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The way I see it........

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I have posted with regards to this particular subject a few different times. In voicing my opinion some people feel that I am bashing you and your style when in fact that is not true. What I have said and will restate now, is that I'm not a big fan of your style. I prefer less vocal anthems, and more flat out hard beats. Of the times i heard you at exit it was all about the vocals and when i'm in the city partying late night/day afterhours, I much prefer less vocals. And like i said, i don't bash you, just voice my opinion which is that your style is not for me. But obviously it is for a lot of people out there.

However, i have not had the opportunity to hear you at temptations since i live on the island, only the ktu broadcasts. I think that your style is perfect for that kind of atmosphere. Get the crowd going for a few hours and let them hear all the hits, commerciality is key here.

But of the times i saw you at exit you really didn't seem into it, towards the of the winter. For example, i went by the booth at around 8 i think it was, and i saw you sitting there. You got up, threw another track on, and then sat down again w/ some girl i think. From what i hear of people posting about tempts your always gettin into it there. Was that particular night just an exception, b/c i never really noticed that before. I guess what i'm getting at is, did you enjoy spinning afterhours like that? late into the morning? B/C from what i could see you didn't enjoy it at all. I'm in no way trying to bash here, just looking for answers here. Maybe you'd be better off spinning earlier in teh night instead of the afterhours, that way it would be all about the crazy nrg people have earlier in the night, and the more commercial crowd that wants to hear all the anthems...

I respect you as a professional and for responding in such a matter. I hope you can respect my opinion in the same way. Good luck in the future.



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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For all the people who have so much to say about me on this board I leave you with this. Tempts has been a room that everyone has dear to there hearts for quite some time now. Nobody loves that room more then I do otherwise I would of never left Exit. I have been fortunate enough to play for a crowd that appreciates what I do for them. Their appreciation, like they showed at the end of the night saturday, motivates me even more to show them a good time every weekend. This summer thus far at Tempts has been great on Saturdays, the room has been packed and better yet the music this summer in my opinion is great. Unfortunately, there is a handful of you that have had some choice words about me and the way I've been playing. Keep this in mind, I'm paid to entertain the audience I have in front of me and if that means i have to play a record that is a little older but gets the crowd nuts like a "final chapter", I will play it. If I have to play a few more vocals to keep the girls happy, I again will play them. In addition to entertaining the crowd I will also educate them with what I'm feeling at the moment musically. It's all about having a good time and letting loose for a few hours. That is also why I like to throw in some old records that were big for me at Tempts a few years back, to bring back good memories of summers past. It's all about feeling good. Look at it this way, if you do not like what i'm playing do me and the 2000 people at Tempts that are having a great time a favor and just not go. I personally do not need you there nor does the rest of the club. Finally some food for thought, If I was as terrible as some of you present me to be why are all the venues whether it's Tempts or Exit that I play at always packed? Is it because i suck? Better yet why does a station like KTU want me to do a radio show for them? Is it because I'm sell out? I know I shouldn't be responding to your posts because I know they are trivial but I just had to let my opinion be known once and for all.

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denny, its louis friend anthony.....you know as well as i know no one has stuck up for you more on this board as me....i just checked if you were signed on but your not...ill give your cell phone a call later....see you sat....it's my b-day so you gotta play mercy me and pat bentitar please smile.gif.......also, just for fun sake....bring back (just once maybe sat) hands up (its the police), not cuz its my fav, it just sounds ridiculous in there...later homie

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WOW...first off...mad props to Denny for standing up to his critics! Even though there was no need!!

I'll be the first to admit I've bashed Denny quite a few times...even here on this forum...but to be honest..I have a different respect for him now!!

I also have to admit that I was thoroughly impressed with his set 2 weeks ago at Tempts! Had me moving ALL nite (an no...I didn't take any pills)

One thing though...I don't feel that u're an afterhours DJ Denny!! I've heard u at Exit a couple times & thought u sucked it up!! And like everyone already has said...Exit will be filled no matter who the DJ is...it's EXIT!! But Tempts is a totally different story...U are the attraction....U are the one that people go nuts for...U keep that crowd moving week in & week out...is it that u feel more comfortable there?? There's no place like home right?

Well bottom line is...I don't always care for ur mixing skills or track selection...but I do give u mad RESPECT for what u do & where u are. U worked damn hard to be in the position ur at & for that u should be commended!!!

Finally...don't listen to the critics...u know u have a big following...so keep it up for them.


PS - Blondee U SUCK!!! MWAH

[This message has been edited by smokee (edited 07-19-2000).]

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Originally posted by blondeee:

HEY ALLY, P0X & SMOKEE you suck too...

Yeah - Ally - I was actually HERE before Deeper, believe THAT?

Can't wait to see you ALL at TEMPTS this weekend - that's if I LIVE thru my Fri nite at the TUNNEL!

hey hey hey, young lady ...what did I do ?? ...don't make me go back on the ice cream offer now ...haha ;-)



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great post Denny, too bad you have to explain the other side of djing to some people so they can understand why certain records are played or not played. Every club and crowd is different and all the people can't be pleased all the time- Like you said if they don't like it they can go to another club and hear another dj- I'm sure no one has been to a club and heard a dj play a whole night without playing something they didn't like. Keep up the good work

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hey denny my name is john i manage CPI in the amptons during the summer and SLOPES up in HUNTER MOUNTAIN during the winter. i have been trying to track you down to talk to you about this winter please email me at cpiniteclub aol.com you phone or email address thank you

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All I know is that when I walked into Tempts 2 years ago - my whole image on the club scene changed........I was completely addicted to that place and your music. Last year, brought me down - I think there were various reasons (too many drugs in the club, etc). I vowed never to go back.........well I did and I am so glad - been there every Saturday and it gets better each work. I feel like I did 2 years ago and the fact that you throw the old stuff in there is AMAZING!

Keep it up Baby!

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People - it all comes down to the individual. If your the type of person who likes pizza and enjoys eating it all the time, you'll have pizza again tomorrow. If your the type of person who had pizza yesterday and decide on Brazilian, I'll see you at PVD tomorrow wink.gif!!

No offense, Denny, but we're comparing apples to oranges here. There are those of us who know what's up, and then there's Exit.

Long live intelligent beats.

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Denny -

Thanks for speaking your mind! I have been at Tempts almost every Saturday night this summer (except for the occasional trip to Sound Factory) since Memorial Day Weekend - you have been doing a fabulous job! You are the reason why I get up on the stage and dance in front of the DJ booth while you are spinning!! To all those who think otherwise . . .you are entitled to your opinion, but you can't deny the fact that Tempts is packed wall to wall every Saturday! and Denny is one of - if not the main reason - the crowd loves him. Yeah people might complain b/c he mixes in some old school stuff - but at least hee's creative. And you probably haven't been listening to House or hard house for very long if you don't appreciate some of the old stuff!! Keep it up Denny - I'll see you on Saturday!

I got my VIP card out already . . .



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  • 5 months later...

When I first saw this post it took me by surprise. I missed it the first time it was here and will finally have a chance to vocalize an opinion on it. First - Denny you just keep your focus, keep striving, and giving it your all like you do every time you get behind those turntables/mixer. There will be a critic for every thing you do - but there are just as many if not more supporters and followers to voice their belief in you.

To those who don't enjoy Denny's style - DON'T GO TO A VENUE HE SPINS AT! Easy as that!!

This was the best summer for me and want to say to QB, Sayno, Bump, Sin, and Trikki - Thanks for making as grand as it was, and hopefully we'll be able to create even more memories to add to the ones of last summer!! OH- and yes I am loser posting at 12:15AM while most of you are out partying. But I have 3 letters to save for - WMC 2001! cwm38.gifcwm38.gifcwm38.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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