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craziest thing u have done/witnessed someone....

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....do while drunk/ on some other substance?? craziest thing i've done was hook up w/ a friend but she came on to me and i just went with it, i watched this one guy try to get inside his apt. while drunk > very interesting. i luv watchin' peps while they're fucked up i think it's funny unless it gets too serious then that's not kewl. so let's hear them! cwm24.gif


"twenty-four hours a day and 168 hours a week are yours to use - in whatever way you choose. How will you choose to use your time?" athenalust@hotmail.com

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My friend always carries around this little comb with her (she has very long hair). Well, she was wasted and started randomly combing some guy's hair when we were out one night. He turned around and was like "Dude, that's the coolest thing anyone's ever done!" I laughed my ass off!

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A couple of years ago I was at Lace in Wayne with some friends sitting at a table. Two tables away was a bachelor party, 10 guys having fun, 1 was in a tux. Just a regular night until at 2AM I heard a scream. I see a guy stark naked running across the room throwing his hands in the air like a mental case, when a bouncer tackled him he let him go b/c he didn't want to restrain a naked man. I think it was a dare but I thought streaking ended in the 70s...

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where do i start....having someone bet my boyfriend $151 he couldn't put his head through a window and him trying to win the bet by doing just that...all courtesy of shroom tea!!!!


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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hell yeah italia, the craziest thing i've done when i was drunk was......aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh fuck i dont even remember most of the shit i did.....cant think of shit right now but i do remeber i broke into my house with a broken latter up on the 2 floor and i did get into a fight and one time i snuck into the local pool and went skiny dipping, another time i was so pissed i just started distroying all sort of shit outside, like christmas ornamets and those stupid rein deers mad out of fucking wood and garbage cans........man i was so pissed that day.........i have so many other stories that i dont even remember.

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The craziest shit I have ever seen was comming home one morning from the Roxy all fucked up. We were driving on Rt. 80 and to our right there was all these state troopers. There was a motorcycle accident there just before we passed, and there was a fucking torso laying on the highway half covered with a sheet! No legs, no head, just arms and a chest.... cwm8.gif

Drama was with me.....remember that shit?


GOT VERVE? Verve.jpg

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Middle of the day, on a Bus, stopped at a traffic light,I looked down into the car beside us -- no reason. The car was positioned between the bus, parked cars and cars in front and behind him...so he could'nt move.

He had his meat out and was whackin' the shit out of it -- big time! It was funny as shit...I just blurted out laughing telling everyone around me on the bus to check it out

some people even got his attention to let him know he'd been busted.

." cwm2.gifcwm2.gif


"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know

[This message has been edited by ancientskewl (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by vervin:

The craziest shit I have ever seen was comming home one morning from the Roxy all fucked up. We were driving on Rt. 80 and to our right there was all these state troopers. There was a motorcycle accident there just before we passed, and there was a fucking torso laying on the highway half covered with a sheet! No legs, no head, just arms and a chest.... cwm8.gif

Drama was with me.....remember that shit?

OMG!!!!! I wrote that off as a drug induced hallucination. That was nuts!!! Even more nuts is that we were so mangled that it didn't even affect me..............it was like "Oh wow, a torso - that sucks"

OH Those Roxy Days.............nothing better!!!

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I was in South Beach for a bachelor party with a bunch of friends from Nj, and by the end of the night some of these guys were so drunk that they jumped in a fountain and started swiming around in it. They were fully clothed. I thought it was very funny at the time.


conquer and subdue

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