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If you could change anything about NY night life what would it be?

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Cheaper cover charges? Bigger locations? More underground? More DJs that spin.....(fill in your fav music here)

You all know this type of question.

I hear complaining all over the streets of NY.

Everyone has a vision of THEE perfect nightlife scenerio...

What's YOURS? cwm40.gif



We are ALL star dust!

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more _good_ clubs.

by good i mean that you have to get rid of the muscleheads looking to pick up, the bankers behaving badly, the annoying girls from accounting who wear too much makeup and complain about the music not having any words. by good i mean you have to bring in some real talent, ie like twilo did *sniff*.

in terms of underground stuff, we have to get rid of the shady shit in order for the scene to survive. it seems that some party crews have no problem skimping out on essentials (like CHILL OUT SPACE!) to save a few bucks. don't be so stingy/greedy with water. don't insult your clients by charging $35 a head for a lineup which is average at best. don't put dj's on flyers that you didn't even book. don't oversell the party, and then make the people who bought advance tickets wait longer then those who just showed up. always post lineups and stick to them as best as possible. i hate hearing a new dj with a great sound and having to ask 1000 people "who's spinning?". just beacuse half of the people are rolling and think that they are in heaven doesn't give you an excuse to be a cheapskate or outright lie.

just my 2 cents.


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i don't know i've only been to limelight and exit. well, since girls mature faster than guys, i think ladies that are 18+ should be allowed in 21+ clubs on sat. i'm 19 so this would be an advantage. more hard house...baby



GRAVITY is my bitch..don't let this he/she say otherwise!!!

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

More clubs, there are hardly any decent clubs compared to every other big city.

Well I haven't partied too much in other big cities... but compared to, say, only 4 yrs ago... there are hardly any clubs left. cwm36.gif


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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more cool people, laid back people, who like to dance, less muscle heads trying to dance with every girl, better more interesting atmospheres, lower costs would be nice too, and most importantly only the best dj's!! Personally, i like hard techno, but i mostly hear house at clubs thats why i prefer raves.

i miss twilo

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Originally posted by brandie:

weight restriction on girls that are allowed onto stages, platforms, in cages and the like . . .



LMFA®O, agreed, they should be all 200+ pounds wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Less expensive all around. I go to lounges and clubs - I hardly ever go to bars.

At lounges - better music while telling everyone to check their attitude and snobiness at the door.

Clubs - (More of them that play better music)less crowded, not having to wait in lines.

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less "no dogs allowed pollicies"

I mean as a dog who will pay to enter I should have the rights that everyone else does to listen to the music!

Fucking NY with their stupid door policies can kiss my hairy pooper!




The only thing man has to fear of a dog is his MASTER.

(Mark Twain)

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More trance...Epic, Dream, Deep Dark Dirty Tribal...doesnt matter to me, just keep the house and hiphop in a seperate room if at all possible. And I guess free drugs at the door is too much to ask for?


I have never known beauty like yours before...with eyes of the most perfect blue, and a form that speaks of poetry. And now here I hold you in my arms...

...and within that simple kiss did I know my heart. And opening my eyes, feeling the love that surged through my body, that made my heart pound and my head swim...I gave myself to you

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The prices would be cheaper, great vibe in every club, no o.d.'s, no fights, more selection of clubs!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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Originally posted by clubjunkie:

I like lexacy's idea. espcially when they're cute like sven and drapper.

Why thank you!

I think Sander is pretty hot too....and of course Sasha...


My reason for this is because I always say I wish we could just bring the DJ's back with us wherever we go and dance and then fall asleep to the music...

god, how cool would it be if you actually won!




"what I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me" - DMB

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