerous and stupid thing to do.

But 12 years of abusing E's. I took thousands. Some silly amounts night after night (which is the worst thing).

And yes i had depression, long bouts of it after i stopped.

But that depression was short lived (6 months max). Now i have no idea what is round the corner, but i still function and i ain't depressed anymore. BUT i have noticed, and so have other freinds, i have a pretty bad memory now, which is what the latest research suggests.

It also has been shown to affect impulse control as well. But as people have said all the tests in Europe,like here, are about MDMA. And not all pills are MDMA.

If you are going to do them.. moderation.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by guinevere:

Who wants to live forever anyway? Quality over quantity, ALWAYS.

ah the lyrics of Freddie Mercury..."who wants to live forever...." true true ture...when bruce lee died people his wife was quoted "...it is better to focus on how he lived his life rather than how he lost it." 'bout the loss of her husband.

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yes...E is temporary Happiness...one must be happy with one's thyself...and yes I agree with mike....let the drug of E leave with the magic of it.

I'm really sorry that you experienced what you have with bipolar...I can't even begin to pretend i know what you went through. Though I have been in extreme moods of emotion growing up and have been suicidal. I dated a lady that had experiences of deep depression and yes I wouldn't want to wish it on my worse enemy (not that I have one). But the key here is balance.

I also know that temporary happiness can be very useful. My one friend was really really depresed and was non-productive in live. He tried E and got him off his ass and started having a much more positive out look in life. He tried it and stop!

It's like medicine. He do it till your better and don't over do it. If I have a headache I take Advil. Am I gonnna drop Advil everyday? No! Of course not.

If someone feels the need to do E than each to his own. But I say...shiiiiit just play a game of chess and you'll be Oook kaaay.!!

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Originally posted by anthonyp:

He took E for about 2 years every weekend,maybe 3-6 pills a weekend,the month before he got sick he was doing it during the week and his last weekend he took about 13 pills.

Well, that's a lot of pills. I've been doing E for almost two years and I do a small fraction of what your friend did.

I know people say they have everything under control and still go over board but I can guarantee, I'll never get that bad. I don't have the desire or the money for that matter to roll every weekend.

I just hope that years from now, I won't be too messed up and sad or sick b/c of the fun I am having now.


You're only young once

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Ok nobody take this as justification because that's a very dangerous and stupid thing to do.

But 12 years of abusing E's. I took thousands. Some silly amounts night after night (which is the worst thing).

And yes i had depression, long bouts of it after i stopped.

But that depression was short lived (6 months max). Now i have no idea what is round the corner, but i still function and i ain't depressed anymore. BUT i have noticed, and so have other freinds, i have a pretty bad memory now, which is what the latest research suggests.

It also has been shown to affect impulse control as well. But as people have said all the tests in Europe,like here, are about MDMA. And not all pills are MDMA.

If you are going to do them.. moderation.

lol I have memory issues 2, the drink is more of a factor than the chemicals IMHO


If only he'd use his power for good instead of evil............... boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Here the way I see it. Although all the effects on humans (long and short term) are not fully known, it’s more than reasonable to believe that using e will cause brain damage to some degree. To what degree will depend almost entirely on how much you do. I feel comfortable (and accept the risk that I could be wrong) that doing it once or twice a month won’t do more damage to my body/brain than half the other shit we do / consume in our lives, i.e. cellphone use, alcohol, pesticides on fruit /veges, genetically modified food….you name it we take massive unknown risks on things we consider normal everyday.

If you abuse something then it will hurt you. Accept the risks and use it appropriately, and you’ll probably find something else gets you before the e does.

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Originally posted by beaker2:

Here the way I see it. Although all the effects on humans (long and short term) are not fully known, it’s more than reasonable to believe that using e will cause brain damage to some degree. To what degree will depend almost entirely on how much you do. I feel comfortable (and accept the risk that I could be wrong) that doing it once or twice a month won’t do more damage to my body/brain than half the other shit we do / consume in our lives, i.e. cellphone use, alcohol, pesticides on fruit /veges, genetically modified food….you name it we take massive unknown risks on things we consider normal everyday.

If you abuse something then it will hurt you. Accept the risks and use it appropriately, and you’ll probably find something else gets you before the e does.

I agree.

Well put.


You're only young once

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Originally posted by anthonyp:

I learned my lesson about 2 years ago when a close friend of mine had 3 more days to live because he needed a liver transplant,thank god they found a liver.You people should really grow up and realize that the shit your doing is really bad!!

Liver transplant just b/c of E? How much E or anything else would you have to do to have liver damage? Or did the E worsen a preexisting condition?


You're only young once

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Originally posted by cathyo:

Moderation if at all.

Yes..."Moderation in all things...including moderation." The Buddah

I agree.


I have never known beauty like yours before...with eyes of the most perfect blue, and a form that speaks of poetry. And now here I hold you in my arms...

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Originally posted by beaker2:

Here the way I see it. Although all the effects on humans (long and short term) are not fully known, it’s more than reasonable to believe that using e will cause brain damage to some degree. To what degree will depend almost entirely on how much you do. I feel comfortable (and accept the risk that I could be wrong) that doing it once or twice a month won’t do more damage to my body/brain than half the other shit we do / consume in our lives, i.e. cellphone use, alcohol, pesticides on fruit /veges, genetically modified food….you name it we take massive unknown risks on things we consider normal everyday.

If you abuse something then it will hurt you. Accept the risks and use it appropriately, and you’ll probably find something else gets you before the e does.

I'm sorry but I have to disagree,your saying that talking on a cell phone and eating certian things will have the same consequences as doing E,not even close.I think your trying to make yourself think it's ok to do E by saying those things.I'm not causing an argument,so don't take it the wrong way.

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boys and girls...

It's all fun and all right now but who knows what kind of side affects we will have 30 years from now.

I truly beleive that our generation is the ginny-pig generation. We use so many different types of drugs for pleasure on a regular basis, that by the time were 50, we'll all be manic depressed.

Nobody really what the long term affects are going to be.

Just speaking my mind, not lecturing...k?

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