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what are some evil twisted fucked up drinks

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Someone we all know and love is at long last becoming a man........yes one of our own is turning 21 (guess who don't sue) wink.gif

Back in Australia we have something of a traditional liver scarrification, oops I mean coming of age celebration, where the birthday boy or girl MUST drink a most dastardly array of concoctions.......

does anyone know any evil twisted fucked up drinks that fit the bill?


"Don't worry, be Happy"....................... boa_boy@yahoo.com YIM boa_boy AIM boaboyOZ

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Originally posted by sillylittlename:


Vodka Redbull Tequila

lol that is some evil dangerous shit!


"Don't worry, be Happy"....................... boa_boy@yahoo.com YIM boa_boy AIM boaboyOZ

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hook 'em up with a 'prairie fire'

a shot - tequila with a nice dose of tabasco sauce

and clear a path to the bathroom, too...



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Originally posted by peeps:

hook 'em up with a 'prairie fire'

a shot - tequila with a nice dose of tabasco sauce

and clear a path to the bathroom, too...


I could puke just thinking about that!!




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shots of 151 or tequilla

for 3 drinks to get you nicely tipsy, it shouldn't be mixed. straight alcohol is always good

  • Martini Dry
  • Scotch

although long island ice tea as a mixed drink has always been my favorite



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i learned some tricks from my fraternity in college...

hmmmmmmmmmmm lets see

Dead Smurf, Jackson 5, Jersey Turnpike, 3 wise men..........oooooh i love this stuff.....LOL

i got to think of some more..... smile.gif


and if its for whom i think it is for....then HE betta watch out...cause Im gonna have sum FUN with him..... wink.gif


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


Email: Andy_Zeee@hotmail.com

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Absinthe - If he doesn't hallucinate or puke, he will shit fire the next day!!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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try a mind eraser...that will really mess ya up...or a cement mixer ~ it makes your mouth get all pastey and nasty, its more of a joke shot though cwm8.gif


email: clubindiva@aol.com

AcCePt No iMiTaTiOnS...tHeRe iS nO sUbStiTuTe FoR tHe ReAL tHiNg!!

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excellent responses thus far kids, if you're not going to be in attendance you need to include recipes and instructions with your submission cwm32.gif


Where did my liver go?....................... boa_boy@yahoo.com YIM boa_boy AIM boaboyOZ

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I know I am gong to spell this wrong but.... a coucharacha... I'm not sure what is in it, but you light it on fire and drink it through a straw, it tastes like gasoline!



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condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

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Rub Swizzles are pretty good.

But the best is what they used to do at my Ex's college. On you birthday you got a pint glass took a measure of every shot from the top row and filled with bear or cider, then you drink it as fast as you can.. 2 stomache pumps later they stopped doing it wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

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The ever popular Cement Mixer is always a garunteed disaster. Probably the most vicious shot ever concocted. You sort of chew it, its nasty! Don't know whats in it though.


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Originally posted by flying_high:

Try cider and beer (half/half) and a bit of blackcurrant juice...it's called a 'snake bite' and it will definitely bite lil Al in his ass...lol

yeah, this is what i use to drink at uni and i was always in a bad way... but how about this

half lager

half cider (this should turn the lager all cloudy)

then do a shot of vodka and gin.

then add Blue Bols...

the drink then turns into a bright green colour and you end up with a drink called;



ps the shots should be british styled shots and not the insane half pints of spirit you get here



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Originally posted by dmerces:

The ever popular Cement Mixer is always a garunteed disaster. Probably the most vicious shot ever concocted. You sort of chew it, its nasty! Don't know whats in it though.

I believe its baileys and lime juice...

in a shot..

the acid from the lime juice makes the baileys lumpy when you swish it around in your mouth...


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