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**disturbing occurance**

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a couple of weeks ago, around 3 in the morning, me and a couple of friends made our routine trip to dunkin donuts after the bar for our drunk ass's and i was pretty disturbed by this visit!!

while we were leaving D&D's i said to the gentleman that helped us "peace out cub scout" while giving him the peace sign. i was pretty drunk (thnx capt. morgan & jose cuervo)and didn't want to leave till he too gave me the peace sign. well, the other gentleman that he was working with said he (the guy who refused to give the peace sign) wasn't going to give me the peace sign because he doesn't....r u ready for this???? he doesn't like Americans!!! cwm10.gif

r u kiddin me??? if u don't like Americans and your in America...please keep it to yourself!!!! the nerve! i would never go over to india and say while i was there, "i don't like indians" i would probably become MIA!!



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This is a little off topic, but my mother just told me a story about some guys who robbed a disabled Vietnam veteran of his electric wheelchair. They dumped him on the floor and took off with his wheelchair and backpack. After hearing this story and yours, I ask myself only one question: WTF is this world coming to?????



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God damn... I'm pretty tolerant, but that DD guy. what he's doing is like having dinner at the house of someone you hate. Why did he come here?

And the Vet thing? That's just cold... and rude.


I'm in search of myself. If you find me before I arrive, please have me wait.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Originally posted by chris817:


"peace out cub scout" from a young woman doesn't sound obnoxious to me...drinking is part of our culture and many other cultures worldwide, so if he doesn't like it, he should beat it!!

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OMG.....no ReSpEcT!!!! my story is disturbing but yours honey is awful, absolutely disgusting doing that to someone who has fought for our country or anyone for that matter who is disabled, its really ashame!

Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn:

This is a little off topic, but my mother just told me a story about some guys who robbed a disabled Vietnam veteran of his electric wheelchair. They dumped him on the floor and took off with his wheelchair and backpack. After hearing this story and yours, I ask myself only one question: WTF is this world coming to?????



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