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Your WORST clubbing experience

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i got really wasted and hooked up with my boyfriend's friend. things were going downhill between us anyway but that was the last straw for him. i still feel bad about that. oh well! it was a few years ago.

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I don't know about my worst,I always have a ball when I go out-but once I drank so much water while rolling,I guess it was too much (b/c I hadn't been dancing), and I was sitting on a bench.All of a sudden, I just leaned over to the side (not even looking at where I was aiming at) and puked all over some guys' leather coat.It was just laying there, and no one ever found out I did it, and I never even saw the guy get it,at the end of the night. cwm9.gif

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My worst experience was when I went out w/4 of my friends and one decided to get so drunk and pester me the whole night about why I didn't want to be his girlfriend. His breath was just awful and I couldn't take him. Then my other friend preceeded to go down on G, which was just great since I was the only one w/her at the moment and had to make her throw up, using my own finger. Then as I finally got her to where I could leave her for a second and go get my two other friends, I couldn't find them. Well when I did find one apparently they were sharing the G. so he was alone on a chair mumbling about God knows what. He was operational to the point that I got him to the front but then had to go find the last one. The sweetheart that she was, was so drunk she was hooking up w/a stranger and doing K w/him. God what crackheads my friends seem like! But the thing is is that they really aren't it just was a really, really, really bad night! The ride home was quite a trip w/the mumbling and throwing up going on in the car. The best was that by the time we got home they all snapped out of it, realized it was early and wanted to go to Factory. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!


Is a dream a lie if it

don't come true, or is it

something worse?

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WMC 1998 Sunday night at Liquid. Victor Calderone was spinning and the music was OTH!!! It was late - about 10:00 am, and the club was still packed!!! I was up in the VIP area next to the DJ booth, and I went in my bag to get a tissue to blow my nose. As I am blowing my nose, a bouncer comes up to me & my boyfriend, and asks us to leave. We asked why a million times - but we never got an answer. We get outside, and it is POURING!!! Lightning, thunder, the whole nine. There are a bunch of people just standing there - they got tossed also for no reason. After talking a bit with them in the cold rain, it was determined that the bouncers were trying to clear the club out because they didn't have an after-hours permit/license and were just throwing people out at random!!! As we were standing out there waiting to get a cab, at least 20-25 more people came out. So all the rejects walked in the rain to there hotels. umph! Definitely not the way to end your vacation! cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Worst experience...well, I guess it would be the first time I went to Exit...I was started out drinking beer then to SoCo and Coke, then Shots at the bar...the shot if Rumplemintz (i think) was toooooo much for me...my two friends tried to haul me off to the bathroom, one on either side of me, after fooling the bouncer that I could walk by myself I made it to the bathroom and yacked...after that I needed to lay down for a while, and recover, so i was laying on my friends lap when all of a sudden I felt my stomach go, I had to throw up but there was no where for me to go, so it came up, but I couldn't puke all over my friends....so...I swallowed it......



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Me and my two girlfriends were headed to Exit one nite.. Me and my one friend Maria are the only ones that do E.. my other friend doesnt.. on the way there we picked up pills.. Then, right when we were about to get onto the parkway, Maria screams from the backseat "PULL OVER!".. we did and she opened the door and threw up the chinese food that she ate for dinner.. she still wanted to go out but Tiziana and I decided that she should just go home...

Soooo.. as i drop my first pill we were hanging out in the hip hop room for a quick minute.. then as we were walking out i started talking to some guy who was smokin pot so i joined him.. then lil Tiz came running over with some random guy that she just met who was buying her drinks all nite..

she smoked with us and her "mystery date" left her with us.. i started dancing then looked to my left and saw Tiz passed out on the floor.. i tryed to focus in on her to see if i was seeing things..but there she was- practicly unconscious... i ran over to her and she stood up and said "i need air"..

we walked for a lil bit then she just plopped her butt down near the steps..

i sat next to her and rubbed her back but alls i kept thinking to myself was "what the F is going on..".. then some fat EMT guy came over and brought her near the Exit and gave her his coat.. she refused to leave though.. we found our friend Kevin and he said he would drive my car home cause i couldnt function properly.. she got into the car and put the music up realllllly high and then screamed "I CANT STOP MOVING MY TOES!"..

then lowered the music and started rambling on and on about how lucky we are to live so close to New York.. she goes "awww.. Look!.. its the New York Waterway!.. do you know how many people would KILL to live near the New York Waterway?!.. we are soo lucky!"..

then rolled the window down (mind you its about 2 below outside) and stuck her body from the waist up outside the window with her arms spread open wide and yelled really loud "I LOVE NEW YOOOOOOORK!"

whatever that guy slipped in her drink must of been some good as shit..


Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage

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It was Spacepants' birthday, so about 15 of us decided to celebrate at our beloved EXIT. We drank a lot beforehand and we got there around 2:30. They were having a porno "show" on stage that night, so the crowd was all riled up. We were behind Boris, and as soon as the girls and guys started "going at it" on stage, people started pushing forward to check out the display. Well, these guys were pushing us up against the "fence" area and all I felt was intense heat. The Yonkers hottie I was with was trying to push them back, but they were still crowding us. I suddenly felt VERY weak and I friggen PASSED OUT! My guy caught me and brought me over to the couches and I woke up to my friend Fran slapping me in the face and pouring water on me. What an ordeal! They will NEVER let me live that one down...it was an awesome night, though cwm38.gif To top it off, some guy came by and said to me "Yo, how much K did you do...?" I DON'T DO DRUGS!!!

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My stroy takes place in a small club in Providence RI. My best friend and I went to school at URI. We thought we would try this club we had heard about from some of our RI native sorority sisters. This was 2 years ago so I was 21 but my friend wasn't so I had to buy all her drinks. The bar guy had a little thing for me so everytime I order a shot he gave me doubles. My friend was wasted within an hour. It was great.. we were dancing up on the bar and having a blast... then I started to notice that she was having trouble walking and speaking in full sentences. I thougth this was the funnies thing ever. After a while it wasn't funny anymore, I could see her eyes weren't focusing and she was literally dragging herself around. When we tried to walk back to the car her legs kept giving out a police officer followed us and after talking to her for a while wanted to arrest her for public display of drunkenness. Since I didn't want them to find out that she was under age I convinced her that she had a bad reaction to her new medication. I told them ahe had barely drank but the medication was making her act this way. She agreed to let us leave. A guy walking near us carried her to the car. She passed out in his arms. She came too while I was pulling out of the parking lot, she tried to get out of the car, she thought I was attacking her. She pick up a pen and stabbed me in my leg because of the pain I jerked my foot off the brake and I crashed into a car. When we got home she was so sick I had to take her to the hospital. While I was there i noticed that my leg was really red and itchy... turns out the pen she stabbed me with cause a staff infection. I guess it is like strep but not in your throught. She tested positive for rohipnol - Ruffies. Let me just say it was not one of my best nights!

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A few months ago @ Exit...I got so drunk it was ridiculous...Drank a half a bottle of Absolut before goin in, and had 3 Long Island Iced Teas in the Club...Needless to say, most of my nite was spent sittin on the couch with my head between my legs.... cwm24.gif


"We were in the dark..."

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Thanksgiving Eve two years ago at the Tunnel. We were looking forward to it for so long, and we took some bad X and we were throwing up all night long. Racing out of the DJ booth, racing to the bathroom to throw up. It had to be the worst night I had in a long time.


Live life to the fullest, because you never know when it will be your last!!!

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i'd have to say actually trying to find a club. 1st we went to exit, line was ridiculuos, then to twilo for s&d, then to tunnel to our surprise, no line - hm wonder why, then to limelight which looked like it was about to get raided, then to sf but we didn't make it we just went back to jersey and got wrecked.. cwm25.gif

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Mine was 2 years ago at Temptations. My freind's sister got carried out of there due to her excessive drunk state. She wound up going to the hospital and got treated for alcohol poisoning. Worst night of my life. She swore she would never drink again and she didnt for a while.

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All right, heres a little story for you all. So we all decide to head into the city to take some people clubbing who had never been before. They wanted to go to Exit (sighs and rolls his eyes) for all the lights and shiny people that flail about there like a bunch of cracked out animals. Anyway, I go and pick up about 18 "party favors" and we all meet up and head into the city. We get to Exit, through the lines and past security no problem. Upstairs near the DJ booth I break out the bag and grab a Butterfly from the little bag that I was using. As I slide it over to my friend a security guard comes over to bust some guy next to us. So of course we bug out and try and act like nothing was going on that he needed to know about. But he checks us anyway and when he finds nothing he leaves. I turn back to my friend..."Where's the bag?"

"What bag?" "The bag with the party favors in it." I pushed it over the edge." "You tossed 18 pills over the balcony onto the floor." "Yep." Needless to say I was pissed. So I went down and started looking for them. Meanwhile my roll starts kickin in, so searching becomes a trifle difficult. After like 20min, I go back upstairs empty handed. So a bad situation...until my friend moves his foot and there they all are. Unbroken goodness. Many Thanks to the Club Gods for lookin out. (Even if they were from Exit that night.)

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Ok, it was a nice summers night at Tempts sometime in July 1999 on a sunday night.I was having such a good time,the energy was great.I went to the bathroom for about 5 minutes and then comeback and one of my friends tells me someone was hitting on my girl.I told him who gives a fuck and just let it rest.I turn my back for 1 minute and this huge brawl breaks out,it was hard to see anything because it was so dark.It was finally over and I see my friend getting choked by the bouncers, so I tried to tell him he was choking him and I get bumrushed by 3 bouncers from behind.They throw me down and all three pick me up, as they do I felt a tap on my head, then they threw out the back door.I touch my head and I'm covered in blood, I run to the front entrance screaming who the fuck did this, meanwhile my whole body is covered in blood and people are starting to look at me funny.Needless to say,I went to the hospital and got stiches and never found out who did it.That was a dirty shot whoever did it.



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