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Napster GONE??????

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As for someone who has always been a member of Napster, I am absolutely outraged over the court hearing!!!what does everybody think about this?? Even if the record biz loses a little money, so what?? They make enough to begin with. Why should we pay for music if its available through the internet. I swear im gonna start boycotting the wiz and coconuts. wink.gif ciaoooo


Better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you're not...
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I think that it is a bunch of bullshit... people are so money hungry these days. There are so many sites where you can download music and you cant shut them all down. Besides, If they are going to shut down napster, they might as well just stop the production of cd burners as well.

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Napster is illegal people! I think it should be stay open but be regulated. Like people pay a certain monthly fee to be on there and just keep the profits to yourself and to the record companies also.


*Did you find your ecstacy?*

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

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I, for one, am going to be LOST when Napster is gone....

Napster definetly is the shit...AND i just went out and bought a new comp with a new CD burner....How bad does that suck.... cwm36.gif

c.Lo cwm30.gif


People who talk DON'T KNOW and people who know DON'T TALK!!!

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i personally think that napster should be left open but with a monthly fee. like was said. i can understand the artists getting upset i mean there music is getting all over the world without them making a cent. its kinda fucked up. but i think that a monthly fee could help settle it. it was nice having napster while it lasted though. oh well there always other sites...

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the artists pockets dont get affected one bit through NAPSTER!.. they really have nothing to worry about.. have you not noticed a BIG ASS price difference in CD's lately!.. 22 dollars for a f'in CD?.. you kiddin me?..


Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage

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I'm not happy that they are going to shut down napster, but it is illegal. I mean how would you feel if you created a record and someone was practically giving away for free and you weren't seeing a dime. I know it's hard to feel sorry for bands and recording artist because they make sooooooooo much damn money, but it's still their music and if they don't want to give it away for free it is their perogitive. So if napter is shut down, it was fun while it lasted and it will be time again to dig deep in your pockets to get some music.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think they should le Napster stay open. Even though they are losing $, I think it is helping the music industry. People are gettin into music because of napster. Think about it, if you never knew the name of an artist,but knew the name of the song, you type it in and they will find it. Now you know the name of the group and other songs and may go out and but an old album. They should charge a monthy fee, and maybe regulate the realse of new songs, to be allowed to come out at a later date. A win-win for us all. cwm11.gif

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