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i'm finally going to the gym

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hopefully i don't pass the f*ck out!! i usually have this plan of what i'll do from day to day and i do it for about 2/3 days then i stop..talk about discipline..so hopefully i make it there and then we'll see. i know i'll be sore tomorrow. ladies is it only me or is the thigh area extremely hard to tone. everything else i'm content with but i want my thighs leaner and my butt tighter!! ~just talkin' out loud~ cwm25.gif



he said : i'd really like to get into your pants!

she said : no thanks. there's already one asshole in there!

'nuff said

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i started at the gym but then my month ran out and i couldnt afford a year so its temporarily on hold




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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Originally posted by starcapone:

everything else i'm content with but i want my thighs leaner and my butt tighter!!




I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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The thigh abductor exercises -- where you either squeeze your legs inwards, or push outwards -- are really good for that. As far as butt / glutes go, I'm not so sure -- I'd be interested in hearing what people do for that. I've heard that the Stairmaster is a crock of shyt -- it puts too much stress on yer knees, or something like that. But I'd be interested in hearing what others have to say.........



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

AIM: vvRMR , EMAIL: vejita1975@hotmail.com

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Originally posted by starcapone:

hopefully i don't pass the f*ck out!! i usually have this plan of what i'll do from day to day and i do it for about 2/3 days then i stop..talk about discipline..so hopefully i make it there and then we'll see. i know i'll be sore tomorrow. ladies is it only me or is the thigh area extremely hard to tone. everything else i'm content with but i want my thighs leaner and my butt tighter!! ~just talkin' out loud~ cwm25.gif

Do you run? That works for me. It tightens me up everywhere: calves, thighs, butt, abs, arms, etc.

I work out at least 3x a week, but never see the toning effects that running gives me.

What gym do you go to? I know the one I go to (Gold's in Syosset) has the "butt buster" and a thigh machine (works the inner & outter muscles).



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thanks guys.

i just got back from the gym @ my college. i'm gonna go twice a wk. since i only have to be here twice a wk. lina i have tae-bo i'll do that also but the 30 min. one, beginner i think. the 1hr.(advanced) is too much for me to even handle, esp. since i'm starting over again. playboychick yes i do run, well i started today. for 20 mins. i think 30 mins. will be better and i lift, etc. hopefully this routine works. we'll see.b2b cwm38.gif yeah baby



he said : i'd really like to get into your pants!

she said : no thanks. there's already one asshole in there!

'nuff said

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Originally posted by vejita:

The thigh abductor exercises -- where you either squeeze your legs inwards, or push outwards -- are really good for that. As far as butt / glutes go, I'm not so sure -- I'd be interested in hearing what people do for that. I've heard that the Stairmaster is a crock of shyt -- it puts too much stress on yer knees, or something like that. But I'd be interested in hearing what others have to say.........

Genetics baby, nothing beats g e n e t i c s. Eat your heart out you bums that sweat for hours tightening your BUTT.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Playboy, I am with you on this one. Jogging is like the best lower body workout. I run about 20 - 25 miles a week, and never saw the weight loss and toning in any other exercise like running. It's good for your all around well being.

Star, just try to work going to the gym into your daily schedule, it sucks to go and nobody likes it, but if you begin to see the effects of going to gym, ie. weight loss and whatever else you are after it will motivate you more. So keep up the good work and good luck. Don't get down on yourself if you mess up once and a while.


Music makes the world turn, for without it we are nothing.

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do stairmaster and some running (good for the butt/legs). and dont forget to hit the weights...contrary to what everyone thinks, the majority of people out there will NOT get huge if they do heavy weights because of their genetics.

and dont forget about your diet....stick to lots of protein, low carbs and as close to zero fat as u can.

nothing nicer than a girl who is totally ripped....once youve had hard, you'll never want lard!!!

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anyone ever try tae-bo? i bought the pack of 4 tapes: introduction video, beginner, advanced and 8 minute workout... and thats the best workout ive ever had- its fun and it was like.. $45 for the set and it was so worth it cuz u can do it at home and not have to go to the gym.. just my 2 cents... cwm35.gif


"cLuBBeRs DoNt FaLL...ThEy tRiP aNd RoLL"

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