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who's single & who's in a relationship

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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:

Single, unfortunately.

that one is hard to beleive =0)

as for me --- newly taken - enjoying every minute of it -

was single for about a yr - hated it -

not easy bein a single woman u guys - always having to figure out whether he is just tryin to fuk ya or if he actually has some morals LOL =)


Religion is for those who fear going to hell-

Spirituality is for those who have already been there!


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I love being single, but then I met the guy that I am with right now and all that changed. Been with him for the past year and some 3 months, I sometimes long for singledom though. But I would never give him up for the world. Fooling around is great but the togetherness is priceless...

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aww tastyt sweety, didn't you read the rest of my post? girlfriend slot wants to be filled....just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean the goods can't be shared (with a girl of course, not another man). AnD I'm proud to say that my boy is very accepting.

kisses to you!!!



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aww tastyt sweety, didn't you read the rest of my post? girlfriend slot wants to be filled....just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean the goods can't be shared (with a girl of course, not another man). AnD I'm proud to say that my boy is very accepting.

kisses to you!!!



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Single and loving it/hating it...I dont know..I love my freedom right now, that i dont have to answer to anyone or someone say to me i cant have guy friends,etc...but theres lots of times i feel kind of lonely too, but i am confused if i want a relationship or not right now.....


aim: amafrk1

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I've been with my boyfirend for almost 4 years. As with everything in life, it has its up's and downs.. good times.. bad times..

laughter & tears...but its all worth it.

He's not only my boyfriend, he's my best best friend. Couldnt imagine life with out him.

xoxoxoxoxo cwm38.gifcwm41.gif

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Single at the moment....Can't seem to find a girl that can keep my interest which has yet to happen.

Women want all sorts of crazy commitments and want to do all this crap that doesn't interest me at all. Why can't I find a girl that loves music and wants to go to clubs all the time just hangout??? Can't seem to find one that is cool, Im attracted to, has some kind of direciton and wants to hit the clubs. Where are you?? Im in no rush though so its all good. Peace cwm17.gif


"Anybody can mix two records together but it takes a DJ to be able to do it creativley and make new sound out of that music" --A great wise man

"Spinning is like creating a new world in that room for that one night. You create a one night oblivion where nothing outside that room matters, all that matters is feeling the music and loving every second of it." --Another great wise man

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Why does a relationship have to mean lock-down? I don't get it...If you both respect one another then it shouldn't be any big deal to let them run free to do what makes them happy in life (no I don't mean cheat) and then have someone to come home to, to rest their head and reflect on their day. Just MO.

-Jamms "takingnotarizedapplicatonsonly" tongue.gif


MUSIC is one thing...but soul is another... face50.gif

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Single for 1 1/2 and loving it. Get to meet so many interesting people while learning a lot about myself. Timeing is everything. I know that I'll eventually meet that special someone. But in the meantime, I'm loving life and what it has to offer.....which is never ending cwm30.gif

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Originally posted by jammy:


Why does a relationship have to mean lock-down? I don't get it...If you both respect one another then it shouldn't be any big deal to let them run free to do what makes them happy in life (no I don't mean cheat) and then have someone to come home to, to rest their head and reflect on their day. Just MO.

-Jamms "takingnotarizedapplicatonsonly" tongue.gif

Very well put Jammy...that's exactly what a relationship is and should be all about. Let both be free and only get stronger as individuals as well as together. If either of the two feels like locked in and depressed in the way to unfold his/her personality and spirit...then it's not a healthy relationship anyway...

My two cents...and btw: loving my baby and enjoying every moment cwm38.gif



AIM: flying77high


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I am in a relationship, going on 2 1/2 years...It sucks, I am miserable. Just too scared to get out. So much has changed since I first met her, don't know, if things will ever be the same. The cliche happened...boy chased girl, FINALLY got girl, but lost friends and identity in process. Dont' get me wrong, it has it good points, just don't think that I want it anymore...HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Originally posted by NYCclub15:


Read my post...guess that says it all. If you don't feel like you're growing stronger in the relationship than it isn't healthy and hence only limits you (and probably her as well) in the process of becoming whatever you want to become and to be truly happy...



AIM: flying77high


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Originally posted by flying_high:

Very well put Jammy...that's exactly what a relationship is and should be all about. Let both be free and only get stronger as individuals as well as together. If either of the two feels like locked in and depressed in the way to unfold his/her personality and spirit...then it's not a healthy relationship anyway...

My two cents...and btw: loving my baby and enjoying every moment cwm38.gif

Thank you, thank you...It took me all morning to come up with that one cwm4.gif ...But I really do believe it. I have never been one to tie anyone down and I know when its time to let people go free and figure sh*it out on their own. biggrin.gif

-Jamms "sometimesrationalsometimesirrational" cwm11.gif


MUSIC is one thing...but soul is another... face50.gif

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